You're My Father

Ice Cream and Gun Shots

Amara was sitting in the living room writing some new lyrics. It had been a week since she moved in with Billie. Things were still weird with everyone. Amara had gotten close to the boys that like to spend as much time as possible with her. Adie was a cool person to hang out with on the rare times she wasn't trying to push Billie onto her.

“Hey, kid, do you want to go out and get some ice cream?” Amara looked up from her book and saw Billie, dressed in tight black jeans and a Rancid shirt. Amara smirk and stood up.

“Ya sure, but what happened to punk’s dead?” Billie just tipped back his head and laughed.

“Can I drive,” Amara asked smiling innocently and batted her eye lashes. Billie paused for a moment then tossed the keys to Amara.

“Sweet,” She screamed then ran out of the house.

Billie laughed nervously and followed her out. She seemed too excited to be allowed to drive, but Billie was quickly finding out he was a sucker for her happiness.

Billie and Adie always wanted a little girl but after Jakob they decided they didn't want to try for any more. Him being on tour and working on his music made it difficult for her to raise two children little alone adding another child. Amara was a blessing in disguise. Not that he would ever tell Amara that, she could take that the wrong way and that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

“Ya, I’m driving back,” Billie gasped as he quickly got out of the SUV. Amara pouted and handing him the keys.
“No one lets me drive.”
“There’s a reason to that,” Billie said with one hand still clutching at his heart. Amara just smiled and skipped to the ice cream shop.

Billie locked the SUV, then walked in to the shop. Amara stood by the ice cream staring at it with a huge grin on her face. She looked as if she just had won the lottery.

“Get what you want,” Billie laughed as he walked up behind her.

“Waffle cone double scoop Superhero ice cream,” Amara yelled jumping in place, making the clerk and Billie laugh.

After Billie had gotten his, and paid, they sat in the back of the shop. Amara flashed him a grin then licked her ice cream. Billie smiled and dug into his. This is want he wanted, moments like this with his daughter, but he knew he has to make mends.

“Amara,” Billie spoke up, when they were half way through. Amara looked up at him with knowing eyes, “I just wanna apologize, for not being there for you before.” Amara just looked at the table and shrugged.

“Look,” she sighed, “I didn’t have a bad childhood, so you don't have to apologize,” she muttered still looking at the table. She took a deep breath then added, “You owe me nothing. Who you owe your apologizes is my ma. I'm not the one who used to cry herself to sleep because she couldn't afford to make sure her kid could eat sometime. You left my mom, sure Adie is a great woman, but you left my ma not me.

"Did you even take the time to find out about me, would that have made a difference. No you owe your damn apologizes to ma not me. Save them for someone who cares. the only reason I'm here is to stop the man I love from giving up on his fans to be with me,” Amara gave him a halfass smiled then stood up and walked away tossing the rest of her ice cream in the trash can.

Billie sighed and stood up and went to toss the rest of his ice cream. He found Amara standing in front of the SUV starting at the hood.

“Amara, what’s wrong,” he asked walking closer to her. He saw an opened gift box sitting on the top of his hood.

“Mother Fucker,” he growled and grabbed the box and tossed it into a trash can.

“Come on Mara,” he said softly grabbing her arm and pulled her into the SUV.

“I looked in it,” Amara whispered as they drove away.
“Ya, what was in there,” Billie asked nerves at her tone. It was shaky and low.
“A foot.” Billie squealed into a stop.

Amara sat in the middle of Billie’s living room floor wrapped in her Superman blanket. After they had talked to the police, Billie had taken her home. The police pissed Billie off. They hadn't acted professional. One asked for Amara's autograph for their kid. Amara did give it to them, but she hadn't spoke through the whole thing. It was Billie who had to tell them about the stalker and the note and other present the guy had left her.

Amara had thought about calling Max or Troy, then thought against it. They would both just worry like old ladies, and get on her nerves. Max would have just jumped on the first flight to her. No Amara decided against calling and telling any one the police now knew about it what more could be done.

“Billie, she’s just been sitting there wrapped up in that ratty blanket,” Amara heard Adie whisper to Billie at the doorway. Amara wanted to growl at that, her ma had given her this blanket.
“What do you want me to do, Adie, she just had a big scare. That’s what I used to do when I was scared,” Billie whispered back.

That shocked Amara to hear that, Amara always used to do this hen she was scared. Crawling into this blanket and wait till she could face the world again. She kinda hated that she was doing something that Billie used to do. Right now she wanted nothing to do with him. Well that was a bit harsh not nothing, he wasn't at fault here, her stalker was. It scared her that he knew that she was at the ice cream shop with Billie. How the hell did this guy know so much about her.

“It’s not healthy to hold it in. Maybe she should see someone?”
“Like a therapist!?”
“Yes, she’s been through a lot in such a short time…”
“You’re not even going to think about.”
“No,” Billie said and walked into the room.

