You're My Father

Hitting the Club/ Rancid

Amara sat with Julias watching TV, while Anthony, her bodyguard, stood by the doorway. Troy, Max, Marcus, and Mark had all already left, that morning. Max had only agreed to leave when he was sure that Anthony would do his job.

Anthony was an ex-marine, who was friends with Billie’s older brother. Anthony had started a small Bounty Hunter business, and was protecting Amara as a favor. Anthony was six foot. 270 pounds, a pretty big guy, who could scare a grown man. Didn’t really talk much, and took everything serious. He had to check every room before Amara could enter it.

“So what are you doing after this,” Julias asked flipping threw the channels.

“Most likely, just going back home and text Max,” Amara muttered.

“Man I fucking can’t wait till I can leave,” Julias yelled.

“At least you can go out with out a babysitter.”

“Ha! True that, princess,” Julias laughed, Amara rolled her eyes, "but if it makes you feel any better, Tabatha wants me to get a body guard too. Mark has been on our asses about getting bodyguards anyways, maybe it's time."
"Our fans aren't that crazy that we need bodyguards," Amara said rolling her eyes.
"You have a stalker and I was shot," Julias chuckled, Amara couldn't help but to smile.

“I was thinking about doing a show, when the doctor said you could sit up,” Raven threw out.
“I always wanted to ask you,” Julias spoke up calmly, “Were you dropped on your head as a child?”


“Like to chew on lead objects?”

“I’m not sure?”

“Then it’s most likely that,” he muttered tapping his finger against his chin thoughtfully.

“I’m not stupid for wanting to do a show,” she sighed.

“I would beg to differ.”

“It’s the smartest thing we can do!”

“How so!?!”
It’s bring him out of the shadows.”

“No! it’ll bring him closer to us in the shadows.”

“If he’s in the building, we’ll be able to find him.”

“Here you go playing James Bond again!” Amara rolled her eyes.

“Whatever I was just throwing something out,” She groaned and got up from the bed.

“If you want to pull him out of the shadows we should do it a safer way, princess, Anyways we have no idea what he looks like” Julias said softly, “doing a show will leave us as sitting ducks.”

“Not if it’s small and the place is covered with police.”

“I don’t know we’ll have to talk to Mark and Troy.”

“They won’t go for it, if I bring it up.”





“I didn’t say I would ask, I just said maybe,” Julias yelled.

“Maybes turn to yeses,” Amara sang and skipped out of the room.

“Crazy bitch,” Julias laughed.


Amara sat in the back of her Mercedes Benz with Anthony sitting next to her. Marco, her new driver, tapped his fingers on the wheel, as they waited at a red light. Billie had insisted that she get a driver, and called up an old tour bus driver. Amara was thinking this more for the fact of her driving skills then anything else.

“Your father called me, while you were with your friend, and told me that. Tonight you shall be staying with your grandmother.”

“Yay,” Amara said sarcastically.

“Would you like to stop and eat somewhere before we head there,” Marco asked slightly turning his head to Amara.

“No thank you, I’m not that hungry,” Amara smiled, Marco nodded.

“I think your idea was smart,” Anthony muttered under his breath to Amara then turned and looked out the window. Amara smiled then closed her eyes.


“I’m so bored I could shoot your dog, I could shoot your dog. I’m so bored I could lick the wall, lick the wall. I am so bored I could bite the cat, bite the cat…” Amara sang with her feet propped up on her Billie's Mom's couch watching as the cat raced out of the room.

Billie watched her with an amused smirk on his face. Anthony just looked at her warily, Ollie paused from her cross book and watched her. Amara had been there already for two hours, and Billie showed up an hour ago.

“She’s not normal,” Ollie whispered to her son.

“What’s normal now a days,” Billie smirked.

“Jumping crickets, Batman,” Amara screamed jumping up, causing everyone else to jump, “it’s the Joker! After him,” Amara screamed pointing at Billie. She smirked then jumped at him softly hitting him with a pillow.

“Away! Evil Demon of my past,” She screeched causing Billie to laugh.

“Ok, I’m bored again,” Amara said getting off of Billie, and dusted herself off. Anthony raised his eyebrow at her.

“I’m going to find something to eat,” She called out and walked into the kitchen, with Anthony racing before her to check it out.

“Damn it! Man, stop racing me,” Amara screamed.

“Ya, something isn’t right with her,” Ollie muttered.

“She’s eccentric.”

“No she’s like one of the Nut Jobs your Uncle George used to help.”

“Anthony,” Amara whined as she peeled her apple. Anthony looked over at her, “how much will it cost to get you, to let me go to a club?” Anthony just looked at her.

“Come on, this place blows lets paint the town red,” Amara cried out, Anthony just watched her. Amara glared at him.

“Will you stop me?” Again Anthony said nothing.

“I’ll take that as a no,” Amara smirked then jumped off of the counter.

“Lets go before Billie comes and checks on me,” Amara said then walked out the back door. Anthony just followed her in silence.

“Help me push Billie’s car down the road, please,” Amara asked pushing Billie’s rental down the drive way.

“Get in I’ll push,” Anthony grunted, Amara flashed him a smile then quickly got in to steer.


“I’m seventeen, he’s thirty,” Amara told the bouncer.

“I need I.D. so he can get the bracelet to drink,” the bouncer said in a bored tone.

“I’m not drinking,” Anthony said.

“Fine twelve dollars then,” the bouncer muttered holding out his hand.Amara grinned and pulled out a twenty.

