Garden Of the Dead

Keanu isn't your average 21 year old woman. She has a standard house; four bedroom two and half bath, completely furnished. She keeps all the standard protection in her house. four standard 22LR brownings Semi-Automatic Pistols, five sawed off Shotguns and enough explosives to blow any major city sky high. Yet that is only her accessible protection. See Keanu is the soul survivor of her current residence of Miami, Florida. She is a special bred, if you will; someone with a shit load of power. She's traveled around the world for over a thousand years, trying to find survivors of the deadly outbreak that made her who she is today... A mixed breed.
Keanu has lived her entire life on the run from these creatures. She has become a legend amongst the humans that have survived all those years. Her name strikes fear in the hearts of the living and what many people also hope, the living dead. Now with her new power base Keanu is proving herself more than just a legend. She is something more real, more powerful... She is the Human-Zombie.
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Keanu wasn't always who she was.. Actually she spent nine months being competely human. The day her mother went into labour their quarantined compound was attacked by thousands of zombies infected with Ragi.. A very powerful virus that took hold of any human it infected within minutes or if they were lucky, hours. Keanu's mother was the last one attacked before being rushed off to the hospital. Within an hour Keanu's mother gave birth to her half turned baby. Within seconds her mother had died, and the doctors took the half turned baby whose genetic code had been altered all together. And Thus, Keanu's legacy began. A couple soon adopted her, not realizing how much danger they put themselves in until they witnessed her turn the family dog. She fled that day, she was only six years old.. Though her adoptive parents aged ten years. From then on she became a loner.. not bothering to change her name, but to set up small colonies of uninfected people. This time, she was in South, Amboy New Jersey with a whole new story for the books.
  1. Making A Living