You're My Father


“Why, are you awake at the Butt Crack of Dawn,” Max muttered as Amara grabbed her things to get dressed.

“It’s not the Butt Crack Of Dawn, it’s eight, and I’m going to church,” she smiled at him. Amara's religion was important to her and her mother. Amara enjoyed going to church and would go at least once a week no matter what. No stalker was going to change that.

“Ok give me a minute and I’ll go too,” Max yawned sitting up. Amara smiled and crawled on the bed with him.

“You don’t have to,” she murmured kissing him.

“But, I want to be with you,” he muttered tiredly kissing her back. Billie woke up and saw the two of them kissing.

“Hey!” Billie screamed, “Ten Feet!” Amara rolled her eyes, but got off the bed.

“If you’re coming, I’m leaving in twenty minutes,” Amara told Max then walked into the bathroom.

“Ten Feet at all times,” Billie growled at Max. Max just rolled his eyes and walked over to his bags.


“I think that was the first time I’ve been to church, since my mom used to force me to go,” Billie yawned as he walked holding Adie’s hand. Amara raised her eye brow at him, but continued to walk with Max.

Billie and Adie had decided to go to church with them while Tre and Mike stayed with the boys.

“You’re lucky, Mara makes me go with her every Sunday I’m with her,” Max yawned. Amara smacked Max’s stomach and glared at him.

“What,” Max asked rubbing his stomach.

“I don’t make you, you come long because you get all psycho jealous, when everyone hugs and kisses me,” Amara snapped letting go of his hand.

Max got jealous way to easily which pissed of Amara. It really got to her, when Max got jealous of fans. It made her think that Max didn't trust her, what kinda relationship didn't have trust?

“Baby, I’m sorry,” Max laughed wrapping his arms around her and pulled her to him. Burying his face into her hair he said, “You don’t make me go. It just pisses me off when all those men touch you.”
“They’re just saying hello and giving me peace,” Amara snapped trying to get out of his arms.
“That’s just a cover,” Max yelled.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Amara growled and slapped Max’s hand till he let go. She turned around and faced him.

“You never take my religion serious,” she snapped at him. Max resisted to roll his eyes at Amara.

“Baby, are you ok,” he asked.
“You know I hate you when you call my baby. Makes me think you see me as a child,” she screamed and stomped away.

“God save me,” Max yelled up into the air and then followed after Amara.

Billie pointed at Amara, while looking at Adie with his mouth opened. He did not understand why she had just snapped at Max like that. Billie was starting to think maybe she wasn’t all there.

“He was being a jerk,” Adie said then followed the kids.

“How,” Billie said following her, still confused with what was going on.


“You smell of the Holy Goodness,” Julias winced as Amara entered his room. Marcus and Troy smirked.

“Don’t start with me,” she snapped and sat down next to Julias.

“Oh crap, Psycho Mara has come out to play,” Julias smirked; Amara growled at him.

“Calm down Mara,” Troy laughed then quickly dodged the cup Amara threw at him.

“Why do all you guys always have to fuck with me,” Amara screamed jumping off of her chair, “I’m one of the nicest people, ya’ll, will ever know and yet! Ya’ll, treat me like shit!” Amara stomped out of the room.

“You’re turn Marcus,” Julias smirked.
“Son of a Bitch,” Marcus groaned, but followed Amara. Troy and Julias busted out laughing.

None of the boys wanted to deal with Amara while she was like this. She was a true little Demon during her time of the month. So the boys agreed they would take turns with dealing with her. It made it harder for the person dealing with her, but it gave each boy a two month break.

“Mara! Mara! God Damn it Amara! stop,” Marcus yelled out of breath from chasing her. Amara stopped with her head down. Her shoulders trembled. Marcus reached her and wrapped his arms around her, she broke down and started to cry.

“There, there,” Marcus said trying to sooth her.

“Why do I do this,” she cried.

“We’ve come to the reason, that you’re just insane,” Marcus joked, brushing his dark shaggy hair from his eyes.

“Not funny asshole,” Amara spat and hit him.

