You're My Father


Amara walked to the cemetery, she had convinced Troy she was going to take a nap, and snuck out through her window. she couldn't handle staying at the house with the guys any longer. They were driving her up the wall.

After Billie had left, Troy had gotten on her ass about leaving with him, which made Amara want to leave. All she ever heard from Troy now was scolding. Troy was acting like her father and not the friend that she needed right now. She really had to get away from it, but she didn’t want to leave her mother here. Her mother was the only person she had ever really had in her life that had always been there.

Amara walked up to her mother’s plot, but stopped when she saw some else kneeing down by it. Walking quietly behind the person, she saw it was Billie. He held a long stem red rose, he touched the tombstone with his right hand.

“You know I always missed you Milla,” Billie softly spoke, “but, I couldn… can’t forgive you, for taking my daughter away from me. She hates me, for something I had no voice in the matter. I would have done the right thing, Mila, but like always you had to do it your way,” Billie laughed bitterly, “Tre would kill me if he heard me talking to you like this. Man always did love you, but too much of a chicken to do anything about it. You were the love his life. I think you were the reason why his marriages never worked. You were the perfect person for him” Billie laughed again, “I wouldn’t put it past him to try and take Amara away from me. He always seemed to want to be her father. I think he always knew where you were, but never told me. Never did believe you remarried.”

Amara couldn’t get close enough to hear what Billie was saying, but she knew he was speaking. He knelt there for a few minutes longer then got up. Laying the rose on top of the tombstone, then walked away. He never did see her.

Amara got up and walked over to her mother, and sat down in front of her. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the tombstone. Troy had her mother’s picture engraved on the stone. Amara traced the picture with her fingers then let them trail off, as her tears slide down her face.

“I’m going to go and Live with Billie, mama. Max wanted to quit his tour to stay with me, so I said the first thing that popped into my head to keep him away. I told him I was going to live with Billie. Billie had overheard me, so now I have to go. He seems to generally want to know me. Why now why after so many years? It’s not fair, I’ve hated him for so many years for abandoning us. It's so hard mama without i'm so lost and scared i have no idea what to do...” Amara stopped and blinked back the tears, “I’ve decided, mama, I have to move on, for Max you know,” she spoke with her voice cracking, “but that don’t mean I stopped loving you. You’ll always be my mama and daddy,” she whispered then bent forward to kiss the spot where her mother’s head was resting.

“I love you Mady,” she whispered then stood up to leave.


Amara sat next to Billie in first class as they flew back to California. Troy was still pissed about it, but in the end he was there for Amara. He was always there for her, he was her big brother since they met. Something had told him when he first met her that she needed an older brother. He took care of the little spit fire, he was besides her in everything, and it scared him that she didn't want him right there beside her with this. He didn't know how not to be there for her.

Troy had held his best Friend tight, and whispered into her ear, “Just call I’ll be there.” Amara nodded and clutched on to her best friend. No matter what Troy would always be there for his best friend, they had been through too much for him to ever abandon her.

Julias being the fruit nut he is made a scene, he dropped down onto his knees and clutched onto Amara’s legs and screamed, “Baby! I change I swear I’ll stop sucking my thumb while we make love! I need you, Baby!” Amara had start to smack him to her him off “Stop! Don’t Hit Me! Eeh! Why do you hate me so!” Troy had grabbed him and cover his mouth, so he wouldn't attract more attention.

Amara was still giggling when Marcus and Mark hugged her goodbye. Mark was a good man, he didn’t have to have stuck around, hell he had other Bands that need his attention. Yet, he stuck around to make sure Amara was ok.

“You got really good friends,” Billie whispered to her.
“Ya, I know they’re the best,” Amara answered then turned around closing her eyes. It was going to a long flight.

When the flight arrived at the airport, Amara was dead on her feet. So Billie grabbed her carry on and his, Amara rested her head on his shoulder. Billie wrapped his left arm around her to steady her as they walked and held both bags in his right hand.

