You're My Nicotine

If You Want

Frank and October had ended up at a corner pub, away from the chaos in Hyde, and were both sat at a little table with a drink each. October had told Frank that he could now take off the 'Happy Feet' underwear if he wanted, which of course he did, and they were now in the inside pocket of his jacket on his chair.

The place was calm with dim lights, a dinky dancefloor at the front, bar at the back, and tables in between. There were a small group of people dancing away to the soft rock music creeping out the speakers.

October noticed that Frank was fidgeting in his seat just a little bit, and soon realised why.

"Man, I need a cigarette."

"Are you wearing your patch?" October asked.

He lifted up his shirt sleeve and tapped the nicotine patch stuck to his skin, just under his shoulder. "You?"

"I'd show you, but it's on my ass cheek..."

Frank stared at her dumbfounded, "Excuse me?"

"Well I didn't want to show it off on my arm, I mean, it's all bare," she defended herself, reminding him she was wearing a dress with straps.

"Yeah, but why on your ass cheek?" he laughed, "Why not your stomach or something?"

"It was itchy there," she replied plainly.

Frank chuckled and shook his head gently, before looking at her asthough he was about to say something.

"I know, I'm nuts," October said, getting there first.

He giggled again and swallowed a mouthful of Jack Daniels and coke.

"How long have you gone without one?" she asked, curious to know as she sipped on her own vodka and coke.

Frank shrugged, "Couple days?"

"Not bad for the five days it started from."

"Yeah? What about you?"

"Four," she replied nonchalantly.

"Ooh, get you," he mocked playfully, and she just stuck her tongue out at him.

After a few more seconds, something else about Frank caught October's awareness.

"Why do you keep looking at your jacket?" she asked him slowly.

Frank looked away from the jacket across the back of his chair and frowned. "I'm not," he lied.

"Yes, you are," she argued.

He ignored her comment and drank the last of his beverage. It wasn't until he placed the empty plastic cup back on the table when he realised October had unzipped the front pocket.

"Well, hello there, Mr. I-can't-keep-away-from-smokey-smokey," she said, holding up his Marlboro lights with an arched eyebrow.

"I wasn't gonna have one," he attempted to maintain himself.

"Bullshit," she retorted and opened the packet, "Since I've gone the longest, I think I should have one, seeing as you owe me one of these bad boys anyway."

Frank waited until she had lit a cigarette before pulling out one.

"Frank!" October cried, surveying as he lit up.

"What, you expect me to sit here and watch you without having one myself?" he hit back, smoke escaping his words.

She simply rolled her eyes and took another drag, noting a guy just tables away eyeing her.

"I need another drink," Frank spoke again, "Refill?"

"Yeah," she answered and dug into her purse, "Here, they're on me."

"No, I'll get them," he said, rejecting the $10 note.

Frank was being a total gentleman tonight, he wouldn't have October pay for anything. Not the last couple of drinks, and he wouldn't even let her help pay for the cab. It was like they were on an actual date.

Having this thought, October smiled to herself as she checked her cell whilst he was up at the bar. It soon faded as she learned she had four missed calls, all from Ethan. She sighed and put away the phone, zipping her purse closed.

"Here you go," said Frank as he placed a full plastic cup in front of her.

"Thanks, Frank."

He sat back down and looked at her, drink in one hand, cigarette in the other. "You okay?" he asked, taking in her glum expression.

"Great," she said, giving him a small smile, "You?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Although I'm dying for a piss... JD goes right through me," he added, stumping out in the ash tray sat on the table the half of his cigarette he had smoked, saving the other half for when he returned. "Back in a sec," he smirked to her before walking off.

As Frank made his way to the bathroom, his cell phone began to vibrate against his thigh. Fishing it out from his jeans pocket, he saw 'Ethan' flashing on the screen.

October put out the last of her cigarette and stopped the small yawn trying to escape her mouth. She hadn't gotten much sleep recently, probably lack of pills. But she was having a blast with Frank tonight, although all the while wondering why he hadn't asked about the 'someone else'. He hadn't asked to know who it was.

