
New Member, New Mother.

Disturbia woke up with a shock; she opened her eyes in one quick moment and popped up in bed, staring around in the darkness. She blinked once and could see everything around her, she was in Joker's bedroom, and as soon as she seen that she remembered everything that happened. Absolutely everything from the moment she had woken up in her bed from the time she sat in front of Joker, kissing him gently. She turned slightly and smiled at the memories, also at the man lying down in bed beside her. The Joker. "Joker," she whispered softly as she lay back down beside him, softly pushing the hair from his face once again. "Joker, are you awake?"

"I am now," he grumbled under his breath as his eyes remained closed, that was until Disturbia leaned down and lightly kissed his lips, waking him up fully.

"Joker," she whispered softly as she felt his arms go around her bare waist and pull her closer, she lay partially across his chest and giggled. "You make me feel like a child."

"I would have hoped now," he mumbled under his breath once again. "Then I'd be a pedophile."

"I meant, you make me feel happy as a child," she rephrased it while she drew circles around his bare skin, noting that he had many scars from previous encounters with bullets, knives and other sharp objects that pursed his skin so deeply. "I wonder why?"

"Because we just had really good sex?" he suggested with a grunt as he moved to pull her on him more, where her head was close to his chest. She laid her head on his chest and heard the beating of his heart, so rhythmic to her musically involved ears. It made sense to feel so good in his arms, yet it felt odd for two people as bad as they were to be so happy together.

"No, well maybe but I believe it's because you make me happy," she confessed as she gazed up at his face, he was staring at the ceiling. "Though I've known you for three days, its faster than I've heard but I believe that love has somehow filled my altered mind."

"I can't love," he said firmly as he placed his hands on each side of Disturbia's waist. "I don't believe in it."

"Why is that?" she questioned him sternly, wanting to know why he himself thought that true love wasn't meant for him. Sure he was psychopathic, but he was human after all, his emotions may have been cut at the quick but he had them nonetheless.

"Because, love doesn't happen for people like me," he frowned in his thoughts. "I don't believe its meant for us, sure love can be sensed at first but it ruins like most good things in life. Like fun, eventually you grow old and loose sense of that childlikeness, I don't want to grow old and do that, I don't want to try and love because it will fade."

"You don't believe in chance do you?" Disturbia questioned as she lifted her head to stare into his eyes.

"Why should I?" he turned his head to stare into her eyes. "It all goes to hell anyway."

"I think even though we are demented, destroyed and plain fucked. We deserve happiness as much as the next person; no one is perfect therefore no one should be damned for their wrongness. I don't want to grow old and loose sight of what I like, but I won't stop it if it happens. I won't hide myself from the fact that love could be happening for me, I don't want to believe it will fade until it does and when it does, if it does. It will be my own fault and I will take it then, not now," she said this with sternness as she stood up and changed into her dress, she picked up her shoes and hurried from the room with them in her hands.

"Madam?" Dane announced as Disturbia walked into the lobby of her floor, Dane stood beside the sofa where Misery sat, beside her was a small girl with a teddy bear in hand.

"Whose she?" Disturbia questioned as she pointed weakly at the little girl who looked no older than a toddler.

"We found her outside in the lobby, she says that she's been living there her whole life. She has no family," Misery claimed as Disturbia walked over and sat down beside her, in front of the little girl.

"What's your name?" Disturbia questioned the girl as if she was a grown woman; she didn't talk to her like she was two.

"Deanna," the little girl's shaky reply shocked Disturbia, she softly placed a hand on the little girl's head and gave it a pat.

"Deanna, how old are you?" she asked once more in a regular tone.

"Five," her 'F's were very much slurred, caused by the gap in her teeth where she missed a couple baby teeth.

"Well five year old Deanna," Disturbia started off as she gently picked up the girl and sat her in her lap. "Would you like for me to be your friend?"

"Yeah," she whispered as she glanced down at Disturbia's fingers, she grabbed hold of her index finger and began to play with it, like a child preoccupied with a new toy.

"Deanna," Disturbia made her pause in her actions and look up at her face with an innocent gaze. "My name is Madam Disturbia; you will be staying with me. This is Misery and her husband Dane. They will be looking out for you, you will be the newest addition to our people, do you understand?"

"Yes," her 'S's came out just as her 'F's had, slurred.

"Come with me then," Disturbia sat her back down on the ground and stood up herself, she turned and began to walk for her room, leaving the little one behind her in a hurry to catch up.

"I believe Madam Disturbia has now found herself an heir," Misery whispered to Dane, who grinned and kissed her on the lips.

"No doubt about it, my love. She will have fun watching over the little child."

Turning around at the door, Disturbia paused and held it open for Deanna who ran in past Disturbia's long legs, her blonde hair wildly bouncing back and forth on her head. "Deanna, where are your parents?"

"Huh?" she turned around and furrowed her eyebrows in childlike confusion, which made her look adorable in that stance, it even made Disturbia crack a grin.

"Your mommy and daddy," Disturbia said a little bit different, something she might be able to understand in her small mind.

"They died," she said with a shrug of her little shoulders, Disturbia noticed how unchanged she seemed and figured it best not to ask.

"Well, I will be your mother now," Disturbia nodded her head as if making sure of it. "Do you understand?"

"You be my mommy?" Deanna pointed her little finger at Disturbia, her bright green eyes wide with wonder.

"Yes, I'll be your mother."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back!
