Status: On Suspended Hiatus

The Day All The Statues Came To Life

Chapter 10

There was another party that evening. After I cornered Ryan after lunch and hit him repeatedly on the head for his and Lily’s stupid plan to get me and Jude together, he told me he had some exciting news.
“Oh yeah?” I said skeptically, pulling my hair up into a pony tail. It was odd, half of my hair remained in my face from the cutting job I had done on it, but at least it was off my neck in the hot sun.
“You aren’t going to hit me again?” He asked, teasing me.
“Maybe.” I grumbled, settling down on his porch swing, watching Lily, Kyle and Jude setting up for the party in the backyard. People were slowly trickling in, giving Jake those stupid “man hugs” they always do. What is it with jocks and that stupid ass hug? I had seen James give it a hundred times and it annoyed me to no end.
“Earth to Teagan.” Ryan said, slapping my arm.
“Sorry.” I mumbled.
“Anyway, Jude and I? We got an apartment.” Ryan said, clearly bursting with excitement.
“Ryan!” I said happily. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. I told my parents today, I think they are in shock.” He said, smiling broadly. Ryan and his parents didn’t get along; he had dropped out of college and his parents had never forgiven him for it. Finding an apartment had to be huge for him, moving out was even bigger.
“I can come see you, right?” I said, imaging a happy summer spent mostly at Ryan’s and Jude’s. It seemed like an impossibility, but here was Ryan telling me it was true.
“No, Teagan.” He said sarcastically. “Don’t ever step foot inside it, got it?”
“Oh look,” I said calmly. “Lily’s getting hit on by one of Jake’s friends.”
Ryan spun around so quickly he got whiplash. He turned back to me, scowling, rubbing his neck. “Low blow.”
I flicked his nose. “Go get her, punk.”
He laughed, giving me a one armed hug. “Have fun tonight, okay? Maybe you should go talk to Jude…”
“I will kill you.” I snarled, aiming a kick at him, but missing. “Besides, he seems very interested in that brunette over there.”
He walked away laughing. I watched him walk over to Lily and casually sling an arm around her, Kyle drinking heavily, Jude and the brunette getting cozy over by the fence. I smiled slightly. I knew Jude had something I didn’t trust about him. Obviously he was a womanizer of some sort. I felt someone sit next to me, and jumped slightly when I realized it was Jake, holding out a cup to me.
“Hey,” I said smiling at him and taking it.
He flushed red for some reason, and reached up and casually yanked on a strand of my hair. “What inspired this?”
“Lily and Kyle…you know how they get. Do you not like it?” I asked, feeling worried for some odd reason. I wanted him to like it, mostly because I felt guilty almost for feeling so good about myself.
“You look beautiful no matter what.” I he mumbled, looking out at the yard. “Before or after some half baked idea of Lily’s.”
“Oh stop it Jake, you’ll make me blush.” I said, and he laughed softly. “How do you feel about Ryan moving out?”
He looked at me for a moment. “You know you’re the first person to ask me that?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” He said quickly. “I mean, it will be weird, without him. But it will be good for him, good for my parents too.”
“What about you though?” I persisted.
“I’m fine with it.” He said, but his voice suggested otherwise.
“Right, I really believe that.” I said sarcastically
He laughed but didn’t respnd and we sat in silence for a while sipping our drinks. “Where’s Bex tonight?” I said finally.
“Out with some friends.” He said simply. I snuck a peak at him. In the glow of the candles that Lily and Kyle had set up all around the yard, he looked peaceful and content, smooth and kind. I felt a stab of jealousy towards Bex. Having such a wonderful guy like Jake, someone who cared for her and vice versa. She was lucky sometimes. “I heard you and James had a fight.”
My jaw tightened automatically.
“Sorry,” He said immediately, realizing his mistake. “I shouldn’t have-“
“Everyone knows already, what do I care?” I said sharply.
“Sorry.” He said again, touching my arm softly. I twitched under his touch without thinking; I wasn’t used to kind touches. “Sorry,” He said again.
“I’m not an idiot, Jake.” I said, looking down at the contents of my cup. “I know what he is.”
“Do you?” He said. It wasn’t mean, just curious. “I don’t think you see him like everyone else does sometimes.”
“I think I have a better gage on him than you do.” I said coldly.
“You deserve better.” He said after a long pause.
“Oh, really? Funny how you all attempted to set me up with him.” I pointed to Jude and the brunette, who were now being practically indecent by the fence. “Clearly, much better.”
“I didn’t have any say in that.” Jake said defensively. “And you know what? Jude would never do half the things James does to you.”
I stood up. “I’ll see you around Jake,” I said furiously. “Tell Ryan I said bye.”
I made to leave but Jake grabbed my arm. “Don’t.” He said quietly, looking at me, his look undistinguishable.
“No.” I breathed, and yanked away.

I knew it was stupid, but maybe I just wanted to prove to Jake, to everyone who obviously thought I was a dumb, that I wasn’t an idiot.
So I drove to James’, looking in the mirror for a minute, rearranging my hair, pulling down my shirt slightly, adding a little more eyeliner before I stomped to his door.
He answered, of course. “Teagan?” He said in disbelief. “You look-“
I didn’t care what he thought I looked like, his face said it all: he wanted me. So I grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him hard. He pulled me into the house and shut the door and I pulled away from him. He made a sound of protest, but I cut him off again. “I’m sick of this James.”
“Sick of what?” He said, breathing heavily.
“If you want me, ask me out, or I’m leaving.” I said clearly.
“And that means that I really will be the only one.” I said, sharply. “No cheating on each other.”
“Teagan-“ He took a step towards me, but I held up my hand.
“Say it.” I said.
He swallowed. And for a minute I didn’t think he was going to give in, and then, “Of course, Teagan. I want you to be my girlfriend.”
I let him kiss me then, let him get me to the couch, let myself get carried away: but this time it was different. This time he was slow and romantic. This time he was passionate. And when we both laid exhausted on his bed, our limbs tangled up in one another, I heard him whisper into my neck, “Love you Tea.”
How was that for a perfect day?