An English Assignment I Had to Write

Year 2013

Five years from now the world is different from every way we know it. It’s 2013 and it’s the beginning of a new era for mankind. The world has survived an all-out nuclear war, but only just barely. The attacks were concentrated in areas with the highest population, so in order to avoid the fallout we, the survivors, have had to migrate to the remotest regions of the Earth. Even isolation is not enough. The Earth seeks her vengeance on the last of the human race, we who have marred her with our greed and violence. She sends her greatest fighters after us, the super-storms, storms which rain acid and fire, rocks and hail, and with mighty winds sweep all from their paths.

My job in this chaos is to predict the storms. I am responsible for all the lives in our group because if I do not foretell these storms we would surely perish. I am a meteorologist of the future. A job that used to be almost a joke in our society has now become the most valuable of professions. This is my future, did you survive?
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My teacher questioned my mental health, but he said I was good for College level writing. Re-reading this I somehow wonder if he was going easy on us students...