Status: All done, but I'm doing a bit of editing here and there, mostly just spacing things out, and grammer.

Of All the People

Of All the People

Athena’s P.O.V.

After the whole ‘I love you’ fiasco, Jack and I hadn’t really said it to each other much, but occasionally. Before we had left the house, I pulled Jack aside as we were packing.

“Um…so what are we going to do when we get back to school?” I asked him in a hushed voice. He frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Well, don’t you think that if the administration knew that we were…you know, together, that they wouldn’t let us stay in the same room anymore?” I asked him, blushing furiously. He smiled, and nodded,

“I understand, we’ll just have to keep quiet.” I smiled back at him, and grabbed my bags, walking out to where the car was parked.

When my dad had dropped us off, he had pulled me aside, saying, “Be careful Athena.” I looked at him, utterly confused, “What do you mean?” I asked.

“Just be careful, I don’t want you to grow up to fast, or do something you’re not…er, ready for.” He said, blushing slightly. I nodded, and had run to catch up with Jack. That was the closest thing that my dad had ever given me to the sex talk.

Classes had started that Monday, and none of us were ready. I had already finished my assignments way earlier, but still, it was hard. Jack and I were studying on Monday night, after dinner and assembly, when I sighed, putting down my pencil. I stood up, and stretched, showing my tummy a little. I walked over to Jack, and he pushed out his chair, inviting me to sit on his lap. I did, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He grinned, and leaned down to kiss me. I met his lips half way, and deepened the kiss. Jack lifted me up, and carried me to his bed, which was closer to us. We sank onto the bed with Jack lying over me, his knees on either side of my thighs. Jack was kissing me, and unbuttoning my shirt at the same time. I sighed, and relaxed into him. Just then, Jack pulled away, and a pout was just starting to pucker on my face, when he said to me,

“Are you sure?” I thought about it for a minute, knowing that it was going to happen sooner or later, so why not lose my virginity to someone that I loved? I nodded, and pulled him back to me.

After, I was falling asleep to Jack running his fingers over my bare back, and occasionally kissing my shoulders, and brushing my hair back from my face. I went to sleep with a smile on my face that night.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock beeping. I opened my eyes, and everything from the night before came back to me. I smile, and wrapped up in the sheet, to turn off my alarm clock and put on some clothes. Jack was stirring as I was slipping on a thong, and bra. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

“Morning.” He said, I nodded, and walked over to him, slipping on jeans and a tee shirt, and sat on the bed, kissing Jack.

“Hi.” I said to him, blushing a little. He grinned at me, and kissed me again, then getting up and slipping on some boxers, and jeans and a tee shirt.

We walked down to breakfast and then came back to the room to get our books. I was so glad that it was Friday; I desperately needed to go shopping. Jack and I agreed to meet at lunch, and I went off to science.

At lunch, we held hands under the table, and ate with Connor and Dylan. At the end of the day, I went to go sign up for going to the city on Saturday. After a weekend of sleeping, eating, shopping, and homework, it was Monday. That week continued uneventfully, as did the next, and the one after that. (In case you were wondering, Jack and I did have sex more than just that time, but I just don’t want to go into the gory details)

Two and a half months later was when the heavens dropped an extremely cruel bomb though. Jack and I were in the room, studying, and I suddenly felt like I was about to throw up, which is weird, because I don’t usually throw up. I ran out of the room, and luckily got to the bathroom, not bothering to knock this time, and threw up into one of the toilets. There was a chorus of ‘eww’s as I emptied my stomach.

“Sorry.” I said to all of the guys as I walked out of the stall, and washed my mouth out. I left the bathroom, and walked back to the room. Jack looked worried, and walked over to me,

“Hey,” he said, “Are you okay?” I nodded, and buried my head into his chest.

“I think I’m gonna lie down.” I told him, slipping out of my clothes, and into some sleep shorts, and a tank top. Jack nodded, and came over with me, to lie with me. I snuggled into him, and fell quickly asleep, wondering what was wrong with me. I mentally shrugged, thinking that it was just a 24 hour flu, or something.

I woke up when my alarm went off, and stood up. I was putting on a bra, and realized that my breasts felt totally huge. I turned on a light, and took off my bra, looking at my reflection in the mirror on the wall. My breasts did look bigger than usual, and they didn’t fit into my bra as well. Well, that was just great. I already had huge breasts. I didn’t need them to grow any more. I shook it off, and put on my clothes. Jack was starting to stir when I was leaving, and so I walked over and kissed his head, then left, going down to breakfast. When I walked into the dining hall, I was hit by the overwhelming smell of bacon and eggs. The eggs smelled great, but the bacon almost made me sick again. That was strange, I usually loved bacon. I ate, and then went to the room to get my books, and walking to my class, sitting down, and studying for the test that we were going to have.

That night, I was sitting on my bed, reading my science text book, when I was sick again. I got to the bathroom again, luckily, and then came back to the room, sighing. I logged onto my computer, and checked my email. I looked at the date, and sat stunned for a minute, just as Jack walked in.

“Hey Athena…what’s wrong?” he asked me when he saw my face. I looked up at him, and glanced back at my computer.

“What’s the date?” I asked him in a voice that I didn’t recognize as my own.

“The 27th, why?” he asked, I shook my head, and ran to the bathroom, carrying a gift bag that my mom had given me for my 15th birthday.

I was sitting on the toilet, starting at the little pink plus sign that was clouding my vision.

How could this have happened? I mean, Of All the People…why me? Why couldn’t this happen to some other girl? I asked myself a hundred times over. I guess that I had started crying, because that had cleared out the bathroom very fast. I heard the door open, and then someone was standing in front of the toilet stall that I was using. I could tell it was Jack, because he was wearing black Converse, and dark jeans.

“Athena, are you all right?” he asked me, I sighed, and wiped my nose on some toilet paper.

“I…I think I have a really big problem.” I told him. He shifted his weight, and sighed.

“Could you come out, so I can see your face?” he asked me in a really sweet voice. I unlocked the door, and stuck my head out, careful to keep the pregnancy test behind my back.

“Oh, honey, what’s wrong?” he asked. I shook my head, and started to cry again. I shut and locked the door again, and leaned my back against it. I crouched down, and stuck the hand with the test under the door, so that he could see that evil little pink plus. I heard Jack swear when he saw it, and I started to cry even harder.

“Please, please…Athena, could you come out?” he asked me, I was surprised at how un-mad he was. I unlocked the door and stepped out, immediately getting wrapped in a hug.

“What do I do?” I asked into his chest, not quite ready for him to see my face.

“I’m not sure.” He said kissing my head. I’m not sure how long we stood there for, but eventually, I threw away the stick, and we walked back to the room, with Jack holding my hand the whole way, not caring anymore if anyone saw or not. It wasn’t going to matter in the future anyway; everyone was going to know soon enough.
♠ ♠ ♠ va? did u like?
*The French Tink*