You're My Father


“Julias!” Amara cried checking his pulse. Tre quickly pulled out his phone and called 911.

“Jewels, come on,” Amara cried clutching on his blood stained shirt, “I can’t lose you too!”

Amara was scared of losing someone else that was close to her. This couldn't be a random act, this shooting had to be involed with her and her stalker. She felt like shit that Julias got stuck in the middle.

“I’m ok, Princess,” Julias whispered.
“Oh thank God,” Amara yelled and hugged him.
“Get somewhere safe,” Julias said trying to push Amara away.
“No! I’m staying with you,” Amara growled and looked around.
“Princess! Get behind a car!”
“No! I’m sticking with you!”
“Don’t argue with the guy who’s shot!”
“Fine, but I’m not leaving you,” Amara snapped crossing her arms over her chest. Julias choked out a laugh.

“Please don’t leave me,” Amara whispered bending down to kiss his forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised.


Amara waited in the waiting room with Billie and Tre, she had already called Troy and told him what had happened. Then she called Max and let him know what was all going on. Everyone was trying to get to her and Julias as fast as they could.

The police had alread come and questioned her and Tre. Neither of them had seen who had shot Julias. Though they did let the police know that Amara had a stalker. The police had left them their card incase that they remembered anything else later on.

Amara got up from her chair and started to pace around the room. Billie and Tre watched her, she was completely freaking out. Clenching and unclenching her hands while breathing threw her nose and out her mouth.

“Maybe you should sit down and relax,” Tre said getting up from his chair to sit her down. Amara head snapped towards him and glared.

“Or not,” Tre backtracked sitting back down in his chair.

“Ahh,” Amara screamed then jumped onto a chair and stood there. Billie and Tre just stared at her confused at her actions.

“What is she doing,” Tre whispered to Billie.
“No clue,” Billie whispered back.

Amara jumped off the chair as soon as she saw the doctor walking down the hallway to the waiting room. Billie and Tre got up and followed Amara to the doctor.

Amara grabbed the doctor by his shirt and slammed him into a wall surprising everyone, she was a tiny little thing and the doctor was no small guy.

“How the fuck is Julias Mather doing,” she growled at the Doctor. Billie quickly grabbed her and pulled her away from the doctor. The doctor looked a bit freaked out, but he shook it off.

“Mr. Mather is in Critical Condition, he was lucky the bullet didn’t hit an vital organs but he did lose a lot of blood. He’s in the ICU, he’s only allowed…”

Amara ripped out of Billie’s arms and ran down the hallway only stopping to read the signs. Running past the ICU doors, Amara skidded into a stop and looked for Julias. He was laying in his bed, hooked up to a bunch of machines.

Amara walked over to his bed and knelt down next to him. Grabbing his hand, she knelt there waiting for him to wake, and tell her everything was going to be okay.


Max jumped out of the taxi throwing money at the driver, then ran into the hospital. He had only arrived an hour ago. He had called Troy, as soon as he had gotten off the plane, to find out which hospital Julias was at. Max slammed into the front desk, causing the nurses to stare at him.

“Hi, ya, I’m looking for Julias Mather, he was shot,” Max said as fast as he could.
“Umm… let look,” the nurse smiled and typed into her computer, “Yes, he’s in the ICU,” She smiled pointing to a hallway.
“Thanks,” Max yelled back running down the hallway.

Skidding down the hallway, Max saw; Billie, Troy, Marcus, Tre, and Mark sitting outside the ICU. Walking over to them, Marcus looked up at him, and got up to greet him.

“How is she taking it,” Max asked clasping Marcus’s hand in his and pulled each other into a hug.
“Hasn’t left his side yet,” Marcus replied sitting back down in the chair.

“Tab in there with them?”
“Ya,” Mark answered this time.
“Can I…”
“Ya maybe you can get her out of there,” Marcus muttered rubbing his eyes.
“Hopefully,” Max murmered then walked into the ICU.

Amara was still kneeing by Julias’s bed, while Tabatha stood a little ways back watching the both of them. Max walked over to them and placed his hand on Tabatha’s shoulder.

Turning her head, Tabatha saw Max staring at Amara, with pain in his eyes. She had been through so much in so little time.

Max let go of Tabatha’s shoulder and walked over to Amara. Bending down to her ear he whispered, “Come on, Princess, I heard you haven’t left yet.”
“I can’t leave him,” she whispered back.
“Tab's here, and Troy, Marcus or Mark will come in here,” Max said grabbing Amara by her elbows and lifted her up.
“Ok,” she muttered and walked out with Max supporting her.

