You're My Nicotine

Off The Run

October was sure to swallow a white pill before finally heading downstairs, now in black pants and a dark purple strap top. She was still cringing at the thought of Frank thinking she wore underwear that was made for her brother, making her seem so immature. She hoped to God he hadn't seen the boxer briefs, praying silently.

"Is everything okay, October?" Adrienne asked after swallowing a mouthful of food, "You've hardly said a word."

October felt the other three pairs of eyes on her at the dinner table and her cheeks grew warm again. "I'm fine," she said, her voice a little scratchy, so she cleared her throat before adding, "The lock on the bathroom door is, um, broken." Her eyes slowly moved from her plate to catch Frank's glance. She was sure she saw a hint of a smirk on his face and mumbled, "I'm so glad you find it funny..."

Frank couldn't help but let out a light snort and Adrienne looked at them both questionally.

"Have we missed something?" she asked.

"No," October replied quickly.

"Nope, nothing," Frank agreed.

The older woman cocked an eyebrow at the pair, who obviously were hiding something.

"Private joke..." October said.

"Well, anyway, the lock's been loose for a while even though someone said they'd fix it," Adrienne retorted, playfully glaring at her husband on the opposite side of the table. She and Billie Joe were both at the heads of the table, Frank and October down one of the long sides, Joey on the other.

"It would be done by now if someone didn't keep forgetting to remind me," Billie Joe defended himself.

"Oh, so what? I'm 'Memory Woman', who remembers everything everyone is supposed to do?"

"That's you," smirked Billie.

"Super Memory Woman!" Joey joined in and Adrienne rolled her eyes.

After dinner, October made her way straight to the empty living room and switched on the television, flicking through the channels until her cell phone let out a bleep. Putting down the remote and pulling the phone out from her pants pocket, she looked down at the screen to see that Hazel had sent her a message, telling her she was bored and asking how everything was going at her place. October was about to reply to her friend's text and tell her how great the evening was going, when a voice made her jump.

"You watch High School Musical?"

October's eyes flew up to Frank in the doorway and then to the TV screen in front of her. She cringed when she realised the channel she happened to have landed on whist reading her text was the Disney Channel. This deffinately had to make her seem younger than she was.

"No, I-I got distracted from channel flicking with a text... and didn't know this was on... I despise High School Musical..."

"Okay," he said and sat down on the couch next to her as she put away her cell again, deciding this was not a good time to reply to Hazel. "Hey, um, about earlier..."

October took in a breath. No, this really wasn't a good time to reply.

"I just want to apologise if I made you uncomfortable," he told her, sitting on the edge of the seat with his hands resting on his knees.

"Uncomfortable?" she laughed nervously.

This caused the ends of his lips to move upwards slightly as he looked away from her and then back. "If it helps, I'm actually a fan of 'Happy Feet'..."

"Oh my God," October mumered into her hands as she shoved her face into them. He saw! "No that doesn't help."

"Well I don't want to brag or anything," he continued, "But I've got a similar pair back at the apartment."

"Frank," October said into her hands, "Your sarcasm's really not helping."

"I'm not being sarcastic," he said, "I do have a pair."

She pulled her head back and looked at him, "You do not!"

"I really do!" he argued with a laugh, "Next time you're over, I'll show you."

October just stared at him with a smirk and shook her head gently, "Are you serious?"

"Dead," replied Frank, "But I got mine as a present from my baby cousin, what's your story?"

"Well, when the movie came out, Aidan and I went to see it, and then for my sixteenth birthday he got me the boxers as a joke," October explained, "And they were the only clean panty type things I had in my drawer because the rest of them are at the laundarette... But, like, I mean, we only went to see the movie in the first place because we were feeling like we were growing up too fast because he was already sixteen and my sixteenth was just around the corner, you know? And so we felt we had to be kids again just for the hour and half it lasted, or whatever amount of time it went on... for..." She trailed off at Frank's raised eyebrows, realising she had been rambling. "Shit, I really have to teach myself to stop having a babbling fest..."

Frank exhaled a light laugh, "You're nuts."

