
City Of Wonder.

Faded from the darkness, the light of the night stood outside in front of her group of followers, staring out into the streets of Gotham. Disturbia, her name meant many things in this town. Disturbia was a disease to most; she entered their minds and messed them up thoroughly. She never went without a smile or a twitch from her own messed up mind. She was like her name, darkness within the light.

"Madam Disturbia," one of her followers stood beside her, stilled while those around her bounced from the muscle spasms through their bodies. "We are set."

Disturbia stood watching the streets, silent and still while she looked around looking for any disturbances in the darkness around her. Once she turned to stare at her follower, Misery, she smiled brighter, "Go."

At her command, all of the bodies around her ran, some limping, down the street towards the large building at the end of the road. Gotham's museum, which held the largest diamond in New York, and it would be hers soon. "Tonight," she whispered to herself as she slowly walked forward. "I will have the prized diamond to myself."

"Oh really?" the high male voice questioned her remark with a giggle from behind her. She stopped in her pace and turned around with a jerk in her shoulder, her head flinging once to the side from the spasm in her body. She stared at the tall man surrounded by men in clown mask; he himself wore a mask of make up, painted as a clown.

"Really," she stood up to him as she walked closer, as she reached two steps away from him she stared into his hazel-green eyes, she was tall as him in her three inch heels. She sized him up by leaning back and letting her gaze slowly rake up from his black wore out shoes to his purple slacks, to his green vest and purple matching jacket, all the way up to his greasy hair and painted face hiding what looked like dips in his cheeks, like—scars. "You must be the man known as Joker, am I correct?"

"The Joker," he corrected her casually as he held his hand out while he bowed in her presence, it made her smile at his respectfulness towards her royal beauty. "And you are who? I'm ashamed to say I have no clue who you are."

Frowning almost too suddenly, it caused her neck to jerk to the size from the spasm in her spine that shot up from the bottom to the top; she stared at his face in all seriousness before she sighed out her answer to his ridiculous question. "My name is Disturbia, Madam of darkness."

He looked at her for a brief moment, tapping his index finger against his lips in thought and then like a light bulb brightening up, his face stretched to accommodate his smile, "I have never heard of you."

"To bad, you've missed out on quite some tales," she excused as she turned her head to peak out her peripheral vision at the museum, which was now being evacuated of people. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some—work to do."

"Alright Miss twitch, have fun. Oh," before she walked away the Joker held his hand out with a look of innocence on his face, like he needed to tell her something he had forgotten moments before. "I'll be taking the Gotham Bank out in about five minutes and Batboy should be showing up in about ten minutes, just a heads up."

"Hm," she said softly as she licked her top and bottom lips in one swift lick, casting her gaze at the Joker she smiled. "Thank you for the—heads up, clown."

"Mhm—no, no, no listen. Its not clown, they are the clowns. I am the Joker. It’s a completely different person and a completely different attitude," he smirked as he walked closer; he leaned in to Disturbia's face and took a deep breath. "You can call me Joker."

"I think," she said quietly as she leaned in to whisper in his ear, instead of smelling what she thought would be filth, she smelled cologne and soap. "I'll call you, Bozo the clown."

"Humph," he grumbled as she leaned back and turned around fully, walking towards the museum. "See ya later then, Madam?"

"You're in the city of wonder, Clown," she started off facing the direction she walked. "You never know."

"Madam, Madam," Misery ran up as soon as Disturbia stood in front of the steps, leading up to the doors that had been busted open by her people. "The Bat signal has been lit, he's on his way."

"Have we got the diamond?" she questioned as she lifted her arm and placed her black faded fingers over her companions shoulder, gripping it softly.

"We have, Madam," she said softly as she placed her hands on Disturbia's, happy to have her Madam's undivided attention all on her.

"Then let's leave in peace, shall we?" Disturbia placed her hand back to her waist where she stood in a leaders stance looking over the broken pieces of glass hanging off the doors, the blood lining the concrete steps, no doubt from her mindless men.

"I'll tell the rest," she lifted her head and ran straight in, clipping her shoulder on the broken and jagged piece of glass hanging on the door.

"They are all brainless," Disturbia amused herself by whispering silent notes to herself while she waited, tapping her large black shoe against the pavement.

Not three minutes later, the rattle from the stampede of her people was heard from her place upon the steps, she smiled to herself as she turned around and slowly descended her steps. She stood at the curb seconds later, waiting for the rest to catch up when she noticed a small black something coming in fast, down the street. She had to squint her eyes to finally spot the Bat on his bike, her groan was evident as she crossed her arms and waited for the Bat to stop in front of her. Once he did he stood up fast and arrived a few steps away from her, face to face he stood domineering. "What—"

"Save me the speech, Batman," she spit like venom as she held her head high, eyeing him evilly. "Whether you like it or not, I'm about to leave with my precious diamond in hand and you won't touch me."

"Who are you?" his eyes never widened and his lips lined in a straight grimace as his voice rasped out the unfailing question of the night.

"Why doesn't anyone know who I am, do I need to pillage and plunder even more or shall I throw in a couple more bombs to avoid mistaken identities, for crying out loud I'm not something many people forget," she complained as she stepped closer, her face nearly three inches away from the Bats. "My name is Madam Disturbia, you may call me Disturbia for I am the—"

"As much as I'd like a formal greeting, I'd much rather stop you from getting out around people who you can kill or steal from," his voice sounded so ridiculous it practically made Disturbia giddy inside.

"Oh Bats—" she said softly as she heard her people arrive behind her, all of which were staring intensely at the Batman. It must have scared the big bad bat to see so many people convulsing with blind like eyes, their skin dirty from the filth they lived and survived in and most of all, how zombie like they acted. "I don't kill for pleasure but for sheer reason. I need all the money and prizes I can get."

"Why?" he questioned as his eyes never gazed away from hers, it felt great to be the center of attention in a crowd of people.

"Because," she lined in once again to whisper in his ear the answer of his wondering question. "I can."

No more words were spoke as he grabbed hold of her arm and jerked her forward, meaning to slam her against the cement, but she was caught by one of her men and handed off to another who handed her off until she was safely away from the Bat. All at once her people attacked the bat while she and two others walked away unscathed into the darkness. "We should gain a place to live, Madam. We can no longer hide out in the darkness now that the Bat knows of us," Misery pointed out to her left as she walked through the darkness, her eyes a shade lighter than white from the blindness she was born into from day one. Though she had no ability of fight, she had a knack for seeing things.

"I know, Misery. I know the perfect place to," Disturbia smiled to herself as she felt the man to her right pick her up and sit her over the small fence that stood in there way, instead of breaking it down. He picked up Misery next before following himself, silently.

"Where, Madam Disturbia?" Misery questioned as she followed with her hands in her shredded leather jacket.

"Joker's hideout," Disturbia smiled as she sat down in the shadows, quietly waiting for her people to return, they always knew where she was since they had a connection with their leader. And she knew wherever they were, always.
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If there is any bad grammer, I don't really give a crap. Its 3:30 and I felt like making a new story, I hope you like it.

Banners, comments and messages are appreciated! Also feedback is.
