You're My Father

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Fans! Great!
“Billie Joe, what do you mean you forgot to tell me you have a daughter,” his mother yelled at him.
“Sorry, but I didn’t think it mattered. Milla told me she had gotten married and the man claimed Amara,” Billie defended.
“You still should have told me I had a seventeen year old granddaughter!”
“I know, but I didn’t think it would be wise to raise you hopes up, when Milla wouldn’t even let me see her!”
“So what happen she ran out of money and decided to leave her with you?”
“Don’t you yell at you’re mother! How do you think I feel? I remember how close the two of you were. I always thought you two would get married. Then Adie comes into the picture and… ”
"You blame Adie," Billie growled.
"That's when everything changed!"
"Things were never good with me and Milla. We weren't good together and for a long time we were just pretending. Yes I was seeing Adie on the side and maybe that ruined us but that was my fault not Adie..."

"So what is going on, why now?"
“Milla’s dead mom. She died, and left me our daughter,” Billie said defeated and sat down on his desk chair.
“Ya, but I don’t think Amara knows that it was her mother who left,” Billie said.
“So tell her!”
“No,” Billie yelled, “I rather she hate me, then doubt her mother right now!” Billie stormed out of his study room and found Adie helping the boys clean up a bit.

“Where’s Amara,” he asked.
“She’s went on a walk,” Adie answered.
“By herself,” Billie growled.
“Yes she didn’t want anyone…” Billie was already out the door before Adie could finished.

She couldn’t have gotten too far Billie thought as he ran down the driveway. He quickly ran down the road and spotted a girl sitting against Tre’s Cement fence. It was Amara talking on the phone, Billie was too far away to hear, but he could see the smile on her face.

She had a dazzling smile, when she laughed, it was like the musical bells ringing. This was the daughter Billie wanted to get to know. This was the daughter, Amara kept hidden from him. Now that he got to see this side of Amara, he would stop at nothing to continue seeing it.

Billie turned around to leave her, she wasn’t too far away and the neighborhood was the safest in the town. He walked to his house, wondering what type of childhood Amara had, she was so modest. She didn’t have much, even though she was doing well with money.

Amara's band was one of the top growing bands in the world. Bigger then Green Day had ever gotten to become. Yet Amara still lived in a small house with her mother. Amara could own multiple houses around the world, yet she lived were she grew up one house two cars and one was so beat to hell it was a wonder it still worked.

Adie was standing by the door with her phone in hand when Billie walked up. She had a worry look on her face.

“She’s ok,” Billie said walking up to his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist. Adie sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I’m acting a bit psycho,” Billie muttered.
“Just a little bit," Adie teased with a laugh.
“I don’t know how to act around her, it scares me,” Billie whined.
“It’s going to be hard,” Adie admitted. Billie pulled back and gave her the ’really helpful’ look, making her laugh.

“Really nice support,” Billie muttered.
“What?! I’m telling you the truth, any given teenager is hard, now make it a girl, who just lost the only parent she has ever know. Then add on the fact she's one of the most popular girls in the world. That’s like wanting to climb Mt. Everest,” Adie smirked.
“You’re no help,” Billie said trying to get out of her arms. Adie clung on and laughed. With one hand she grabbed Billie’s face and made him look into her eyes.
“I said it would be hard not impossible.”

Billie stared into her eyes for the longest time the sighed, “What if I can’t do it?”
“You have too, sweetie, she needs you, always has, but she needs you now more than ever.”
“I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve you, but whatever it was I’m damn glad I did,” Billie whispered then kissed his wife.
“I know, I’m perfect,” Adie joked, making Billie roll his eyes.

“Gross uncle Billie and aunt Adie,” Ramona muttered walking up to the couple holding each other.
“Ya get a room,” Tre smirked following his daughter with his son. Billie just laughed and gave his wife a quick kiss then let her go.

“Where’s Mike?”
“Went to pick up Jason, his car broke down,” Tre said as he gave Adie a quick kiss hello.

“So where’s Amara,” Tre asked as they walked into the house.
“Walking around,” Adie answered then walked off into the kitchen.

Tre’s eyes narrowed at Billie. Billie just rolled his eyes and walked into the living room where Joey and Jakob were playing Guitar Hero. Ramona sat on the couch texting on her side kick. Frankito was watching Joey kick Jakob’s ass.

“You let her go out on her own,” Tre hissed.
“I don’t see how that's your concern! Since she’s my daughter,” Billie hissed back.
“She doesn’t know this town!”
“She’ll be ok!”
“Great parenting,” Tre growled then walked off as Mike walked in with his daughter.

“What I miss,” Mike asked letting go of Stella’s hand.
“Nothing,” Billie groaned and walked off.

“I’m going to end up choking both their ass,” Mike muttered and walked into the kitchen to get himself a drink.


“Ok I love you too,” Amara told Max and then hung up. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and started to walk back to Billie’s Mansion. she was going to meet her half brothers and rest of Green Day… Yay! Amara saw two new cars parked in Billie’s driveway, as she walked up it. Amara walked up to the door and rang the door bell.