Amara didn’t take notice of him just kept staring at the wall. Billie sat down and turned on the TV.

“I wouldn’t have gone,” Amara said after a while.
“I know,” Billie smiled at the first word she spoke in three hours.


“We’re moving up there,” Julias told Amara over the phone, she rolled her eyes at that. They never did trust her to be on her own for long. All the guys still saw her as that ten year old scrawly kid that got into fight much too big for her to handle. She love them to death, but sometime she want to kill them for their over protectiveness.

“Why,” she asked already knowing the true answer.
“Troy says to start recording the new Album, but we all know the truth, and it's to keep an eye on you and Billie,” Julias laughed. Bingo!

Troy still didn't like the idea of Billie coming into her life. He still thought Billie was trying to leech onto her fame. Billie was pretty famous for himself, but he wasn't as famous as he used to be. But Amara doubted that was the reason why Billie took her in. She was pretty sure Billie felt guilt for abandoning her ma all those years ago and was trying to make up for them through her.

“End of next week so be ready,” Julias laughed. Amara just smirked.

She loved the idea of them all being together again. Since they had met, they rarely spent too much time apart. Maybe a week away from each other, but then they all got jittery and had to come back together. Amara wasn't sure how she was going to do it when she married Max.

Max and the guys didn't really get along. The guys didn't like the age difference between them. Max didn't like how close she was too them. They often got into fights about if she was sleeping with them. Amara always shut him up when he brought that up. No Max and the guys did not get along. So Amara was at a lost with what she was going to do when they got married.

“So how has it been up there, without us,” Julias asked, Amara sighed and bit her lip. Should she tell him what had happened yesterday. He was going to find out one way another but she liked the idea of them finding out later.

“What happen, Princess,” Julias demanded, Amara didn't answer.

“I’ll just get Max and Troy to find out then,” Julias threaten. Damn It! Amara thought, he would pull that stupid stunt off.

“My Admirer sent me a human foot yesterday,” Amara muttered, Julias gasped, “You don’t tell Max and Troy. I already know their going to freak.”
“Umm… Ya, Princess, you think. Why didn’t you call us yesterday and tell us,” Julias scolded.
“Cause ya’ll ain’t my parents,” Amara growled.
“Right. Well has anything thing else happen?”
“Na, I haven’t left Billie’s house since.”
“Ok, good I’m leaving tonight, and tell Troy that Tabby wants me to go up and visit,” Julias muttered.
“You don’t have too, Jewels, you can visit her. I know you miss her,” Amara said softly.
“Ya, I’ll just send her money so she can come down. I need to be with you,” he sighed.
“Why? I’m almost an adult!”
“By age, not by mentality. Knowing you, you’ll do something stupid."
“I resent that,” Amara scoffed.
“Ya, I know punk,” Julias laughed.
“Don’t laugh at me short man,” Amara growled then hung up.

“Damn him and his judgmental mind,” Amara muttered getting up from her bed and walked over to her joint bathroom. She stripped from her clothes and turned on the shower. Pulling out her hair tie she stepped in.

As Amara washed the soap out of her hair, a loud crash came from her room. Amara snapped her head to the door swearing. She slowly got out thanking God, she locks the door out of habit. Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around herself, while looking for something to defend her self with.

Grabbing the towel rack she slowly opened the door and peeked her head into the room. The window next to her bed was shattered, a rock sat in the middle of the floor. Growling Amara walked over to the rock and looked at it. Two words were written on it.


“Damn it,” Amara yelled.

The door slammed opened and Billie burst in with a Toilet wand, Tre and Mike were behind him. All three men looked worried. Raven couldn’t help but smirk at Billie’s choice of weapon.

“What happened,” Billie gasped. Amara just pointed at the rock with her towel rack.

“Mother Fucker,” Billie yelled as he read what was written on it.

“Get dressed I’m calling the fucking cops,” Mike muttered and walked out of the room pulling out his cell phone.

“So tell me, Billie, were you going to scrub the intruder away," Amara laughed then went back to the bathroom to get dress.
"Hey! No one would want to get hit with this," Billie yelled trying to defend his weapon of choice. Truth was he was in the bathroom when he heard the glass shattering.
"Specially that one, I've walked past while you're doing your business," Tre joked smirking, Billie shot him a glare and raise the toilet wand at him. Tre quickly left the room.

Amara sat on the couch with Jakob sitting on her lap. She was dressing in baggy black basketball shorts and a grey wife beater. Her curly hair was pulled up in messy bun with a few strands hanging loose. Billie was talking to the police in her bed room, while Adie stood with Tre and Mike. Joey was sitting in front of Amara protectively.

Billie walked down the stairs shaking his head, as the police followed him. He walked them to the door then slammed the door cursing. He walked back over to everyone and let out a deep breath.

