The Entire Plot of Perfection and Scars

Scars Huh?

Russell Amora, 19, lives in Gotham City. Her and her good pal Aiden Richards LOVE The Joker. They think he’s the bizzle. Oh, they’re both crazy by the way.
After an interesting Halloween, Russell gets Joker Cards and that means one thing – trouble.
Well, death basically.
Aiden and Russell have some crazy fun, even killing a dude in HMV. I mean, what the fuck?!! Crazy bitches!
But OMG, Aiden goes missing, Russell panics, turns out Aiden’s been kidnapped by the Joker and both girls talk in third person, Big Brother style.
Lucky for Aiden, the terror does end as Russell finds her. But they both get put in the Joker’s fucking white room.
There was this girl called Trixie as well, but she just walked out. So, as they slowly go crazy. As Russell and Aiden begin to irritate each other, Aiden is eventually saved by Robin blah blah blah and Jokie and Russell fall in love.
Well, urr kind of.
THEN it turns out that Russell killed Aiden’s mum.
Bloody hell, she must be completely off her nut.
This is confirmed when Russell develops this dudey little voice in her head.
Trust me, you will grow to love this voice.
Eventually, Jokie and Russell start to get along quite well. It’s all cheery. A bunch of people, including Aiden, go with Russell to live in the Super Secret Lair For Super Secret Villain Who Wants To Hurt The Not So Secret Batman Hero With His Goonies And Me.That’s the S.S.L.F.S.S.V.W.W.T.H.T.N.S.S.B.H.W.H.G.A.M. or the Joker’s house. Either’s good.
There’s a lot of guitar smashing over the Joker’s head, then our three misfits (Russell, Aiden and Lara) and Jokie make their first appearance before BATMAN before playing an interesting game of charades.
Then Russell and Jokie get a bit too close, if you get what I mean…
Jokie informs Russell his name is Jack, but he ruins the moment and gives Russ a great big scar.
Glorious! Charming man! So romantic!
So, things take a step back, but Harley soon fills in the gap.
Harley ‘The Bitch’ Quinn becomes Jokie’s new little Barbie doll and completely fucks everything up.
Of course, Russell is jealous and so Team Russell go ninja on Harley’s ass.
Various plans are schemed, including marbles, feathers, and the usual thing that we all know and love, but Jokie is NOT happy.
[Frankly he can just go fuck himself. (Y) ]
A battle begins between Team Jokie and Team Russell, but it seems Russell and Co. are still invited to Jokie’s Masquerade Ball.
I mean, duuuuude, that’s so rad.
Jokie invites all of Gotham’s important people as a plot to discover the identity. Of course we know who he is and it’s no surprise when Bruce Wayne asks Russell to dance.
Sparks fly.
But Jokie intervenes and apologises, promising to kiss Russ at midnight.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t. He gets with Harley.
Cue sad face.
But, an angry Russ discovers a note in her dress from Bruce Wayne.
Date date date!
So, when Russ begins to actually care for Bruce, Jokie tries to stop it all, but fails.
But I’m forgetting about Harley.
An ‘army’ is created and it’s a damn scary one too. A bout half a million, absolutely crazy girls unite with a lust for blood and violence.
The first meeting is just a complete giggle and another girl soon joins.
Forest. (Y)
She befriends Harley (because she’s knew and all), meaning our Army of Haters can do some serious damage.
This also means Forest gets a big long chat with Jokie.
She’s a pretty good spy, if I say so myself. She’s also a skilled ninja, meaning Russ and Forest easily enough capture Harley and take her off for some HARDCORE torture.
The Army get painted up and make a little show of the torture session.
Everyone else's face has a white base and black around there eyes. The only difference were our lips.
Sam's were a deep blue, Selene's were grey, Natasha's were white, Leigh's were yellow, Brianna's were a very bright pink, Scarlet's were indigo, Lee's were aqua, Courtney-Lynn's were a rich purple and Forest's were green.

Knives are drawn and matches are lit, the girls go mental.
But SHAOCK HORROR, our favourite girls unveil a disgusting, terrible secret; Harley is pregnant, with Jokie’s baby.
But the up-side is that our good friend The-Voice-In-Russell’s-Head gets a name.
Monster Anathema – Monster when she’s being good, Anathema when she’s being not so good.
Jokie finally confesses his love for Russ, he makes the girls leave the baby alone, but this also means Russ can’t be with Jokie.

SO, Russell, Aiden and Leigh move to New York, away from the life they had, and all that jazz. But will life remain all cheery? Will Gotham call to them again?
No, it won’t. But a certain playing card might want some action, giving Russell Amora no option to return to Gotham and get down and dirty between the sheets with our favourite guy in make-up!
♠ ♠ ♠

Actually, un-tune for a bit and go comment Toaster and make her hurry up and write more.
; ]
(Loves you shweetie!)

And tell me what y'all think.