Adie looked at Billie and raised her eye brow, when the door bell rang. None of their friends rang the door bell, they all just walked in. Adie walked over to the door and peeped threw the window and saw Amara standing on the door step rocking back and forth. Adie quickly opened the door.

“Sweetie! Why didn’t you just come in,” Adie asked ushering Amara in.
“Don’t know,” Amara mutter and stood in the hall way waiting for Adie to show her the way.

“Umm… Joey took you bag up to your room. So, if you want to go up there before meeting everyone…”
“Na I’m good,” Amara shrugged.
“Ok come on then,” Adie smiled and placed her hand on Amara’s back and showed her to the living room.

“Amara, this is everyone,” Adie said as they walked into the room.

Everyone looked up and stared at her. Joey’s mouth drop in surprise. Ramona eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. Jakob was grinning like a mad man. 'Shit fans' Amara thought taking a step back. Then Ramona let out a shriek, and ran at Amara. Tre quickly caught her and cover her mouth.

“Sorry, she’s a fan as you can see,” Tre muttered.
“Ya,” Amara smiled slipping into her Stage image, “it’s cool I love to meet fans.”
“Lair,” Mike smirked and took a sip of his drink. Amara narrowed her eyes at him.
“I love each and everyone of my fans, with out them I would still be in the shitty thing the government calls a ‘school’” Tre busted out laughing at that. Amara just smirked and walked over to the couch and dropped down on it.

“I would let her go,” Amara laughed looking at Tre.

Billie narrowed his eyes as he watched Amara interact with everyone. Her laugh was off, so was her smile. Her eyes didn’t sparkle like they did, when he caught her outside, they were dull. Adie was right this was going to be hard, but he had to do it.

"So Amara tell us about your childhood," Billie's mom said after they had all sat down at the table.
"Umm… I was raised by my mom when I was in kindergarden I met my bestie Troy Kasim who introduced me to Marcus Vladimir it wasn't till I was ten that we met Julias. We started mess around with music and we became a band. A boyfriend of my ma's knew a producer, who helped us out and recorded our album. My ma allowed us to go around the Southwest to get our music out there sent us money for gas and food. Soon a big record company picked us up and here we are today," Amara said grinning.
"That's a band Bio," Mike pointed out, Amara turned to look at him.

"What do you want me to say," Amara snapped, "When I was five on birthday I wished for a daddy, that never showed. I used to get in fights because I was bastard. Tell me which you want to hear the time i was ten and i got into a fight with eighth graders because they called my mom a whore or the time I got sent to juvie for getting into a fight at school because they were making fun of me because my dad didn't love me or mom!

“I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called love
Ooh!,” Amara’s phone sang.

“Excuse me,” Amara murmured getting up from the dinner table and walked out into the kitchen.

“Well it’s easily to be said she’s definitely Milla’s daughter,” Tre muttered.
“Ya, you could say that,” Mike muttered.

“Can we be excused,” Joey asked his father.
“Ya,” Billie said looking at his son’s plate.

“Daddy,” Ramona asked batting her eyelashes.
“Ya get out of here,” Tre said taking a drink of his beer. Ramona quickly picked up her plate and followed Joey into the kitchen.

“Fuck,” Billie winced, “I forgot she went in there.”

“Mona,” Tre yelled out.
“Joey,” Billie called out also.

“What! Dad,” Ramona growled stomping out of the kitchen with Joey.

“Leave Amara alone,” he warned her.
“You too, Joey,” Billie said his eye brow raised.

“We weren’t doing anything to her,” Joey muttered.
“Just let her talk on the phone in peace,” Billie said.

No tengo tiempo para esto, hablar con Troy. Dudo de que vamos a hacer un tour en un futuro próximo,” Amara spoke walking out and grabbed her plate and walked back into the kitchen.

“Shit,” Tre muttered, Both Billie and Mike looked at him confused.
“She was most likely talking crap about us,” Tre smirk.
“Ya,” Mike agreed smirking.

“Andreas, I don‘t have time to go on tour right now,” Amara spoke in Spanish to her tour manger.
“why are you speaking in Spanish,” Andreas laughed.
“Cause, there was fans hanging around me,”
“Ya, long story short. I finally met my father and his kids and godkids are fans.”
“Ha ha sucks for you,” Andreas laughed, “Well ok I’ll leave you to your fans. I’ll talk to Troy, bye hoe!”
Puto,” Amara growled and laughed as she hung up her phone.

She leaned against the counter and sighed, it had been a long awkward day. No one but the kids knew what to say to her, Tre could quit staring at her as if she was a lost puppy. Billie was watching her as if trying to look for a flaws. The only person who treated her normal was Adie. Then her snapping at them, that wasn't good. She couldn’t wait for it to end.
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so the story I wrote it some years ago, but i'm going to change it so that it's happening now. Enjoy