You're My Nicotine

And They Found You

"I'm going..."

Billie Joe looked up from the bill he was reading at the kicthen table, to see his daughter smiling back at him. She wore her short jean skirt with loose threads at the end and black leggings underneath with her Doctor Martens. As she turned around to put on her hoody, Billie saw the slits in the back of her black strap top.

"Oh, honey, you look great," Adrienne commented as she entered.

"Thanks, mom," October smiled, her nose piercing gleaming and eyes dark as ever.

Billie Joe watched his daughter for a moment, her hair straightened neatly. He remembered the day she was born, when she took her first steps, her first word, the time she had fallen off her bike and tried so hard not to cry and stay brave as he cleared up the wounds on her knees. He remembered all those times he hadn't been there for her, all the times he was away from home, and the time she needed her father most when she had lost her best friend. He had missed a lot.

She had grown up so fast.

"Hey, sweetheart..." Billie spoke as he dropped the bill and stood from the table, "I know you said you didn't want me to drop you off or anything, and I know you said it's only a ten minute walk, but I don't like the idea of you coming back on your own so will you at least let me pick you up afterwards?"

October looked at her father and smiled at his rambling concern, "If you really want to, dad."

"I do," he nodded.

She grabbed an open envelope on the table, along with a pen, and wrote down the address of the house. Scott had given it to her the day before, after she had told him she would like to go the party.

"I'll be there at midnight, okay?" Billie said as he read the address.

"'Kay," October replied and headed to the front door, after telling her parents she'd see them later.

"Promise me you won't come back too hammered," Adrienne smirked as her daughter opened the door.

"I promise," October laughed and closed the door behind her.

As the seventeen year old began down the road, the sun setting behind the many clouds, she popped a white pill in her mouth. To be honest, she was nervous. The only person she'd know at this party was Walker and God knows what kind of people he was friends with.

October removed a packet of cigarettes from a hoody pocket and lit up, but nearly dropped it in shock as her chest vibrated sharply. Pulling out her cell phone from her bra, she read the new text message to find it was from Frank, asking how she was and how everything was coming along.

Excluding the part about taking a pill, October texted back that she was doing okay and that she was on her way to a party down 'Wall Street'.

As she passed the 'Wall Street' sign, some death metal found its way to her ears and she followed it, asuming the music was coming from the party. As she neared the booming house, her chest vibrated again.

'Have fun, i'm just at the studio. Any problems, u have my number.'

Before October had the chance to thank him, Walker had spotted her and was pulling her inside the house.

"Did you have any trouble finding the place?" he asked, yelling a bit to be heard over the music.

"Are you kidding?" she replied, "The music led me straight here."

Smirking, Scott said, "Let's get a drink."

As October followed behind Scott through the noisey house, she realised just how many people were actually there. At least one hundred people in all directions, and most definately more upstairs and downstairs.

The two walked down a packed hallway and past the stairs, where various couples were sitting and making out, and into the kitchen. Scott grabbed a couple beers from the fridge, removed one of the caps using the edge of the counter and handed it to October as he opened one for himself.

"You look great," he said as he watched October take a swig from her bottle.

"Oh thanks," she smiled, "You too."

He was wearing faded black pants with a studded belt and a red tee that showed off his abs, aswell as beat up Converse on his feet. His hair looked clean and eyes were bright as usual.

Suddenly there were chants coming from the other side of the kitchen.


They both turned to see a guy with a mohawk chugging down a huge carton full of beer.

"Man, he’s gonna regret that tomorrow," October commented and Scott laughed.

"That's Marcus," he informed her and called over to his friend, "Hey, Marcus, dude!"

The mohawk guy looked over in their direction and a grin broke out across his dazed face.

"Scotty!" he cried, throwing his arms around Scott into a hug, "Glad you could make it." He pulled away as his eyes landed on October, "This the girl you were talkin' about?"

"Yeah, this is October," Scott introduced.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," Marcus said as he extended his hand.

October shook it and replied with a laugh, "Thanks."

Marcus then slumped an arm around her shoulders. "How're you doin', October?" he asked, she could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"I'm good," she replied with a smile, "How're you doing?"

"I'm great! Come meet some people." He took her beer, put it on the side and started to drag her away.

"Marcus!" shouted Scott.

Marcus turned himself and October back round to face Scott as he glared at him. Marcus just smirked, "Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her."

"Just don’t do anything stupid," said Scott, "I'll catch up with you later, October."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Marcus said and walked to the living room with the younger girl still against him.

