Real Life Superhero

Your Guardian Angel

The concert that night again was amazing and wicked cool. There was a lot of jumping, screaming, singing and love. The chemistry was amazing. We got lots of love from our fans and the crew and most of all, each other. Everyone was nice to each other this tour. It was all very amazing.

Nikki was still confused about the Guardian Angel thing as if it were a riddle or puzzle. Ray and Melinda fell deeply in love. Alicia and Mikey are still in love. I found my true self. Nikki found her soulmate but she didn't know it yet.

I was spread out on my bunk and I closed my eyes. Nothing could go wrong. Until I had another vision and I fell from my bunk like the first time. Bob asked me if I was all right and I said no. I ran out of the bus and to the hidden door for my things.

I ran through the midnight streets to the local park and saw a gang gathered around Nikki. I gasped and climbed a tree that was by them. I jumped from the thickest branch by them and landed silently.
"Miss me?"
I watched the leader, the biggest and strongest, of the gang let go of Nikki and eyed me evilly. I smirked secretly behind the bandana and the gang left. Nikki got off the ground and hugged me tightly.
"Can you give me another hint to who you are?" she asked me.

"I'm all you ever wanted."

I absolutely took her breath away and she loved it. She doesn't suffer as much right after I save her with curiousity and wonder. She fell deeply in love with "Guardian Angel" and she didn't know it was me. I wondered that night whether I should tell her or not. I fell asleep with thoughts of love and lust of Nikki.

The next few days nothing happened to her and August was turning to September. Nikki believed that if the kids had to learn, so did we. She taught us French.

Ange De La Mort = Angel Of Death
Notre Dame Des Douleurs = Our Lady Of Sorrows
Mon Ange De Gardien = My Guardian Angel or My Angel of Guard

was written on a chalkboard. Everyone felt they were in school again and Ray and Melinda were passing notes. I yawned and raised my hand.
"Yes, Gerard?" she asked.
"Uhmm.... Yeah... I have a question..." I said dragging it out.
"Go ahead, love," she said and I smiled.
"Why are you so into the Guardian Angel thing? It's over! He's gone!" I replied and we watched her smile fade.
"You're right. I should get over him..." she said sadly and took the chalkboard eraser so the board now said

Ange De La Mort = Angel Of Death
Notre Dame Des Douleurs = Our Lady Of Sorrows
Mon Ange Gerard = My Angel Gerard

I felt loved and she was happy again and she changed the topic.

"Now. Swear words in French!"

"Oh, merde! means??" the "teacher" asked and Mikey stomped his foot down really hard on mine. "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed and Nikki said, "Very good! You get a gold star!"
I was confused and Mikey called me a teacher's pet.
"La police, ne t'a pas encore trouvé? is something Guardian Angel should say!" Nikki exclaimed and I sat up straight.
"What does it mean?" I asked and she was glad I was listening.
"It means "Haven't the police found you yet?" It's kind of an insult..." she said then laughed.

Soon "school" was over I was thinking about what I had learned. I stopped where I was while on a walk outside and ran to the tour bus. I put on my customized costume and headed for the woods beside the lot. I ran through the woods and stopped at a clear in the center of the forest. Nikki was tied up and there was two guys. One with Gasoline and the other had a match.

"La police, ne t'a pas encore trouvé?" I asked then flew back my cape behind me. "Don't worry! Your Guardian Angel is here!"
"We knew you would show up, that's why we're burning you too!" he said and two other guys came up behind me. They grabbed both my arms, one on each side.
"Unmask him!" the man with the match shouted the two men that had me ripped off my sunglasses and bandana.

"GERARD?!" I heard Nikki shout and the other man drop the gasoline. My heart pounded faster. She had to find out like this...
"That's impossible!" one of the men behind me shouted and the other lifted up my pant leg to reveal a healing wound. They were all in shock and I was upset. Nikki then smiled.
"You remembered what I taught you... Wait.. YOU KISSED ME?!" she shouted remembering the two times I had. I nodded and started looking down again.
"Gerard, you saved my life!" she started and I looked up and smiled. "I love you."

She mended a once broken heart of mine with only three words. The two men behind me then let go and the man that had the match untied Nikki.
"We just wanted to know who you were... Sorry," the man said and I ran up to Nikki and hugged her tightly. She squeezed me back and she took my hood down. She kissed me once more and let the lust-filled passion rise. After, we pressed our noses against each other's and gazed deep into each other's eyes.

"I love you too."