‹ Prequel: Ever So Slightly

Even After Everything


As much as I’d have liked to stay locked in the bedroom with Will until sundown again, there are two minor problems.

One, the angry ex in the room next to us.

And two, we had a cover track to be recording.

And it finally clicked as to why Will needed it to ‘come alive’. The lyrics were so real to him, so real that he may as well have written them himself, and he wanted me to feel the same way.

So tell me darling, do you wish we’d fall in love?

All the time…all the time.

Will leaves the room to sort out problem one as I get dressed, leaving a lingering kiss on my lips before he goes. As I pull on my black skinny jeans and t-shirt, I hear raised voices, and then the slam of our suite door.

I smile in spite of myself.

Leaving the room, I grab Wills hand and make to move out of the door, but just as I go to open it, he grabs my shoulders, spinning me around. Pressing me up against the hard wood, he pushes his lips to mine and opens his mouth, moving it roughly as his tongue flicks against my own.

His hands slide quickly from my shoulders to my hips, smashing me into him almost violently, and I hear his breathing become heavier as something hardens against the inside of my thigh.

But I don’t get uncomfortable. Not like I did the last time. My heartbeat is racing and I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins…that’s normal, right?

Will goes to pull away, and I catch an apologetic glimpse in his eyes, but I grab his shoulders, pulling him back and wrapping my arms round his neck. Grinding into his crotch, I smile, knowing full well what I’m doing to him, and move my tongue around his, flicking as he had. Funny how any apprehensions I had are gone…I almost want to laugh at the kissing incident in the park.

I snap my eyes open quickly to the clock on the wall. Shit, if we aren’t careful, we’re going to be late.

Grudgingly, I pull away to the side, and Will frowns at me. The longing ache to feel him close to me is almost overwhelming.

That’s almost as cute as his smile.

‘Have you seen the time?’ I smirk, as he flicks a look at the clock and rolls his eyes.

‘Tease,’ he mutters, taking a small step back. I open the door, and run out, legging it down the corridor and yelling over my shoulder at him.

‘Oh yeah? Well tease this!’ Okay, so it doesn’t make sense, but it’s a comeback at least. I swear I hear him growl as he lunges into my range, crashing into me and making us both fall against the elevator doors…just as they open. We laugh hysterically as we hit the floor, rolling over inside as Will slaps a hand up the button panel. The doors close slowly and the elevator shudders as it drops.

After what seems like too short a time for us to have reached the ground floor, the elevator bounces to a stop, but the doors don’t open. Still on his back, Will slaps the panel again, finger directed at the open doors button, but nothing happens. Our laughter dies as we realise our predicament.

We’re stuck. Or rather, the elevator is stuck. And we’re inside it.

I look around, shocked, as Will prods the button with more force, before stopping and turning to me.

‘I think it broke.’

I giggle. I can’t help it - he’s just like a little kid.

‘Don’t laugh!’ he pouts, though he’s trying not to laugh himself. ‘This isn’t funny! We’re supposed to be recording in like, five minutes!’

‘Oh chill,’ I sigh, rolling onto my front. ‘We’re stuck and there’s nothing we can do about it. Deal.’

‘Man…is there an alarm button?’ He swipes at the panel haphazardly. ‘The sooner we’re out the better-’

I cut him off with a rough kiss, just an extension of the ones we’d been sharing, and his hand drops from the elevator wall to grip the back of my head as I lean over him.

‘Or not…’ he mumbles, grasping my biceps with his palms to pull me on top of him, then slipping them down to the hem of my t-shirt. Probing my mouth with his tongue and nibbling hard on my lower lip, he slips his hands back up, rolling my t-shirt up with them and pulling his lips away briefly to yank it over my head.

The feeling of his bare skin against mine drives me crazy, and swinging my legs round, I sit up, pulling him with me so I can return the favour. As I throw his t-shirt behind me randomly, he pulls my left leg from under me, wrapping his fingers around it and pulling it over his lap, so I’m fully straddling him.

Desperate for more contact, I push into him hard as he pulls away from my lips, trailing soft kisses across my jaw and down my neck, before biting down. I gasp audibly - his teeth are digging into my skin so much it hurts - but the pain feels amazing. There are fireworks exploding inside my ribs and I’m tingling all over as he plants a gentle kiss on his teeth marks, before biting a little further down.

