The ones who never yawn

Oh oh oh the blessed objectivity

I'm sitting in a chair and on the computer, as always. Mom decides to bring up the subject of my friend, Andrea, and her... situations. Not anything bad, mind you, just things she does that pisses Mom off. For example, Andrea, her friend Dustin, and I were in his car driving around, aimlessly. Mom says, "Do you even know this kid? You were just driving around and went to the Independence Dam? When it's dark and way out there? What if you could've got into a car wreck?!" I am now starting to get agitated, clenching and unclenching my jaw. "What the fuck? I told you before! I hate hanging out with her! I just want to get out of the house..."
I just want to slap her in the face and leave. But I can't do that, she's too... weak and sick. I'd feel so terrible and I'd most likely get grounded. "I know that..."

Blah, blah, blah. That's all I hear nowadays. She, finally, stops harassing me and just goes into the kitchen. Why does she make me feel like this.. All guilty like everything is my fault. When clearly, it is not. Not my fault we live like this. Insert miserable sigh now.

Wiping a hand down my face, I open my eyes and notice I'm still on the couch. The biggest yawn emitting from my mouth as I get up slowly. A delicious smell travels to my nose and I'm instantly hungry. It's funny how you're hungry just by smelling it. The guys talking is the main thing I hear and my brain is so curious. "I wonder if she goes to school? Hm." Ryan. "How should I know, Ry? I'm not stalking her or anything. She just lives next a few doors down from me..." Haha, Brendon that time. "Maybe that was a rhetorical question, Brendon?" I hiss. Ouch.

I suppose Spencer isn't saying anything. He doesn't take sides, apparently. Opening the door quietly and I walk into the kitchen on my tiptoes. Spencer's in a chair with a plate of pancakes in his hands, his back to me. Ryan and Brendon are at the table, stuffing their faces. Tiptoeing up to his ear, I whisper, "Who are they talking about? Me?" Spencer's eyes widen and he looks to me. Smiling after a second or two, he whispers back, "They want to know a lot about you, apparently. Asking all these questions to each other like the other knows what they don't." I bite my lips and frown. What do they want to know so badly? I'm nothing important...

Brendon, being magical as he is, whips around and screams, "VI!" I smile crookedly and open my arms. Grinning like a kid, he squeezes me tight against him. His beloved scent floats to my nose and I'm in a short reverie. I feel him letting me go and I lower my arms like a robot. Ryan is staring at me with a curious but knowing look in his eye. Glancing at him, I walk away from the upcoming questions. A couple minutes later, I'm laying down on the couch in the basement again, but I hear the stairs creak.

"Violet? Are you asleep?" Rolling my eyes, I flip over and I'm met face-to-face with Ryan. Squeaking, my hand flies to my chest out of fright. "Are you okay? I am very sorry if I scared you. I'm curious about something." I raise my eyebrow, nodding. His eyes flicker to places around me, never looking straight at me. I sigh and he, apparently, comes back from whereever his thoughts took him.
"Do you like someone?"

My eyes widen but I quickly regain my composure so he won't see it. He's too observant for his own good anyways. "Why do you ask? What's up?" He shrugs nonchalantly, replying, "I was just wondering. I have a feeling that you do. You just won't talk about your feelings." Oh dear God, Ryan. Just go away and bug Brendon or something.

Running a hand through my hair, I whisper, "Can you let me attempt to get some sleep right now? I don't want to talk about it now. Maybe later?" He nods, smiles briefly, and leaves up the stairs. Flying back onto the couch, I sigh and groan at the same time.
Oh, well it looks like I cannot go back to sleep. Goddamn it, Ryan! I'll get you back one day. I swear I will.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shrug us off your shoulders.
Don't approve a single word we wrote.
(oh oh oh blessed objectivity)


And with the way you've been talking every word gets you a step closer to hell.
A pessimist? No I just can't help it.
To say what everyone else is thinking..(let me state the obvious again).

Hm, it looks like it's quote-Ryan day today. :)
Tell me what you think, lovelies.
Comments and subscriptions would be pleasant.

Oh and by the way, I don't know if I'll be able to go to the Rock BAnd Live concert in Michigan the twenty-third... :'[[[[
Anyone want to be very sweet and buy me some tickets? :)