October sat up from her slouched position. "You've said that before," she said.

"Well, I dunno... maybe I like that you're nuts"

October smiled and they both kept their eyes on each other for a moment. She looked at his eyes closer and realised the hazel had tiny specks of orange scattered around his pupil.

Frank noticed she was staring and smirked. October looked down, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks, and was glad when her brother broke the awkward silence.

"SUPER MOOOM!" he bellowed, running into the room, and leaped onto them both on the couch.

"Woah, there," Frank laughed as he was pushed back into the seat by the smaller boy's weight.

"Joey, what are you doing?" October asked and narrowly missed being kicked in the head by her younger brother.

"Imagining mom as a superhero," he replied, grinning sheepishly.

"What superpowers would mom have?" Frank asked, amused.

Joey looked up at the older punk and said, "She would have Super Frankenstein Butt Kicking power!"

Frank's jaw dropped as Joey laughed loudly, waiting for his punishment.

"Right, that does it," said Frank, "It's time for your second torture session."

Joey once again shrieked with laughter as Frank began tickling him, causing him to kick and punch out in all directions as he squirmed about.

"Hey!" October quickly stood from the couch, escaping the tickling war between the two boys, "I'd rather not get dragged into it, thanks."

The two stopped and looked up at her, Frank grinned.

"I think your sister's jealous, Joey, what do you think?" he said, "Should I torture her, too?"

Joey bounced up and down on the couch, "Yeah, do it!"

"Uh, no, I don't think so," October said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Joey encouraged and Frank slowly stood up.

"Frank, don't even bother," October warned, taking a few steps back; but it was too late.

The twenty six year old had already attacked the younger girl's sides, making her splutter with laughter.

"Frank, stop it!" she yelled, and screamed as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

Billie Joe and Adrienne looked at each other in the kitchen as they placed the dirty plates by the sink, and rushed to see what the noise was about. When they reached the living room, they both stumbled back a little to miss being smacked in the face by October's feet. Frank had her on his shoulder and was spinning her around in circles as she shouted and laughed, and Joey was jumping up and down on the couch, cheering Frank on.

"Okay..." Billie Joe trailed off as he raised one eyebrow at the scene, Adrienne biting her lip to stop herself getting the giggles.

This caused Frank to stop what he was doing immediately and put a dizzy October back down on the carpeted floor after he realised the parents were in the room.

"So, I thought there was an axe murder going on in here or something," Billie said, "And then I come to find you all acting like a bunch of loons..."

"Sorry, Billie," Frank apologised, and then smirked after Billie laughed.

"Hey, you know what," announced Adrienne once the room's laughter had subsided, "I think the men should do the dishes, after what silly guy things us women have to put up with." She looked at Frank and Billie Joe, folding her arms, October following suit and staring at them with a grin.

"Oh man," groaned Billie.

"Don't be such a baby," Adrienne told her husband and looked to Frank, "I'm sure Frank doesn't mind..?"

Frank rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Of course not."

"That's what I like to hear," giggled Adrienne, "Off to work, boys."

The two male punks did as they were told and went to the kitchen, Billie washing and Frank drying.

"So, uh, October's really been doing great, huh?" Billie commented, placing a soapy plate onto the rack.

"Yeah, she seems to be so happy," Frank smiled, glad he was able to say those words, "I used to feel like I had to act stupid just for her to crack a smile, you know? Hence the whole thing that happened just now... But, I mean, she doesn't really need that now."

"I know what you mean," nodded Billie, "Adrienne and I are just glad someone like you came into the picture." Frank gave him a smile in response, and he added, "What is she gonna do when you're not here anymore?"

Frank's smile turned into a confused one as he picked up another wet plate, "What?"

"Well, I've seen the way you two are together," Billie clarified, "It'll just be a shame when you have to leave." He looked at the younger man and smiled sadly, before carrying on with getting the dishes done.

Frank's grip on the plate loosened slowly. He hadn't really thought about when he had to go back to New Jersey. He was having such a blast, he didn't realise he would be leaving so soon. The band's album had been coming along great and the guys wouldn't have to be in Los Angeles for much longer.