
No Love, No Noise.

"Bum Bum be-bum, bum bum be-bum bum," Disturbia heard being hummed, sung and even played against the large barrel drums under the bridge she and her people were under.

"They sound good tonight," Misery casually stated as she sat beside Disturbia, playing with her hair that fell past her shoulders, twisting it around and around her fingers.

"Mhm," Disturbia hummed as she drummed her fingers along with the melody against her thigh, she turned her face to her dear friend and follower to sigh heavily. "Misery, are we allowed to love or anything near it?"

"I don't know, Madam, you are the leader. You should be the one to decide that," Misery explained softly as she looked forward, her blind eyes unmoved. "Why do you ask?"

"Its hard to explain, but when I went to the Joker's hotel, I kissed him thinking of only teasing him like usual. But it turned into something different, I actually enjoyed it," Disturbia sounded haunted as she explained this to her friend, she felt drained from life. "I think he did too…"

"Who wouldn't, you are much of a catch, Madam. And from what Dane tells me, you are extremely beautiful," she smiled gently as she held her hand out, Disturbia grabbed it and felt Misery give it a squeeze. "It may not be love, like you think. But don't worry, everything works out in time."

"I don't want to love the Joker," Disturbia said softly, whispering as if it was a curse to say his name. "I just—never mind, its nothing to be worried about."

"If its something you worry about, its something I can as well," Misery went quiet after that was said, Disturbia closed her eyes and blended in with the darkness as her thoughts ceased and sleep welcomed her with open arms.

The Joker's Place

Stretching out in his bed, Joker moaned and groaned at his lack of sleeping habits, he couldn't sleep even if he tried now these days. He gave up after another thirty minutes and stood up, throwing on his shoes and buttoned up his vest as he walked across the room to the door, he threw it open with an angered force making it slam into the wall and bounce back close to hitting him in the face. "Who the hell is singing?!" his shout nearly shattered the glass windows in the room he stood in, looking around at his men.

"We don't know," Bozo said. His voice weak with distress as he cupped his hands over his ears, "I just got back from shift and I can't get to fucking sleep because of that damn singing."

"Well go find it, and shut it up," Joker snapped as he ran his hands through his hair, ready to start pulling out handfuls. "Now!"

Each one of his men scrambled to their feet and ran out the door to the stairs, in route to finding the songbird guilty of causing eardrums to shatter and bleed. Joker followed down the stairs, but not at any speed other than a slow walk, he wasn't going to get in any hurry for some idiot who doesn't know singing past ten at night is considered rude.

Pulling out one of his sharpest knifes, the one with a purple handle with green streaks down the sides, Joker turned the corner and spotted his men running down the street towards the darkness where the singing began to get louder. Joker seemed to roll his eyes in general as he cleaned his knife on the thigh part of his pants. "We found it boss!" chuckles the clown shouted as he ran fully into the darkness, the others would have to but considering the scream and snap of chuckles caught them off guard and froze their bodies stiff.

"Yeah," Joker muffled out of his mouth while he continued walking, past some of his now frozen clowns. "You did find them, chuckles. Good job, a raise is in order for you."

And once chuckles body was thrown from the darkness, he laughed and walked straight into where the body flung out. "Disturbia," he called out in a sing-song tone, his eyes weren't adjusting to the darkness so he stood blind along killers like himself. "Oh Disturbia, where oh where are you?"

"Clown, what are you doing here?" her musical voice lifted through the faded light and reached his ears like the sweet sound of cars crashing and buildings exploding, his all-time favorites.

"Oh nothing," Joker said casually as he felt something go up under his arm and tug him backwards, soon he was back in the light of the street with Disturbia standing before him. "I'd like to ask why you don't shut your men up, I was trying to sleep and all I hear is this bum bum be-bum load of crap? Please tell me you went deaf or something or I will seriously have to shoot something."

"I didn't go deaf," she assured him as she looked into his sleepy looking eyes. "I went to sleep, they sing when they are restless. I can't help it that we have nowhere for them to enjoy themselves, my people need rest just as yours do."

"Yeah well, I haven't slept well in years, tell them to join the club," he snapped as he looked towards the darkness. "If I hear one more song from this... I'm bringing back a machine gun and some hand grenades."

"There won't be any reason for that," Disturbia's firm voice brought his attention back to her. "Just let us sleep in your spare rooms and we'll be silent as the dead."

"Oh," Joker said quickly as he grabbed his cheeks in his hands, pretended fake shock. "I'll be damned; the Madam of darkness will shut up finally? No lady I'm not giving you my hotel."

"Then suffer," she smiled brightly as she leaned closer. "Or you know, give in."

"You're testing my last nerve," he shakily explained, he didn't want a fight right then, he only wanted sleep. Which was opposite from his regular opinion. "I just want you to shut up and let me sleep, is that to much to ask?"

"For someone who sleeps in the darkness with over fifty others, yes it’s a bit to much," she claimed sarcastically as she stared at him straight on. "You want me to silence them, get me somewhere they will silence themselves."

"Oh for crying out loud," he shouted as he gripped his hair in his hands, he turned to the darkness, then to his men and then back to Disturbia before grunting and groaning for a few seconds. "Find, come on, you can have the two top floors. But I swear if I hear one more noise, I'll kill them all."

"One more noise and I give my full permission," she nodded her head in agreement before she turned around and waved at her men to come out of the shadows, as soon as she did many men and women walked out in hardly any clothing, quiet as a mouse. Not even their footsteps were heard as they followed their leader walk towards their new safe haven.

"Don't bother me," Joker claimed as he slammed the door to his room, kicked off his shoes and pulled off his vest before he fell on his bed, the silence caused his unconsciousness as soon as his head hit the mattress, and soon his body relaxed as well.
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