‹ Prequel: Forbidden

Forbidden:The New Beginning

I'll always be the pro.


The thought of Christian and I being together again played in my head constantly. Our relationship was like the bad habit I couldn't kick. Dj was asleep in my arms,we were both laying on his hotel bed watching a Spongebob re-run.
I carefully climbed out from under his grasp,and exited his room.
Julio wasn't answering his phone,as always. At one point in our marriage,I thought he was cheating on me. Sadly,he just doesn't answer. His office hours are insanely long,and his employees never give him time to talk on the phone. Even if he did have time to talk,his office is too high up for cell phone connection.
I sighed heavily,and went to sleep shortly after eating a slice of hotel-made cheese cake.
Food was the only thing I'd let comfort me as of now.


"Carmen! Carmen!" Someone shouted. I let go of Dj's hand and let him leave with child star Samantha Tricket,and her body guard. They always ditched me for a trailer filled with video games.

"Yes?"I asked. It was a friendly crew member,she seemed a bit shy so I put a kind smile on.

"Christian Bale needs you to sign some papers in his trailer."


"Alright,thanks so much."I said in a fake happy tone. I took my time walking to Christian's trailer. I wasn't in much of a rush!

"Let's make this fast Bale."I yelled as I opened the door to his trailer. The room was dark,and dead silent. I walked in without closing the door,and right when I walked in the trailer's bedroom,the front door closed. The lights flickered on,and Christian stood infront of me holding a chocolate covered strawberry.

"Remember when we had these?"He asked,flicking his tongue at the very tip of the strawberry. I gulped.

I brushed past him and set my purse down. "Where are the papers-" I gasped as Christian cornered me in his trailer's kitchen. He lifted me on top of the counter and rubbed my arm.

"This is very uncomfortable."I muttered,squinting my eyes shut.

"It's never uncomfortable.."He whispered,placing chocolate strawberry kisses on my neck.

"Christian,stop!Leave me alone!"I pushed him and ran out of the trailer without my purse.

I walked into Studio A and looked for my mother. I knew she had something to do with this.

"Your mother is very busy right now Carm-"

"Shove it up your ass Spielberg,I need to talk to my mother."I snarled. Steven laughed.

"What's so funny? Can't you see I'm pissed off?"I asked. Steven sighed.

"Everyone on set knows about you and Christian. So anything you have to say to your mother you can tell me."

"Great,Hollywood's most successful director knows about my personal life."

"I know a lot of people's personal lives. Wanna know a secret about Angelina Jolie?"He asked. I laughed,covering my face.

"Yeah,sure why not."

"She never really wanted to have so many kids. Brad changed her mind. Another secret? She was a lesbian for a long while,still thought about women when she was married to Billy Bob. I think she mentioned picturing a woman's face on his body while they were making love?" We both laughed hysterically at the thought of a woman's face on such a masculine body.

"Steven,I don't know what to do. He's playing me at my own game."

"He needs to be with you Carmen. You need him more than you think."Steven told me. I rolled my eyes.

"Steven!"I wailed in such a childish tone.Steven shifted to his left leg and tapped his foot. His eyes were telling me that I was being stupid. The doors opened,and Christian stepped in.

"Christian! We need to reevaluate your schedule. Carmen will be discussing the topic with you tonight in the left wing of the Studio."Steven shouted. I started at him with a shocked expression glued on my face. I didn't think words could make me cry,since I'm so fucking tough. Thinking about Christian and I alone made me heart beat,I couldn't even breath.

Steven walked away before I could even reject the decision. I hate being obligated to such ideas.

"Christian!" He turned around and winked at me. If that's how he wants to play?Than fine. I winked at him and sucked on my index finger,making his eyes receive the sensual affect.

I haven't flirted in such a long time,but I know I'll always be the pro.
Bale better watch his ass.
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Thanks so much AlexaTheRockstar for this AMAZINGLYFANTASTICBANNER! You have no idea how much I appreciate SOMEONE making a banner! Haha,just kidding people,I love everyone.

Banners are nice,Comments are great,Friend Requests are better :]]