My head is thrown back, and I don’t even realise that I’m panting as his hands find their way up to my back, deftly unhooking my bra and pulling it off my shoulders. He flings it carelessly to one side.

As Will continues to bite, mouth working all the way down to the inside of my left breast, I join my feet behind his back, pushing off my shoes - I’m hot all over and I’ll be sweating grossly if I don’t get my clothes off.

Whoa, I did not just think that.

Will gets up onto his knees, pulling me with him, before he stands, bending over so his mouth is still fixed on my chest. I stand too, and his biting turns to sucking, then back to biting again as I see a purple hue flush over my skin from under his lips. Pulling his mouth away, he looks into my eyes as his hands fall on the fastening of my jeans, as if asking for permission, reassurance.

I smirk. What happened to all his confidence?

He scowls, pushing me backwards into the cold metal wall with his chest, and closing the space between our bodies. As he smashes his lips against mine again, I feel the pop of my top button and the give of the waistband as he drops slowly to a crouch again, pressing his surprisingly cold lips to my neck, my chest, my stomach, and to the vacuous space between my pelvic bones. He brings his hands down with him, pulling at my jeans until they’re on the floor. I step out of them, and he stands again, fixing his lips back on mine with a force that nearly pushes me through the elevator wall.

Not even having to contemplate it, I drop my hands down to his own jeans, unhooking the button. I roll them down, bringing a bare foot to the crotch to push them to the floor, and he steps forwards, kicking them behind him. At this moment, the only thing either of us are wearing is boxers.

Yes, I’m wearing boxers - although Will seems determined to correct that. As he slips his hands over my hips into my underwear, he slides them down, me doing the same for him - no mean feat when he has the hugest hard-on getting in the way.

I try desperately not to look down at it - I know it will only freak me out - but I can’t help myself…and I find myself thinking that it’s not even that bad. In fact, it’s the complete opposite - but I’ll bet it’ll hurt.

I don’t even think that help might be coming for us, as Will positions himself at my entrance, or even as he slides slowly inside, me gasping at the friction. He looks at me, a trace of worry on his face, but I nod, eyes closed, willing him to continue.

The thought that an engineer, an electrician, anyone, might burst in at any moment doesn’t even cross my mind as he slides in and out, building momentum and pace as he wraps my legs around his bony hips, pressing me against the wall. Our lips are still touching, but we’re not kissing, too lost in the moment and the frenzy of our sex to notice.

This should be momentous for me. I’m having sex with a rock star…and maybe I would have thought that just a day ago. But right now, it’s just Will. Just like he’d said. And the emotion behind this was just so far past the physical.

And yet I could still feel my walls contracting - and though I hadn’t had sex before, I’d orgasmed enough to know what was coming. Sure enough, just as Will starts to become more frenzied, moaning and panting like hadn’t even realised I was doing, I start to feel myself climax. It takes the longest time, or at least the longest I’d ever experienced, but finally I come, riding out the hugest wave of an orgasm, shuddering and throwing my head back into the wall as I moan loudly.

It’s only as I pant and gasp for breath, that I realise Will has stopped moving inside me, and we’re slowly sliding down the cool wall to the tiles. He slides out, a trail of come spilling out after him as he rolls onto the floor, me following suit automatically.

We lie like that for a few minutes, catching our breath, before eventually, he slips his arm under my head and pulls me into him.

I think we must have fallen asleep after that, just like we had every other night of the short week we’d spent together last year. Arms in arms, body against body.

Except this time something had definitely changed. Something had definitely changed for the better.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need coffee. Just a little Pick-Me-Up

Okay guys, here's the thing - I'm going to be away from my laptop for a few days. Which means...that whilst I will still be on mibba, I won't have access to any of my files. I'm sorry but that's no updates for around 3 days =[

Take this appallingly written sex scene as consolation...i really had no idea what I was going to do this chapter, and this story seemed to fit, especially with what's coming up. So it's not just smut for smut's sake.

Anyway. I didn't really like writing it. I blushed and felt way embarrassed allll the way through. I can't even bring myself to proof read it. LOL

It's not funny...