You're My Nicotine

Staring Down A Loaded Gun

'Bob's insisting on showing me his new stick tricks so i thought i'd pretend to watch whilst texting u. How's the lesson ur in?'

Grinning, October replied to Frank on her cell phone, keeping it under the desk she was sat at. She texted to him that typing up an essay was boring her and asked how things were at the studio, before placing the phone in her lap, out of sight to Mr Harris sat at the front of the computer room.

October went back to the keyboard in front of her and watched the computer screen as she continued her work. The class had been told to work silently so the room was quiet, peaceful even. You could just about hear the vibration of October's cell, but no one said anything and Mr Harris was obviously too engrossed in marking his papers to notice.

'We're all full of excitement cos the album will be completed anytime now. Wish u were here to share it'.

October read her new message and the butterflies swarmed around her stomach. It was strange how something so small could make her feel so important, so special. She told him she wished she was there, too, and sighed happily to herself.

Just then, something caught her eye as it flashed up on the computer screen. She realised she had an instant message from Joshi on the instant messaging program set up on all the school computers.

'And how exactlyis Mr Iero?'

October looked up at the computer opposite her and at her blonde friend sat behind it. Mario was at the computer next to him and they both smirked at her playfully. Confused, October sent a message back, asking how they knew it was Frank she had been texting.

At the moment before she was going to get back to her essay, another message popped up. It was pretty instant alright.

'By the smile on your face'.

October could feel herself blush as the smile got wider.

The two boys met her at the front of the room after the bell rang for lunch, and made their way out.

"When are you next seeing him?" Joshi asked his female friend.

"I have no idea," October shrugged, "But I hope it's soon."

"Aw, you miss him, huh?" Mario smiled sadly.

"I do, and it's only been four days."

"I'm sure you'll meet up soon," Joshi reasured her as they got out into the hall. "We're gonna head off to the cafeteria, so we'll see you later?"

"Yeah, sure," October smiled to the couple, "See you later, guys."

They went one way and October turned to go the other, when Ethan stepped out in front of her.

"Hey, you," he grinned as they started down the stairs.

"Hey," replied October, "Were you waiting for me?"

"Well I was passing and remembered you were in the computer room, period just gone, and seeing as we're meeting for lunch anyway I thought I'd wait."

"Okay," she smiled, just as she noticed Hazel pushed back up against the lockers by Ben as the two were making out. "Get a room," she called to them, "The hall is no place for playing tonsil tennis."

They both broke apart with a laugh.

Ben turned to her, "You're just jealous because you can't get any of my lovin'."

"Oh, obviously," October replied with a roll of the eyes.

It had been a month since Hazel and Ben had got together and every time they were with each other it was like they were on their honeymoon. During that month, Ethan had made a good friend of October's. They had a lot in common and she could see them staying friends in the future.

"Bro, we gotta go help out the principal with the younger kids," Ben reminded his brother.

"Ah, shit, I forgot about that," said Ethan.

"Aw, I'm sure you'll have fun," October smirked sarcastically.

"Yeah, right," Ethan huffed.

"We'll come and meet you girls under the tree after," said Ben, putting an arm around Hazel's waist and gave her another kiss.

"See you soon," she grinned and kissed him one more time before he went off with his brother.

"So what's going on with you and October?" Ben asked Ethan as the two strolled down the hall.

"How do you mean?" Ethan asked as his brow creased in confusion.

"Well are you going to ask her out anytime this century?"

Ethan looked at his brother and looked away again as he laughed nervously. "What are you talking about? We're just friends."

"Come on, man," pushed Ben, "I'm your brother, you can't hide anything from me, and I know for a fact that you like her."

Ethan sighed quietly, there was no point in denying it to his own flesh and blood.

"It's alright, Ethan," Ben said, "But what's holding you back?"

"I just don't think she feels the same way," he replied, "I mean, I don't want to look like an idiot and be rejected..."

"Why would you be rejected?" Ben questionned, "She's single, you're single, you both get along great, what's the problem?"

"I don't feel asthough she likes me the way I like her, okay? I don't know what, but something's giving me a bad feeling."

"You're just nervous," asumed Ben, "You won't know anything until you try." He spotted this year's Prom poster on the wall as they passed it. "Hey, you should ask her to prom," he suggested.

"What?" Ethan snorted.

"I've already asked Hazel, come on, it'll be fun. If you're scared, just go as friends and see what happens on the night." Ben looked at Ethan to see what he thought of this idea. "What do you say?" he asked, "Are you up for it?"

Ethan thought for a moment. It seemed like an innocent thing to do, going as friends, and like Ben said they could see what happens. "Um, I guess," he finally answered.

"Good," Ben grinned as he patted his brother on the back, "You'll be thanking me when you end the night with a kiss."

"I hope so," Ethan smiled, suddenly excited.

October pulled out her cigarette packet underneath the tree that was completely out of sight round the back of the school. She offered one to Hazel, sat next to her, but she shook her head.

"What, have you got a sore throat or something?" October questionned.

"You know Ben doesn't like me smoking around him," Hazel reminded her.

October looked around sarcastically, "He's not here."

"Yeah, but still," she shrugged, "I'm even thinking of giving up..."

October cocked an eyebrow at her friend. "You? Give up smoking?" she said, "You tried that once and got nowhere, the same thing'll probably happen again."

"Well... things are different now," she replied.

"What, just because your boyfriend doesn't like it you're gonna stop? Haze, you're addicted to cigarettes, they're the only thing to get you motivated."

Hazel sighed, "You're right it probably won't do anything... but I'll cut down at least." She shrugged again, "I'm only respecting his opinion."

"Fair enough," the dark haired girl replied.

Hazel leaned back against their bags and instantly shot back up again. "Ooh, vibration alert," she said, going into October's bag.

