
Splendid Politeness.

The following day, Disturbia woke at dawn and smiled at the sun even though it blinded her to look; she turned her sheets down and crawled from the king size bed she claimed as hers on the ninth floor. Misery's room was on the right, close to hers in case something happened and Dane's was on the other side of Misery's room. Everyone else had picked random rooms, some even stayed outside. Her people weren't easily bought by the luxury of beds. As she had once claimed before, most were brainless from the disease of the mind they endured.

Disturbia stared at herself in the mirror for a moment before she turned and walked out of the door; she moved to Misery's and knocked on it twice. "Misery would you like to go shopping with me?"

Opening the door shyly, Misery stared straight forward with a sheepish smile on her face. "Shopping? Of course, Madam."

Disturbia smiled as she hooked her arm with Misery's and walked over to Dane's door, she pounded on it twice before she leaned back and waited for the door to open, and when it did Disturbia sighed in happiness. "Oh Dane, how handsome you look today."

"Madam Disturbia, Miss Misery," he announced as he bowed slightly, Misery smiled and waved her hand forward, Dane walked forward and laid a sweet kiss on her lips before he stood in front of Disturbia and kissed her cheek politely. "What may I owe this visit too?"

"We're going shopping," Misery smiled brightly as she bounced on her heels, Disturbia looked down at her friend and smiled with a slight giggle.

"And we need you to be our body guard, big man," Disturbia winked as she grabbed his hand and put it in Misery's, she turned and walked to the stairs. "Pick her up and carry her downstairs, I need to speak with Joker."

"Yes Madam," Dane agreed and walked past Disturbia, who waited until they were gone to go down several flights of steps to Joker's little apartment on the third floor.

Walking into his room without knocking, Disturbia sat on the end of his bed and smiled at his laid out figure. It made her smile to see how normal he looked with the purple sheets laid sloppily over his sleeping figure, showing his white tee-shirt and boxers, his legs sticking out of the sheets over the end of the bed and his hair around his face. He didn't look like the Joker; he looked like a regular Joe. "Joker," she called out as she grabbed hold of his foot and gave it a yank towards her. "Joker."

"What?" he grumbled half asleep as he turned his head into the pillow, Disturbia smiled softly as she turned to climb up on the bed, she leaned down over the top of him and moved the hair from his face.

"Joker," she called out again, only this time softly. "Joker, wake up."

"What are you doing in my room?" he questioned her as his eyes popped open, she smiled as she softly slid the hair that fell once more into his eyes away from his face.

"I'm about to go shopping with Misery and Dane, would you like anything while I'm out?" she questioned as she stood up and jumped off the bed, silently landing on the floor. "Hm?"

"No, get out," he grumbled as he hid his face in the pillow again, Disturbia only sighed and walked around to the other side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" she leaned down to stare into his eyes; he only closed them and grunted. "Alright, alright, I was just being polite. If any of my people annoy you, don't shoot them. Just threaten shooting them and then tell them that I said leave you be."

"Right, that'll be the first thing I do," he mumbled sarcastically as he turned over to face the door, Disturbia sighed and walked back around, out the door in a hurry.

On the way down the stairs, she grunted as her heel on her right foot broke into and she nearly fell down the remaining stairs. Instead of screaming and pitching a fit like she could have, she merely picked her shoes off the ground where she stepped out of them and left them there as she walked down the steps to the lobby. "Misery, remind me I need new shoes as well."

"What happened to your other pair?" Misery asked softly as she stood beside Dane in the lobby area, Dane grabbed her hand and pulled her along to catch up with Disturbia's long strides.

"They broke," her firmness showed she was aggravated, but only because she really adored those shoes, she had them a great while considering how fast her shoes broke.

"Oh," Misery said softly as she moved her head to look towards the ground. "We'll get you some shoes too. Do I need new ones?"

"No, yours are almost brand new," Disturbia smiled as she walked outside with Dane following at a short distance. "Which store shall we go to?"

"Which do you want to go to, Madam?" Misery questioned as she let Dane pick her up so she couldn't trip over the curb.

"I say we go on a shopping spree," Disturbia smiled as she looked over at Misery and Dane. "How does that sound?"

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