Tre Mike and Adie were waiting at the terminal, when Billie and Amara walked out. Tre ran over to them knocking Billie’s arms away from Amara and pulled her into a hug, lifting her feet off the ground. Amara woke up and screamed, a large man had grabbed her.

“Billie,” she screamed.
“Put her down you idiot,” Billie yelled dropping the bags and pulled Amara away from Tre, and into his arms. Amara clutched onto Billie and hid her face into his neck.

“You fucking scared her,” Billie growled.
“He didn’t mean to,” Adie said as she and Mike walked over to them. Tre and Billie just glared at each other.

Amara slowly peeked out and saw it had been Tre who had grabbed her. She also realized she was in Billie’s arms. She quickly let go and scrambled out of his arms. Leaving Billie confused and hurt. She tried to rub the sleep from her eyes and looked around.

Adie, Mike, Tre and Billie were staring at her wondering what she was going to do next. Amara looked at Adie and raised her eye brow at her.

"Welcome, I'm Adrienne…
"Ya, I’m a fan and I've meet you once before," Amara muttered taking Adie's hand. Adie looked shocked.
"At a Green Day concert a few years back,” Amara said and picked up her bag.

Then a scream was heard a few yards away. Everyone turned and saw, a group of girls pointing at them. Amara rolled her eyes and muttered, “fuck.”

Soon Amara was being surrounded by fans wanting her autograph, She put on a fake smile and started to sign whatever was shoved under her nose. Billie watched as his daughter reacted with her fans. She was natural.

“Holy shit, shit,” Mike muttered, “She’s Amara Madison, From Hedeon.”
“Ya,” Billie muttered.”
“How did we not see it,” Mike asked.
“No clue,” Tre groaned, “Ramona has her posters all over her walls.”
“Well you guys haven’t seen her since she was a baby,” Adie cut in, “and who would have thought, she would have become famous.”

“Thank you for your support,” Amara smiled at her fans, “but I’m dead on feet right now, sorry,” she told them then waved at them as she walked away. Aide and guys quickly followed her, when they got a good distance Billie walked faster to catch up to her.

“Amara,” Billie called out. Amara stopped with her head down. Billie saw as he got closer to her she was shaking.

“What’s wrong,” he asked wrapping his arms around her. She stiffen a bit, but then relaxed.
“I just wanted to yell at them to leave me alone, but it wouldn’t have been fair to them, they didn’t do anything to me,” Amara whispered.
“It’s ok, you’re in pain right now, but didn’t so you did right. Do they know you’re mother’s dead?” Amara shook her head no.
“Marcus thought we should announce it, but Troy and Julias said no, that it would be too hard on us, if the press found out.”

“We should get going,” Adie said walking to them watching as a few people pulled out cameras. Billie nodded and kept an arm wrapped around Amara and led them out quickly.

“We’ll meet you at your house,” Mike said to Billie and pulled Tre with him.

“Where are they going,” Billie asked as he opened the back door for Amara, and watched her get in.
“They have to pick up their kids and a few other things for the party,” Adie answered getting in the passenger seat.

“I hope you don’t mind we’re having a small get-together, so everyone can meet you,” Adie asked turning around to face Amara.

“Na it’s ok,” Amara muttered as she buckled herself in. Billie walked over to the driver’s side and got in.

“Are the boys with my mother,” Billie asked turning on the SUV.
“Yes they're waiting for us at the house.”

“Was my mom colorful when you told Amara was coming to live with us,” Billie asked backing out.
“You could say that, she wants to talk to you first,” Adie muttered.
“Figured,” Billie groaned.

Billie drove into a really posh neighborhood filled with really big house sall with their own gates and long ass drive ways. Amara had once promised her mother she would buy her a house like this, never go the chance. Billie stopped at the gate of the biggest house, and hit a button on the roof of the SUV.