"Who is it?" she asked, lighting her cigarette.

"It's Frank," Hazel replied, staring down at her friend's cell phone, "He said, um..."

"Um, what?" October quizzed.

Hazel just held the phone out to her and October read the text message.

'Cute red top'.

She looked down at the radiant red strap top she was wearing and then her curious green eyes slowly moved up to look around the area the two girls were sat in.

"He's spying on you!" Hazel squealed in a thrilled whisper.

"Where the hell is he?" October mumered back, her eyes searching for the punk rocker.

"Look, over there," Hazel replied with a point in the direction behind them.

October turned around to see the dark figure that was Frank standing behind the three meter high cross hatched, wired fence about ten seconds away. She grinned and told her friend, "I'll be back in a minute," before getting up and walking over. "Frank, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the studio?" October questionly beamed.

"I was," he replied with a smirk, "But then I thought I'd come and surprise you."

October couldn't keep the smile off her face, it was such a nice thought. "That's sweet," she said and rested her right hand on the fence in front of her.

Frank took the cigerette from between her fingers through one of the squares in the fence, and took a drag.

"I want that back," she warned him.

"Finders keepers," he shrugged, smoke escaping his lips.

"You wish."

"Yeah? How are you gonna get it, there's a barrier between us?" he quizzed.

"I'll just steal one from you next time," October shot back.

"Oh, will you?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"Oh, will you?"

"Yes," she repeated.

Frank giggled and took another drag from his new found cigarette. "You know, smoking is bad for you. Don't do it."

"Hypacrite," October smirked.

"I know, I know," Frank replied, "But I'm not sure I like you doing it."

"Why not?"

"Because you'll be unhealthy..."

"You'll be unhealthy," October laughed.

"Well I don't care about me," he shrugged, "I just worry about you."

October gave him a lop sided smile and said, "You should care about yourself."

"Yeah," he sighed and took another drag, "I should quit really."

"Then why don't you?" she asked.

"I don't know," he replied, "It'll be hard."

"I can help," October offered, "We can quit together. We can get one of those nicotine patches, you know, and we'll be patch buddies."

Frank couldn't help but melt at the grin on her face, beaming back at him. He loved that smile, it was enough to make his day.

"Sure," he said, "Sounds practical."

"Practical and fun," she added.

"Yeah, fun," Frank rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I could make it fun," October defended herself.

He gave out his normal high-pitched giggle, "I'm sure you could."

"You have such a girl giggle," said October.

"Don't make fun of my giggle!" he gasped.

"Your girlie giggle," she corrected playfully.

"Don't make me come over there, missy."

"I'd like to see your attempt at trying to climb over this fence," smirked October.

"I happen to be a very talented climber," Frank exaggerated.

"Come on then," she challenged.

"I would," he replied, "But your principal seems to be looking at me funny."

October turned her head to see him making his way over. "Oh, great," she sighed back to Frank, "Of all the days to come round the back, he would choose today."

Frank breathed a laugh. "I don't want to get you into trouble so I'll skedaddle."

"Okay, thank you for coming to see me."

"My pleasure," he said and flashed her another smile before finishing the cigarette and throwing down the butt.

"Armstrong," called the principal as he reached October. "School hours are not for conversing with boys outside school," he said, watching the male in black walking away.

"Sorry, Sir," October said and headed back to the tree.

"Don't let me see it again," he called after her.

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled and sat back down next to Hazel.

"What was he doing here?" she questionned eagerly.

"Wanted to surprise me," October said, the smile returning.

"Aww, he's such an angel."

"Tell me about it," sighed October and leaned backwards against the tree. "Frank and I are going to quit smoking," she announced suddenly.

Hazel stared at her, "What about that whole speech before? You implied that you shouldn't quit just for a guy..."

"Yeah, but..." October shrugged and Hazel knew she wasn't going to finish her sentence.

Hazel shook her head from side to side gently, "You're unbelievable."

Soon the brothers met them and all four started towards the cafeteria.

"Shall we go on ahead," Ben said to Hazel, grabbing her hand.

"Uh, alright," she replied, looking back at October, confused.

Once the lovebirds went on, leaving October and Ethan to walk together, Ethan could feel the nerves building up inside his stomach.

"So, hey, uh..." he started, "You know the senior Prom is next week..."

"Uh huh," October nodded, "Got a special girl to go with?"

"Well, actually, no," Ethan replied, "And, um... I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

She looked up at him with raised eyebrows, "As your date?"

"Well, not date as such, you know, more like... friend?" He scratched the back of his head, now full of light brown hair. "You know, just so I have someone there I actually like, and plus, Ben and Hazel will be there."

October hadn't seen this coming. She thought Ethan would have had a pretty, tall girl as his date for his high school Prom, she didn't think he'd end up asking her, although she was relieved it was just as friends. She liked Ethan, sure, but she was sure she was falling in, dare she say it, love with someone else, and at this moment in time she didn't feel like having a relationship with anyone but this guitarist someone.

Ethan realised she hadn't said anything for a while. "You don't have to-"

"No, it's okay," she cut him off, "I'll go."

"You will?" he asked, surprised she accepted.

"What the hell," she smiled, "It sounds like a fun evening out."

Ethan smiled himself. "Awesome," he nodded, just as they neared the cafeteria.

Before they had a chance to go in, Hazel stepped out.

"I need to talk to you," she said to October, dragging her away by the arm.


Hazel took her a little further away and watched as Ethan stepped inside. She instantly whipped her head to October. "I have some fucked up news," she announced to her friend.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Ethan really likes you."

October stared back at her blankly, "What...?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter took a little longer to get up, but I have Internet issues <_< Gay thing
Thank you for all your sexy comments :D