“I have it,” Anthony said pushing Amara’s hand way and with the other he reached into in pocket.

“Nonsense,” Amara smiled, “I dragged you here, so I pay.”

“It’s ok,” Anthony said pulling out a twenty to hand to the bouncer.

“Take that from him and I’ll bite you,” Amara said and slapped Anthony’s hand way, “he’s working right now. So I’ll pay.” Bouncer stared at Amara for a moment, then took her money and waved them in.

“I could have paid for myself,” Anthony grunted.

“Nope,” Amara looking around the club.

“You’re kind of psycho, huh?”
“Yup,” Amara flashed him a grin.

“Stay close by me,” Anthony muttered to Amara as they walked further into the club.

“Sure,” Amara said waving him off then ran into the dance floor.

Anthony tried to stay as close as possible to Amara as he could. A few people would push him out of the way, but he would shove them back.

A few girls tried to dance with him, but he would take no notice of them, and they would soon leave.

Amara was having the time of her life dancing to her own beat, really. She stop taking notice of Anthony and soon lost him.

After a while people stared to realize it was Amara Madison in the club. They would point and whisper about her.

That was when Amara notice the people and started to feel claustrophobic. She took a deep breath, then escaped into the bathroom.

There were two girls in the bathroom smoking and talking. Amara bypassed them, and went for a stall. They soon left leaving Amara in the restroom by her self. Breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth.

The last time Amara felt claustrophobic, had been at their first show, four years ago.

The bathroom door opened, letting in the club’s noise blaring into the restroom. Footsteps rang threw when the door closed. They stopped in front of Amara’s stall. Nothing happened for a while, but Amara’s heart started to pound, every second took hours to pass by, then, the person left.

Amara stood up then walked out of the stall. Taped on the mirror, was and envelope with her name scribbled onto it. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to it and ripped it off of the mirror and opened it.

My Dear Love,

Why must you make it so hard for us to be together. Don‘t you know we belong together. I‘ve tried gaining your love, by gifts, but it hasn‘t worked. So now I‘m doing it the way I should have done it in the first place, YOU’RE MINE and always will be. Soon we‘ll be together, and I‘ll show you how much I love you, and you‘ll never leave me, I won‘t let you. You‘re my queen, and I‘m your king.

Love you always,
Rex The Tiger

Amara crumbled the letter in her hand and tossed it into the trash can. Fixing her hair, she tried to relax her nerves then walked out. Anthony was standing by the door, with his arms crossed. Amara knew he wouldn’t have let any man enter the bathroom, so it had to be a girl.

“I wanna go home,” Amara told him. He nodded then took her elbow and walked her out of the club. Amara searched for anyone staring at her. Missing the eyes that had never left her the entire time she was in the club


Billie watched Amara as she picked at her pancakes, ever since two nights ago she has been different. She hardly eats, she won’t speak to anyone. It was like she’s dead. She had bags under her eyes, she’s paler then normal. Billie was thinking about taking her to see someone.

Amara stood up and walked out of the room, didn’t even say anything as Anthony rush past her. Billie closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands. This was pissing him off, everyone knew Amara Madison is the hyper active child on a sugar high, and Billie was worried.

Amara threw herself on the bed, as Anthony walked back out closing the door. It all finally got to her, Julias was transferred to a different hospital, so didn’t have him anymore. She didn’t want to go out anymore since the club. Who ever it was always found her no matter what.

Her phone beeped from the nightstand next to her bed. Reaching over to get it, she saw Rancid on the screen. Smiling she opened the message.

in cali
where at Amara texted back getting up from the bed and walked over to her suit case.

not sure, bunch of hot guys
nope, find me;)
on my way. Give me a clue. Amara smiled and got dressed in a pair of tight, old, ripped jeans and an AC/DC doll tee.

told you bunch of hot guys Amara rolled her eyes then walked over to the door. She heard Anthony talking on his phone. She quickly moved to her window and snuck out.

No one liked Amara hanging out with Rancid. She was the type of girl who partied hard but fought harder. She was into drugs, alcohol and sex, the true Rocker. Always got Amara into trouble when they hung out . She was the reason why Amara had been arrested twice.

She was what Amara need to get her spirit back.

Amara ran down the road while she texted Rancid.

for reals yo, where you at?
I’m already drunk Amara smiled and went to the club, Tre had told her they served minors alcohol during the day.

Sure enough there was Rancid talking to three punk guys. A Cowboy hat sat on her wild curly blonde hair. She wore big hoop earrings, and little make-up. Dressed in a black leather halter top and tight blue jeans with heels, she was dress to kill. With the same stature the girls could have been sister.

“Woo! There’s my girl I knew you would find me,” Rancid screamed holding on the guy on her right, “this party can now get started!” Amara smiled and walked over to her.

“Missed you, you fucking bitch,” Amara said and went to kiss Rancid on the cheek.

“Missed you too, Rockstar,” Rancid screamed then got up pushing the guys away, “Come lets dance!” Amara laughed as Rancid dragged her out to the dance floor.

Grabbing onto Amara’s hips she pulled her in close grinding on her. Everyone’s eyes were on them, just like Rancid likes it.

“So how have you been, Rockstar,” Rancid asked.


“Lets revive you then,” Rancid smiled and pulled Amara into the a kiss. Amara pulled away and laughed, Rancid looked around and saw many mouths open,

“Hot damn! Just like I like it,” she yelled then sauntered over to a male and started to grind on him.