The Gates opened and Billie drove in, the house was nice. It was painted white with dark blue trimming. Rose bushes lines up at the fence surround the yard which held a few bird bathes and a few little classical white love benches. It was Freakin Homes and Garden.

Amara has only lived in two houses all her life. The one she was raised in till she was ten then the one she now owns. The one she was raised in wasn’t even a house it was an apartment, her and her mother living in a one bed room apartment. As her mother worked and went to school.

An old lady who lived a few doors down from them would take care of Amara when her mother was gone. Amara only remembered her as nana. She moved out of the apartments a month before Amara and mother did. Her oldest son decided she was too old to live on her own. So he moved her to a retirement home.

“So what do you think,” Billie asked as he parked next to a silver Nissan.
“It’s nice,” Amara muttered and jumped out of the SUV.

“Umm… going to see what my mother wanted,” Billie said watching Amara look at his house, “Adie do you mind showing her around?”
“No go,” Adie said also watching Amara.

“Wanna go and check your room out,” Adie asked softly. Amara quickly turned at looked at her, not saying anything.
“I really just wanna go walking for a while,” Amara said.
“Umm… ok, well the others should be arriving in an hour…”
“I’ll back by then,” Amara interrupted.
“Do you want one of the boys to join you so you won’t get lost,” Adie called out as Amara walked off. Amara just waved her off.

When she was a good distance from the house Amara pulled out her phone and dialed Max. Her number one single ‘Heartbreaker’ greeted her ears. Amara couldn’t help but laugh, at his ring back tone.

“I miss you, Princess,” Max answered making Amara laugh even more.
“I miss you too baby,” she cooed.
“I’ve thought about it now,” Max said in a cool business voice.
“Really you thinking,” Amara joked, “I thought that was a myth.”
“I know I thought so also, but it happen,” Max laughed, Amara just grinned.

“But, like I was saying, I thought about it, and I don’t wanna be a bassist anymore,” Max said making Amara’s eye brows raise in disbelief.
“Really? What do you wanna do then,” she asked sitting down against a cement fence.
“Be your personal love slave.” Amara could see his smirk threw the phone, which made her laugh out loud.
“The problem with that is we’re not married yet, and I don’t believe in sex before marriage,” Amara teased grinning.
“Damn! Forgot about that, I guess I better stick being a bassist till we get married then, huh?” he laughed.
“Ya, that'll be the smart move,” Amara laughed.

"I can't wait to be married to you, to be able to call you mine," Max said grinning into the phone.
"When I hit eighteen lets run away to Vegas and get married," Amara said.
"Deal," Max smirked

“So how has it been with, Billie Joe,” Max asked.
“Ok, I got off the plane and huge guy attacked me,” Amara scoffed.
“Who,” Max yelled, Amara could hear the anger dripping from his word.
“Relax, baby, it was Tre, I guess he couldn’t wait to see me,” Amara said trying to reassure him she was ok.
“Ya, what would have you done, if someone was trying to hurt me, baby, you’re on the other side of the country. So don’t worry about me,” Amara said softly.
“Fuck that, I run to where ever you’re at and try to save you, Princess, I may be way too late, but whatever I can do I’ll do it to keep you safe.”
“I love you,” Amara whispered.
“I love you too baby, that’s why I worry about you. You’re so small and vulnerable, it scares me to not be able to protect you.”
“Baby, you know I know how to defend myself. So I’m not so vulnerable,” Amara smiled at Max protective tone.
“I know, but you’re so small. You’re only 5’ 2” only weigh 105 pounds!”
“Hey at no fault at my own, I eat like fat kid,” Amara yelled trying to defend herself.
“True,” Max laughed, but then turned serious, “promise me you’ll be safe!”
“I promise baby, I’ll play safe,” Amara smiled.
“Good so how’s everyone treating? Do I have go over there and kick some ass?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long, but here it is