You're My Nicotine

So Far

The bell rang at the end of the day, and seconds later, kids evacuated the school building like an army of ants.

"You sure your friends are alright with you coming over?" Walker asked October as they walked down the front steps.

"Yeah, why?" she asked in reply.

"I dunno, at lunch they just seemed a bit... off," he said.

"Oh they're just pissed because I have another friend," October shrugged, "I wouldn't worry about it."

Scott shrugged too, "Fair enough."

The quiet murmer of Black Flag started playing and it took a couple of seconds before October realised it was coming from her pants pocket. Fishing out her cell phone, the ringing got louder and 'Frank' was flashing on the screen.

"Hey, Frank," she smiled into the phone, happy to hear from him. He had called her Saturday afternoon, just to see how she was doing after being completely wasted the night before, and she hadn't told him about the Cocaine incident, worried about how he'd react.

"School's finished, right? Are you stopping anywhere before going home?" he asked.

"Yeah, um, I'm just going back to a friend's for a few hours... why?"

"I was just wondering 'cause I need to talk to you about something," he replied, "Can I drive you home from your friend's after you're done? Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure, that's cool," October said and gave him Walker's house address.

"Just give me a text when you're ready and I'll come pick you up, 'kay?"

"Awesome, I'll see you later," said October. "Oh and this hasn't got anything to do with my parents asking you to tell me to do better at school, is it?" she asked, hoping it wasn't.

"No, no, it's nothing like that," he answered.

"Okay, bye, Frankenstein," she said, calling him the nickname she picked up from the band when she had gone with him to the studio.

"Bye, Octy."

"Who was that?" Scott asked after she hung up.

She looked at him, "... Just a friend."

The two got into Scott's car and he drove them back to his empty house, the conversation flowing during the drive.

"Where are your parents?" October asked as he led her into the clean-looking living room that had a doorway leading to the kitchen at the back.

"Working," he replied, dropping his bag and keys on the table, "They're not due back 'til later."


"Nope, I'm an only child so it's just us," he winked, causing October to laugh. "Wait here a sec," he told her and flashed her a smile before heading out of the room, up the stairs.

October sat herself down on the brown leather couch and placed her bag on the floor at her feet. She looked around the room and spotted photographs behind fancy frames sitting on the shelf above her. She stood to take a look and her darkly lined eyes slowly moved from one family photo to the next. Scott looked more like his father when he was an infant, both parents seemed classy people so he must have been brought up well.

"I was a handsome little boy, right?"

October jumped at the voice behind her and turned around to see Scott smirking back at her.

"Jesus, don't creep up on me like that," she breathed, holding a hand to her chest.

"Aw, I'm sorry," he laughed, "Can I make it up to you?"

"How?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

In answer to her question, he brought out a small see-through bag from behind his back, filled with white powder.

October grinned widely, "Now you're talking."

A few hours later, October found herself walking down Scott Walker's front path, giggling a little to herself, after he had told her she had to make herself scarce due to the fact his parents were on their way home. Spotting Frank's car outside, she jumped in, buzzing pleasantly.

Frank was a little shocked when Hazel had called him, asking for his own help. He had calmly told her that October was a smart girl and she'd know what she was doing, and reasured her October wouldn't have anymore of the drug. He said that maybe they should give October a chance, but that he'd go check it out anyway, just to make sure.

"Hey," Frank greeted.

October looked at him and gasped, "You cut your hair!"

"Yeah," he replied, running a hand back through his now short dark brown hair.

"Oh but your hair was so beautiful!" October whined.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked as he started the engine, "You don't like it?"

"No, it's fine, I'm just going to miss your longer hair is all." She put on her seat belt gradually and added, "Don't worry, you still look good."

He smirked, "That's a relief."

"Uh huh," October replied slowly and took a deep sniff whilst wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

This concerned Frank, she wouldn't have done it again... would she?

October pulled her eyes away from the moving scenery outside and Frank saw that they looked how they did when he had found her after the party.

She had done it again.

She asked, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Friday night," he replied instantly, like he had rehearsed the conversation, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What about it?"

"Did you take any white pills whilst at the party?" he questionned.

She sighed, "A couple, but I haven't had any since... I think I'm off them completely."

"Right... only you've moved onto something else, yeah?"

October looked at him, did he know? "What do you mean 'something else'?"

"I mean something like... Cocaine," he said calmly, eyes fixed ahead of him.

What? How did he...? How could he have found out..?

"Hazel and Joshi told you," she sighed, slouching down in the car seat. There was no point in denying it. She couldn't lie to Frank, there was something about him.

"They're worried," he replied.

How could two people she called 'friends' go behind her back like that and stick their noses where they weren't needed?

"What the hell are you thinking?" Frank continued, "It's Cocaine, not a little pill."

"It works ten times better than the pills," she said.

"And you think that's a good thing?" he retorted, "You think harming your body ten times more is good?"

"I don't care," she muttered.

"Well you should," Frank argued, "There's poeple worrying about you, October, including me..."

October kept her focus in her lap, sulking a little. It was silent while the two of them had time to take this all in, before Frank broke it.

"I don't want you hanging around with this Walker guy."

October looked at him, her brow creased, "You can't tell me what to do!"

"If you want my help you're gonna have to work with me!" Frank shot back, hating that he had to raise his voice to her. "What day is it?"

"What the fuck has that got to do with anything?"

"Just answer the question," he told her.

October stayed silent for a moment before stuttering, "I-I..."

"Look at you!" Frank cried, "You don't even know what day it is! Do you not realise what this shit is doing to your brain? Christ, I didn't know you were this fucking stupid..."

October looked at him and huffed, "Thanks."

"Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," he apologised instantly.

He didn't know what had posessed him to say that, but he did, and for the rest of the drive they both stayed silent. It was deafening.

As Frank stopped outside the house, October undid her seat belt and grabbed her bag.

"Thanks for the ride," she mumbled as she got out, but before shutting the door, she leaned back inside and said one more thing before doing so, "And it's Monday."

Watching her sling her bag over her shoulder in frustration whilst walking up the front path, Frank slammed his head to the steering wheel and sighed heavily, "Damnit."