
You Have The Right To Remain Silent

Standing back while she watched with interest as Dane walked around shouting commands, Disturbia waited for Misery to hand her the next outfit she needed to try on, "Misery, I want this one too," Disturbia handed her the outfit she tried on back to Misery, who threw it into a pile on the left side of her which was turning out to be a large mountain of clothing.

"Anyone moves and they will die," Disturbia could hear Dane shout as she continued to pick out clothes, along with some for Misery and Dane whenever she found their sizes.

"Oh, very nice," Disturbia said softly as she held up a bright red pair of spandex pants, along with a white tank top and leopard print fuzzy jacket. "I think I'll wear this now."

"Are we leaving, Madam?" Misery questioned Disturbia as she stood in front of the changing room door, her hands clamped together while she guarded her leader.

"Mhm, I just need some shoes now," Disturbia grabbed hold of Misery's arm and pulled her after her into the shoes department, where she picked out many shoes, she found one perfect for Misery and swapped out the shoes she wore for the new ones before her sights fell on a pair of shoes perfect for her. They were past the knee length black with white diamonds spotted everywhere. "We are ready to go now."

"Dane," Misery called out, her voice not rising with pitch as she turned around and held her hand out. "Dane, we're ready to leave. Where are you?"

"Right here, my love," Dane called out as he grabbed her hand, Disturbia smiled as she walked over to the pile of clothes she had left on the floor. She started to pack the clothes into store bags, as soon as they were filled, completely nine bags were finished. They all grabbed three each and walked outside.

"I want you both to go back to the Joker's hideout, I will let them chase me," Disturbia said as she heard sirens far off, she pointed out to a dark blue van which was for a catering service next to the shop they were in. "Take that back, then Dane I want you to dump it. I'll meet you there soon."

"Be careful, Madam," Misery said softly as Dane picked her up and walked to the van, he placed her in the passenger seat and jumped into the drivers seat. He turned the switch, since the driver left the keys in the ignition and drove off without a glance back.

Disturbia sighed to herself as she turned around and walked across the street, pausing at the stop sign and waiting for others to walk before her, eventually she got across and peered down at a silver motorcycle parked up against the light post, it was chromed out with large rimmed tires and large mufflers on the side. It struck her as something she would love to borrow, so as she stepped down from the sidewalk she noted that the keys were gone. She frowned at that and turned around. "Who owns this?" she questioned loudly to the onlookers eating outside the café in front of her.

"I do," a man with jeans on stood up, his long blonde hair up in a low ponytail.

"May I ask you to come here for a moment?" she cast him a flirty glance while she cocked her hip and stood in a provocative stance beside the bike. "I'd like to ask you a few…questions."

The man wasted no time in standing up, he took his steps by twos as he hopped the Iron Gate to stand beside her, and he looked down at her expectantly before looking back at the bike. "Yeah?"

"Could you, give me a ride?" she asked innocently as she bit her lip and ran her hand down his shoulder to his forearm. "I'd gladly pay you back—somehow."

"Alright," he chuckled nervously as he hopped on the bike, he patted the back and motioned for her to get on. "Want a helmet?"

"No, I like to live life, dangerously," Disturbia smiled as she climbed on behind him and placed her hands around his waist, scooting up against him. She smiled to herself at her plan that brewed quickly in her sick mind, she leaned up against his back and kissed his ear, then licked the bottom part of his lobe. "Don't you?"

"Yeah," he said even more nervous than before as he started up the bike and began to go down the road at top speed, Disturbia laughed quietly to herself as she pressed herself even closer to him, reaching up she cupped her arms around his arms and pulled herself up to whisper in his ears, words of insanity. Her words slowly made there way to his brain and slowly, like all her people, he began to loose his mind to her darkness.

"Good boy," she whispered softly as she finished her softly spoken plan, she turned to look behind her and groan at the sight of cop cars coming up fast. They must have seen her. "Mind if I drive, big boy?"

"I—I—" his mind raced to face for thoughts to arise and slowly his eyes shaded over into blindness, she sighed as she thought of how many she had lost from the weakness of some's minds. If they weren't strong, they didn't live through the insanity. Through the altered minds they were then given.

Disturbia slowly slid the man off of the bike, letting his soulless body hit the ground at sixty top speeds, it made her grimace but she had no time for disgust as she turned the bike's handlebars towards the west, way away from her now home. She had to loose the Gotham police before anything; she couldn't give away her loyal host and her people's hideaway. As she drove down the street, she groaned as she seen many more police cruisers show up, even from down the street where she was headed and right then she knew she was caught. She knew then she would be jailed for burglary and manslaughter. "Oh how Dane will get it if he doesn't get me out of here," she grumbled to herself as she slowed the bike and propped her legs out to both the sides, holding the bike and herself up.

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" one of the cops shouted in a loudspeaker as she stood still, looking around for something she could make a diversion and get away.

Slowly she held her hands up, her hands turned black shined in the light as she waited for more instructions. "Oh please," she paused for effect to her dramatic surrender. "Have mercy, I plead temporary insanity."

"You have the right to remain silent—" the cop from the loudspeaker read her rights as he cuffed her against the cop cruiser, she rolled her eyes as she leaned against the tire of the car.

"I have the right to tell you that in an hour you'll be dead."
♠ ♠ ♠
I won't be updating much, seeing that I don't have much dedication to it because no one cares about it. But eh, if you want more, I'd apprecate some comments on it. Pulease.