“I don’t know, Mara, you always exploded once a month. You tend to hold in most of what you feel, then we get to hear it when… well you know…” Marcus stuttered. Amara looked at him and glared.

“Are you saying that I’m P.M.Sing,” Amara snapped.

“Well aren’t you?”

“Yes, but that’s not the point, damn it!” Marcus rolled his eyes.

“Damn it! You boys don’t understand anything,” Amara screamed and stomped away. Marcus shoot his head and headed back for the Julias's room.

“How it go,” Troy laughed as Marcus entered the room.
“She’s most likely going to into my room, while I’m sleeping and try to kill me,” Marcus laughed.
“Well better us, than a fan,” Troy laughed.


Amara sat in her hotel room with Adie, Ramona, and Claudia watching Troy. Amara sat right in front of the T.V. eating popcorn. Adie and Claudia sat on the bed, while Ramona was stretched out in-between the two beds.

“Wow! I love Pitt’s ass,” Claudia half moaned.

“Amen,” Adie muttered almost drooling.

“I believe the director of this movie was a genius for adding that part,” Amara smirked.

“Oh God, she pulled out Troy,” Troy yelled walking into the room with Billie, Max, and Tre.

“Shut up! Ass munch,” Amara screamed and threw a pillow at him.

“You know this cuts, at my man hood when you stare at other men,” Max said walking over to Amara and dropped down behind her.

“And… I care why,” Amara said still staring at the T.V.
“Cause I’m your Fiancé!”

“Wait! What,” Billie screamed, everyone stared at Amara and Max. Amara bit her lip.

“You two are engaged,” Billie yelled. Amara nodded then busted out crying.

“Son of a Bitch,” Max muttered under his breath and pulled Amara to him and rocked her.

“What Does it matter to you, it's not like you were ever there for me,” Amara cried out.

“Billie,” Adie yelled and rushed over to Amara to pat her back.

“It’s not his fault,” Max groaned, “She’s overly emotional, this time of month.”

“Fuck you, MAX” Amara screamed pulling away and slapped him.

“FUCK, woman, calm down,” Max screamed. Amara glared at him.

“Don’t you! Fucking yell at me, Max! I’m not overly emotional. I’m just…” Amara yelled then screamed at him getting up.

“Baby, I’m sorry,” Max laughed getting up and chased after her.

“God, she’s a fucking kick,” Troy laughed throwing himself onto the bed.

“You guys are horrible to her,” Adie scolded, Troy stared at her with his eye brow raised.

“Trust me, we know how to handle her when she's like this,” Troy yawned.

“You never! Tell a woman, she’s an emotional wreck!”

“Amara, I’m sorry,” Max said grabbing Amara’s shoulders and turned her around so she would face him. She turned her face from him.

“I,” Max kissed her cheek.

“Am,” a kiss at her temple.

“So,” a kiss at the corner of her mouth.

“Fucking,” kiss on the other corner of her mouth.

“Sorry,” he moaned then kissed her on the lips. Amara bit back a smile.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I fucking hate you right now,” Amara said still trying to hold back the smile, but kissed him.

“You fucking love me and you fucking know it,” Max smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her as close as possible to him.

“You know me too well, for me to lie,” Amara groaned making Max laugh.

“I do get a bit psycho, huh,” Amara asked after a while of just holding each other.

“Just a bit,” Max grinned pulling a little back to watch her pout.

Billie went out to find Amara to apologize. The found her and Max in each other's embrace gently talking to each other. It pained him to see his daughter in someone else's arms. He never got to hold her when she was like this he never got to sooth away her pain he never got to hold her when she had nightmares. He never got to be a father to her.

What he got was to watch a woman who was about to marry a man that he had no idea about. A woman that hated him for something he had no voice in the matter. How was that fair , how could he continue with this lie? All he ever wanted was to be Father to her and he would never get that.


Amara walked into her room flipping her lights on, she had just gotten back from having dinner with everyone. Max had walked her to her door, and kissed her goodnight. Billie had been standing two doors away glaring, but still it was a long romantic kiss.