“They said there isn’t much they can do till they know who it is,” he growled, “they said it would be best if we all," he muttered motioning to everyone, “spend the night in a hotel, since we’re all celebrities. Who ever, it is, might know where Tre and Mike live.”
“Do you think Stella will be safe with her mother,” Mike asked pulling out his phone.
“Ya, but , Tre, you might want Claudia and Frankito out of the house as fast as possible,” Billie said.
“Ok,” Tre said and walked into the kitchen pulling out his phone.


“Amara, come and play with me,” Jakob yelled at Amara, who was sitting on the bed watching her brother play video games.
“Alright,” Amara said and crawled off the bed and sat down next to Jakob and grabbed the other controller.

“So what are we playing,” Amara asked plugging in her controller.
“Halo 3,” Jakob answered pulling out a CD case and flipped through it till he got to Halo 3.
“Damn I suck at that,” Amara groaned making Jakob laugh.
“Then what do you want to play?”
“Do you have Guitar Hero? I’m ok at that one.”
“My guitar is at home.”
“Damn ok,” Amara said and took the CD case from him and flipped through it.

“Ah!” Amara screamed stopping at a game, “We are sooo going old school,” Amara laughed pulling out Mortal Kombat. Jakob laughed and put the game in.

“Wata!” Billie heard Amara scream from Jakob’s and Joey’s room, Jakob’s laughter soon followed after. Billie looked at Adie, who just shrugged at him.

Billie got up and walked over to the door that joined the two rooms together. He heard Amara making sound effects and Jakob laughing. Billie smiled at that. Amara seemed to get along best with Jakob. She was nice with Joey, always tried to include him, But Jakob was her favorite. She laughed and joked more with him.

"WooAhhh! I am the One,” Amara screamed then threw down her controller and got up dancing. Jakob laughed at how stupid she was acting.
“Finally,” she screamed, “I finally win a game,” she faked cried.
“You’re and idiot,” Jakob laughed Amara flashed him a grin.
“Oh, so you think.”
“Don’t you mean "Or so you think?”
“Hells ya!”

"So do you hate dad," Jakob asked as they started another round.
"I think you have to have emotional attachment to hate someone. Which I don't so no, I don't hate your dad," Amara answered never taking her eyes off the screen. Jakob just bit his bottom lip from reframing what he wanted to say

His mother had explained to him and Joey that her mother never explained to Amara that she was one to leave their father. But she had done it for his mother and father. Amara's mother knew that their father would have married her for Amara's sake even though they no longer loved each other.


The next morning Amara was waiting for Julias at the airport, Tre had gone with her. No one wanted Amara to be without an adult. Tre had offered to take Amara to pick up Julias, while Billie and Adie looked over a new security system, Mike was watching all the kids.

“Amara, sit down,” Tre laughed.
“Noooo,” Amara cried jumping on a chair and scanned the lobby.
“His plane hasn’t even arrived yet.”
“So he’s a magic man,” Raven said rolling her eyes, as if he was stupid for not knowing that. Tre just laughed.

“Jewels,” Amara screamed and ran over to on of her best friends and threw herself at him. Julias laughed and caught her.

“Damn, I missed you,” Julias whispered into her hair.
“I missed you guys too,” Amara laughed.
“How have you been holding up?”
“Good,” Amara said and pulled away.

“Guess who’s here,” Amara yelled wiggling out of Julias’s arms.
“Tre,” Amara screamed and pulled Julias to Tre.

“Tre, Meet my guitarist Julias Preston, Jewels, meet, Tre,” Amara screamed and pushed Julias closer to Tre Julias laughed and stuck his hand out.

“Hey, nice to meet you,” Tre laughed shaking his hand.
“Ya,” Julias laughed then quickly turned around and threw Amara over his shoulder.

“Ok let’s get me to the hotel,” Julias said.
“Put me down, Jackass,” Amara laughed.
“Nope, I know you. You’ll start running round like an idiot, and I want to get to the hotel room and shower,” Julias laughed.
“Fine,” Amara pouted.

“So how long have you known Amara,” Tre asked as they walked over to the baggage claim.
“I’ve know Princess since… she was ten,” Julias said then spanked her, “but we still love her skanky ass.”
“Hey! I’m not a skank,” Amara yelled then straightened up.

“Head rush,” she groaned, Julias laughed and put her down.

“Found your bag,” she screamed and jumped on the baggage claim belt and grabbed Julias’s bag.

“Gotta love the freak,” Julias whispered to Tre.

“Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel,” Amara sang as they walked to Tre’s SUV.
“My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel,” Julias yelled
“Touching you, touching me
touching you, god you're touching me,” They both sang together, Tre just laughed at the scene they were making

“I believe in a thing called love,” Amara screamed dropping down to her knees and throwing her hands up in the air.
“Just listen to the rhythm of my heart,” Julias screamed and helped Amara back up.
“There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called lov…” A gun shot rang threw the parking lot.

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thanks for the comments they always make me want to write more