When Vampires Rule the World, Werewolves Are Rebels, and You're Stuck in the Middle. But Could You Fall in Love?

Vampires have rule the earth for over a hundred years, they give humans two choices to live and work for the or die. Some agree to these turns but most hide in the underground home.
Emily has lived her entire life in the underground catacombs and hates it. Her only freedom is when her and her brother get to hunt for food in the day. But when the new werewolves comes that dream is crushed.
When disasters strike Emily and everything she has is taken she and the others must leave their homes and travel with the other werewolves, encluding her crush/boyfriend Kale.
Soon after Emily begins unraveling her past to figure out how to save the future, but will anything help her prepare for this.
  1. New Recruits
    Emily's Uncle invites new recruits to his camp, and they're here to take away Emily's favourite thing....
  2. Aqquaintences
    New boys, and Emily isn't very happy.
  3. Anger Management
    Emily goes off in a huff and hides away, but Derek and Kale don't like that very much.
  4. Hard Work
    Kale and Emily start to work together but someone has to ruin it!
  5. The Dance
    Emily has a plan coming up for the dance
  6. Dance
    Emily and her friends have a surpise!
  7. Desperation
    Vampire attack... Woot!
  8. Win or Lose
    Kale's side and Em loses something or someone...
  9. Next Step
    Time is passing and one day you must leave...or something along the lines of that crap
  10. Extra chapter...Torture scene
    What Gabriel was doing..
  11. Packing
    Leaving her home is difficult...specially when you can't pack!
  12. Traveling
    Emily really hates walking...thought I'd mention it
  13. Cassie
    You finally get to meet her! Cassie!
  14. Friends and Enemies alike
    The title tells you enough
  15. Big Trouble
    Karin's side of story and she in huge trouble everyone!
  16. Up to date
    Me and Emily share the same dislike to... (gulps) needles!
  17. Top it off with a cherry on top...not
    Kale and Emily's first fight! Boys are such idiots sometimes...well mostly Kale is
  18. Understatement
    Will they fixed theirs or will it go on? I know, you need to figure it out!
  19. And they live happily ever after...not really
    Things go wrong...really wrong!
  20. Oh if only, if only
    Kidnapped and annoyed I'd do exactly what Emily does...Sing!
  21. Once upon a time
    Emily finds the really truth...though it ain't to her liking
  22. Easy come, Easy go
    Cassie gets to tell a small part and it's quite amusing people!
  23. Surprise
    Ross goes down with them but problems arise quite quickly
  24. Accidentally Revealed
    The title makes a lot of sense
  25. And then there were...
    The discussion for better of lack of term
  26. Let's Begin
    Emily is bored...what shall she do?
  27. Rupture
    Ayden comes and boy does he start something
  28. Plans
  29. Meeting the Enemy
    You finally get to meet Ali...
  30. Situations
    Getting ready for the battle that will save or destroy them. Also some interesting altercation with Ali.
  31. Worthwhile
    Kale and Emily... what else?