I Know That I Can't Have You

Chapter 25

I stepped out of the SUV taking in a deep breath. The New Jersey air filling my lungs. Good to be home. I turned around and walked over to the back of the SUV getting my bags out.

“Oh Charlie you don’t have to do that.” I turned to look at Denise, “that’s what the boys are here for, to help us.” She laughed and soon all us girls did too. While the boys and Paul looked at us.

“Here let me take that,” Kevin came up to me and snatched one of my suitcases from me, giving me a cute smile.

We walked up to the forest green door, and Denise pulled out a key with a smile on her face as she opened the door. We walked in and some of the furniture was covered up. The room smelled a little musty, like no one had been living there in years. The boys looked around with the memories flooding back to them.

“Can we see your old rooms?” Jewel asked the boys as Paul uncovered one of the couches.

“Yeah come on they’re this way.” We walked along the hallway covered in pictured of the boys of when they were younger. We headed up the stairs and looked at the boys pictures on there.

“Look at this one.” Kevin pointed at a picture of Nick. “I hate pictures.” he made a whining voice and we all laughed

“What are you talking about, look at Nick he’s such stud muffin!” Kizzie giggled as she looked at the picture of a younger nick.

Kevin moved up another step. “Oh this one.” He pointed to a picture of Joe.

“Oh no, no!” Joe moved in front of the picture.

“Come on Joe I wanna see the picture of you!” Jewel asked him, and he sighed and moved.

“This is, No mater what I did I never took of my jean jacked, ever, ever, never.” We all laughed and looked at the picture of Joe in a jean Jacket.

Nick and Joe were at the top of the stair case, It was Kevin’s turn.

“This is I never wore a tie in my life.” Nick laughed

“Shut up!” Kevin cut him off

Then Joe pointed at the picture of Kevin. “No this is, Hey I’m Kevin Jonas and I would like to sell you a car!”

We all laughed, Kizzie had tears coming out of her eyes, Jewel was hyperventilating with laughter, and I had to sit down on the stairs from how hard I was laughing.

Denise came around the corner. “Are you kids alright?” She asked us a little worried.

“Y-yeah Mom, Just looking at old pictures.” Nick answered her as our laughing died down. Denise just smiled at us and walked away mumbling something about ‘crazy kids’

“This is mine and Joe’s room.” Kevin opened up the door to the first room. It was a small room with two twin beds next to the walls, in the middle was a little night stand with a lamp. There was a small closet.

“This room seems so cozy!” I said as I walked up to a bed and laid on it. “Ah this bed is so soft!” as soon as I said that everyone came and laid on the bed with me.

“ha I think we outgrew these a long time ago.” Nick said from his little cramped corner.

“You all know there’s another bed on the other side right?” I said from my spot on the small bed.

Everyone mumbled some yeah’s, so’s and mhm’s. I laughed to myself. “So why don’t you go over there!” I whined playfully.

“Because we love you.” Kevin said, That just made me blush, and smile sheepishly.

Everyone cooed at us and ruined the moment. I rolled my eyes. “Come on guys I cant feel my legs. Joe and Jewel were lying on them and Nick and Kizzie had the end of the bed. Everyone huffed and got off the bed. I stayed on the bed. “help” I said

Kizzie laughed. “Come on its almost time to eat.” She pulled me up.

We walked down the stairs and into the living room. Frankie was playing some Xbox 360. We sat down with him, Joe started playing and the rest of us watched. I sat next to Kevin, he casually rested his arm on my shoulder like he always did. Kizzie was holding hands with Nick and Jewel was just watching Joe play.

The door bell rang. “I wonder who that could be?” Kevin said as we all looked around and shrugged. Denise said she would get it, so we didn’t move.

Denise walked into the living room, an uneasy smile on her face and she looked right at Kevin and I. “Guess who I found.”

All our attention was directed at the girl standing next to her. “Guys!” She shouted “how have you been?”

“Oh hey Danielle!” Joe said and I tensed up.

Danielle, Kevin’s old girlfriend?

She looked around at the boys and at us. By now Denise had left the room saying she had to get Dinner ready. She was all smiles until her eyes landed on Kevin and I. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. If looks could kill, I swear I would be long gone.

“Who are you people.” She said in a bitchy voice. I knew the question was more for me as she looked right at me.

Oh I can tell we’re gonna be great friends!… Ha yeah right.
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First of, I have NOTHING against Danielle. Personally I’m glad that Kevin is dating a normal person and not a celebrity. I’m sure she’s a great person (why else would Kevin date her) but for the sake of this story she will be Evil! hahaha

with that said, So SORRY I haven't updated!!! I just have a lot of things to do and have no time to write! I also get a lot of writers block and sometimes my computer decides to be mean to me and not work(Hahaha) I Would like to thank all the ppl who read this story and thank those of you who are still subscribed to this story, I have sadly lost a few subscriber, but Thank you To all of you who still take the time to read this!