“I’m taking her to get something to eat,” Max told everyone outside, they all had stood up when Max and Amara walked out.
“Ok do you need some money,” Billie asked reaching for his wallet.
“No I got it,” Max said wrapping his arm around Amara’s waist.

“Troy,” Amara spoke up, “Go and sit with Julias.” Troy nodded and walked into the ICU.

“We’ll be back later,” Amara murmered to the rest and walked down the hallway with Max.

“Do you wanna talk about it,” Max asked as they stood in the cafeteria line.
“Not really,” Amara groaned rubbing her arms to warm herself up. Max pulled off his hoody and pulled it over Amara.
“I think you should,” Max said fixing her hair.
“Talking about it makes it too real.”
“Ok, but know you can talk to me anytime you want.”
“I know, baby,” Amara whispered and pulled him into a hug.

“God, I’ve missed holding you.”
“Me too.”

When Max and Amara returned, only Billie and Tre were outside the ICU. This time Max wasn’t supporting Amara, just holding her close to him.

“They moved Julias to a private room,” Billie said never taking his eyes off of Max’s arm around his daughter’s shoulders.
“Which room,” Amara asked, there was more life in her eyes now, Tre noted.
“Come on then,” Max said as then turned around to the elevator.

Amara tapped her foot to a beat from inside her head as they all rode to the third floor. Max was holding her from behind now while Billie stood against the opposite wall glaring at them. Tre just watched at how much Amara had changed since Max arrived.

She no longer trembled or clenched and unclenched her fists. She wasn't as pale as before. She looked as if she had more life in her with Max around her. For some odd reason Tre just didn't like him. They reminded him of Camilla and Billie when they were younger.

“Have you slept,” Max whispered into Amara’s ear.
“No, not really, I stayed up all night with Jewels. I took a small nap around dawn but then the guys and Tab showed up.”
“After you see him, you’re going to the hotel to sleep,” Max said frowning at the fact she wasn’t getting sleep.
“No maybe,” Max said holding her tighter, “You need to get your rest you’ll be no good to Jewels, if you’re dead on your feet.”
“Fine, only if you stay with me,” Amara muttered as the elevator dinged to a stop.
“You wouldn’t have gotten rid of me, if you had wanted to,” Max smirked as they got off. Amara just smiled and looked of Julias’s room.

Julias was laying in his bed, awake holding Tabatha, while Troy, Marcus and Mark teased him. Amara walked into the room and glared at them, then ran over to Julias and hugged him. Julias groaned, but wrapped his other arm around her holding her as tight as he could.

“Thank God, you’re ok,” Amara whispered.
“It’s going to take more then a bullet to take me out of this world,” Julias laughed.
“Good,” Amara half laughed half cried. Julias patted her back trying to calm her.

“It’s good to see you’re ok,” Max said walking over to the bed with his hand in his pockets.
“Ya,” Julias smiled then looked down to find Amara softly snoring.

“I’m going to get her to the hotel,” Max smiled reaching for Amara.
“I’ll take her,” Billie cut off pushing Max out of the way.

“You should, find yourself a hotel room,” Billie said curtly.
“I’m sticking with her,” Max replied in the same manner.
“Too bad,” Billie almost yelled.
“I told her I would stay with her,” Max spat out.
“I’m not going to let some guy stay in my daughter room,” Billie growled back.
“I’m not som…”
“Max,” Troy yelled, “just leave it. Let Billie take her, when she wakes up. We’ll go and get her.”
“Fine,” Max growled and threw himself into a chair muttering about, Billie trying to act like a father after all this time.

Billie just glared at him then snapped.

"Look you asshole, Amara is my daughter, as her father i have the fucking right to say who the fuck is around MY DAUGHTER. I'm her family not you. Milla left me! So Don't! Say I didn't try and be there for my daughter," Billie growled pointing his finger at him.

"You're a liar," Julias growled, Billie turned to look at him.
"Did Camilla ever once say I left her," Billie spat out. None of the boys could say anything, cause she never did. All she said that he wasn't around.
"I love my daughter," Billie growled at them all.

Billie picked up Amara and took her out of the room, Tre followed Billie out.

“I don’t think that was a smart move, Billie,” Tre said as they entered the elevator.
“I know,” Billie muttered sighing.
“Okay as long as you know.”

Amara woke up in her hotel bed, Billie was sitting on her couch crashed out. Turning around she saw Max crashed out next to her. Smiling she snuggled under his arms and went back to sleep. Max pulled her closer to him and kissed the top of her forehead