What's It Going To Take For This Misery To End?



Dylan sat down cautiously in her previous spot, still keeping her eyes set on Zack, waiting for him to combust or go into hysterics. Nothing happened other then him turning his head to smile a light hearted smile to Dylan and then looked quickly to Faith, nodded his head once and then looked back to the television. The room was filled with this tension as everyone waited for Zack or Dylan to break out in some awful explosion.

Dylan turned her head to the left and looked behind the loveseat where Faith and Johnny were still standing; she smiled towards her best-friends, letting them know that she was content with staying, that everything was okay right now.

Faith looked to Johnny and raised her eyebrows, in return he shrugged his shoulders and they both sat down in their previous spots. It was quite for some time before Jimmy decided he couldn't take it, "soooo..." he looked around the room at everyone's blank faces.

Dylan cracked a smile and let out a light laugh. Everyone turned to look at her, including Zachary. "The tension in this room; it's like you guys are waiting for one of us to just... well, explode!" Everyone in the room, once again including Zack let out a laugh and then the tension began to dissolve quickly. Dylan sighed in contentment. She felt so light and free now, like nothing was holding her down.

She stole a glance at Zack and flushed a deep crimson when she noticed he was already looking at her. They kept one another's gazes, his face blank of emotion; hers still burning with embarrassment. Faith looked between the two and took in what was happening, evaluating their movements and then smiled a soft smile and looked over to Johnny, her heart fluttering just as she looked at him.

Dylan bit her bottom lip as she still held Zack's gaze. She began to fiddle with her hands in her lap, she had never felt so small and self-conscious yet adored under someone’s stare. She was so unsure of what to do that she felt her head begin to start spinning.

When the phone rang, she found herself suddenly free of Zack's stare as he turned to pick up the phone to his left. He said a few short words into the receiver and then set the cordless phone back down on the glass side table. He looked back at Dylan for a split moment before announcing to everyone that the Berry brothers were on their way.