They wandered around the room as the older punk introduced October to people whose names she quickly forgot and had small conversations about things she didn't really care about, until they went over to a table with drinks scattered on it.

"Here, babe, have some of this," Marcus said as he held out a paper cup to her.

"What is it?" October asked, looking down at the whatever it was in the cup.

"My very own concoction," he grinned goofily and took a sip from his own cup.

October shrugged, what the hell? She started the drink, but stopped as a strange taste entered her mouth, and coughed.

"What the fuckis that?" she asked as her brow creased.

"Good shit," Marcus simply said.

October looked back down at the cup and the liquid it held, before downing the whole lot, coughing once it had gone.

"You go, girl!" a random girl with red hair whooped.

After a good half hour, October had excused herself from Marcus, giving him the excuse she needed the bathroom, and actually went in search for Walker. Marcus was nice, he was, he was just a little... too in your face.

Weeving through the crowds, October searched the whole of downstairs for Walker and after no luck, headed upstairs. Dodging the sexually excited couples on the stairs, she looked down the hall at the doors either side, some half open, some closed.

Deciding she didn't want to chance looking to see what was going on in each room, walked to the end of the hall and sat down on the floor with her back against the wall. She fished out a pill bottle from her hoody and swallowed another white one. She was going to need them to get her through this.

"Hey," she heard a familiar voice call from above.

October looked up to see Walker standing over her with his hands in his pants pockets. "Hey," she replied as he sat next to her, his back against the wall.

"You got a headache or something?" he asked, motioning to the pill bottle in her hands.

"Oh... no..." she said and quickly put the bottle back in her hoody, "I, um... I just take them."

Scott raised an eyebrow, "You're a pill popper?"

"Yeah," October shrugged and added, "Got a problem with that?"

"No, not at all," he laughed, "I just didn't know you were into that kinda thing..."

She shrugged again, "They help me get through the day."

Scott looked at her, "I know something that works better than pills... You wanna try it?"

"What is it?" she asked.

"Come on, I'll show you," he just said and stood back up, pulling October with him.

Scott took October back to the ground floor and to the door underneath the stairs. He opened it to find Marcus and another friend sitting in a small, dimly lit room.

"'Sup, dude!" Marcus grinned, getting to his feet, as did the other with long dreadlocks.

"You got any stuff?" Scott asked, walking inside.

"Sure, man," Marcus replied.

October stood at the doorway and watched curiously as Marcus handed Scott a small bag of something.

"Have fun, kids," Marcus said as he patted Scott on the back. "October," he nodded to the younger girl and left the room with his dreadlock friend.

"Close the door," Scott smiled and sat down on the ground on one side of the wooden table that sat in the middle of the cramped room.

October did as asked and followed suit, sitting at the opposite side of the table.

"So, you're Billie Joe Armstrongs daughter, right?" he asked, pulling out a dollar bill from his pocket.

"Yeah, that's me..."

"In my opinion, Green Day suck," he said, placing the dollar on the table.

"You think so, huh?" asked October, wondering what he was doing.

He shrugged, "They're not really my thing, no offence."

"None taken."

Well that was new. She hadn't met anyone before who thought her father's band sucked. It was quiet a relieving feeling really, now she wouldn't feel like she was being used.

Scott opened the small bag Marcus had given to him seconds before and poured out the contents onto the table, which happened to be a white powder.

October watched wide-eyed as he made half of it into a line carefully. "Is that Coke?" she questionned, her heart beginning to pick up its pace.

"Uh huh," he nodded and rolled up the dollar. With one finger closing his other nostril, he snorted long and hard, breaking away and wiping his nose, and then shaking a little. "Fuck," he breathed with a shakey laugh, sitting back against the worn old couch.

October couldn't help but laugh herself, it must have given him one hell of a rush.

"You gotta try it," he grinned, making another line with the rest of the drug and handing her the rolled up money.

October slowly took it from him and her eyes fell to the powder laid out in front of her in a thick white line. Should she do this? Would it effect her as she was already on presciption pills?

"Come on, it's better than pills, I promise you," Scott pushed.

Hesitantly, October leaned forward. As the drug went up into her, she felt dizzy. She gradually raised her head and looked at Scott sitting opposite her. His eyes were suddenly a piercing blue and his hair was a slight orange colour, bright.

The high hit her like a truck.

October had an overwhelming feeling in her stomach and she felt as though she was floating on air. Her nose was tingling delightfully, blood swarming through her veins.

"So what do you think?" Scott asked, eagerly awaiting for her answer.

October just stared back at him, her head freaking out, before a wide, dazed smile broke out across her lips.