All she wanted to do was go to bed, she was dead tried. Julias had her running around the hospital all afternoon. Then Max insisted on taking everyone out to a movie then to eat. Amara just wanted to strip down and crash out. Slipping her pants off as she walked to the bed, she saw it.

A white and gold gift box.

“Mother fucker,” she screamed and grabbed the box and threw it against the wall.
“Leave me the fuck alone!”


Amara sat on Max’s lap as Billie talked to the police again. Tre and Marcus were yelling at the bell clerk. Mike and Troy were trying to find them another place to stay the night. Adie was with her two sons, while Claudia sat with Frankito and Ramona.

“How the fuck does he keep finding me,” Amara whispered to Max.

“I don’t fucking know, baby, but he won’t fucking touch you while I’m still breathing,” Max promised then kissed her on her lips.

“This is getting ridicules,” Billie growled pulling at his hair. Adie walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, “how the hell did he get into her room!?”

“Maybe we should leave town,” Tre suggested.
“No I’m not leaving Julias,” Amara said crossing her arms and glared at him

“It’ll be safer if you leave, someone else can stay with Julias,” Tre said turning to Amara.


“Amara, he’s after you,” Tre yelled.

“Who says it’s a he!?! It could be a girl,” Amara spat pointing at Tre. Max, Marcus and Troy all rolled their eyes.

“Not the time to argue about sexism,” Max groaned, Amara just huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“I’m not leaving Julias, ya’ll can leave, but I’m not!”
“Amara, maybe you should get away,” Max whispered to her, trying not to cause a scene.

“No, it’s my fault Julias’s is in there, I’m not leaving him! What about I call Rancid to come over," Amara said.
"No," the guys yelled at the same time. Billie, Adie, Tre, and Mike looked confused at the strong reaction the guys had. Who was Rancid and why did they not like the person.

"Come on assholes she's perfect no one will fuck with us," Amara said half whining.
"No every time she comes around you get into trouble... Hell her middle name might as well be Trouble," Max said glaring.

Out of all of Amara's friend Max hated Rancid the most. Amara and Max fought over her all the time. A few of the times they almost broke up because Max hated her so much.

"I know you don't like her much, you have to admit no one can fuck with with me when she around," Amara pointed out.
"Cause she causes so much fucking damage when she around. How many fucking times have you guys gotten arrested together," Troy asked.
"Only twice," Amara argued back.
"Arrested and booked twice but the cops have stopped and threaten you guys so many more times then that," Marcus pointed out.

"I don't like the sound of her," Billie spoke up.
"No one likes the sound of her," Marcus muttered ignoring the glare Amara shot him.

"Anyways your mom didn't like her either," Troy said to Amara.
"Fine I won't call her," Amara said darkly.

“What about if she gets a bodyguard, who sticks with her all times, and gets to stay here,” Marcus spoke up, he looked as if he was in deep thought.

“There you go,” Amara yelled standing up and walked over to Marcus.

“Ya’ll, go I’ll stay here with a bodyguard!”

“If we make it look as if Amara goes with us, it might work,” Billie said thinking about it.

“How would we make it look like Amara left,” Tre asked.

“Max and Troy go with you and Mike, making the stalker think that she's gone with you guys. So he will follow,” Billie smirked, Max rolled his eyes, “Adie and Claudia take the kids up to Adie’s parents’ home.”

“And you?”

“I’m going to stay here and try and help the police find this bastard.”

“I’m for it,” Amara said then looked at Max, neither one wanted to be with out the other.

Amara was only for it since it would keep Max away from her and away from trouble. She knew who ever it was would figure it out she wouldn’t leave Julias just like that. Max was only agreeing with it, since he thought, who ever it is, is stupid and will fall for it.

“OK we’ll make the plans for it all in the morning,” Billie said, everyone nodded.

“Max, Amara, wanna stay with us and the kids,” Adie asked.

“Ya,” Amara smiled and walked over to Max and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“I love you,” he whispered to her, so only she could hear it.

“I love you too.”