"Excuse me?" came a voice.

October looked up at the guy standing in front of the table, the same one that had been eyeing her from his own table. He was cute, no older than twenty one with dark hair and fair skin, orangey hazel eyes, almost like Mario's. "Yeah?" she asked.

"I don't mean to be nosey, but is it your boyfriend you're sitting with?"

"No," she replied softly, secretly sighing to herself, 'And never will be'.

His eyes lit up a little, "So, is it alright if I ask you to dance?"

"Um, sure... I guess," said October, telling herself that maybe this would wake her up a knotch.

She followed him over to the dance floor and looked around at all the other people doing their thing confidentally.

"Come on," smiled Mario Eyes, taking her hand to try and get her into it.

In the men's bathroom, Frank was leaning his hip against the sinks counter with his phone at his ear.

"I've been trying her cell for the past hour, and nothing."

"It's alright, Ethan, she's here with me," Frank spoke into the communication device.

"Did she tell you what happened?" Ethan asked on the other end of the line.

"Uh, yeah, yeah she did."

Frank heard him sigh into his ear, "Is she okay?"

"Don't worry, she's fine," Frank replied, "She was just a little shocked, that's all."

"I'm such an ass, I came on too strong, I should have taken it slow. She must hate me..."

"Come on, man, she doesn't hate you," Frank reasured him, feeling sorry for his cousin, "Everything will sort itself out, just give her time to think."

"Yeah," said Ethan, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Yeah," Frank nodded to himself in agreement.

"Okay, I'll see how things go Monday," he said, "I'll talk to you later, Frank, thanks."

"No problem," Frank replied, "Bye." After hanging up, he quickly jogged over to the urinals, now absolutely bursting.

Emerging from the bathroom a few minutes later, Frank headed back over to the table, only to find October not there. Firstly he looked over at the bar, but there was no sign of her there, so he scanned the whole pub. After about four seconds, he spotted her, but she wasn't alone.

There the seventeen year old was, on the dance floor, with her hips in the hands of another guy. She was swaying them to the beat of the techno sounding song with her arms up either side of her head as she swayed her head also, from side to side. She looked amazing.

It was the guy that was giving Frank a disgruntled feeling. He seemed sleazy, his hands placed on her hips roughly, trying not to make it look obvious he wasn't gawking down her dress.

As the song ended, October grinned to Mario Eyes and thanked him for the dance.

"You're not staying for more?" he questionned.

"No, I better get back to my friend," she replied, "It was nice to meet you."

"Wait a second," he smirked lightly, stopping her by the wrist, "You can't just leave. Come on, stay for another dance."

"It's alright, I'm gonna head back to my table," she told him politely and went to pull her hand away, but his grip just tightened.

"Not without another dance, you're not," he said.

October yanked her hand away. "I said no," she told him more sternly and quickly walked away. As she neared the table she saw Frank stood up.

"Is he giving you trouble?" he asked, glaring straight at the guy.

"No, it's fine," replied October and looked back at Mario Eyes as he shook his head at the both of them, before walking off the dance floor and going somewhere or other.

October and Frank sat back down at the table, October exhaled heavily and gulped down some vodka and coke. She glanced at Frank to see his eyes on her, but they moved down to the alcoholic drink in his own cup.

"What's up?" she asked him, sensing something was.

He shook his head quickly, "Nothing... just seeing you up there..." He motioned with his head back towards the floor.

"What, did I look all slutty or something?" she inquired worriedly.

"No, I'm glad you're having a good time, I just..." He shrugged, "I just felt a little left out, that's all." He looked up at her for a brief moment and then his eyes fell back to the cup.

October's eyebrows slowly raised in astonishment as she stared back at him. Was he jealous?

She grinned and said, "You wanna dance? Well, come on then."

"No, it's okay," Frank laughed nervously as she stood up again, "I'm not much of a dancer."

"Let's go, Iero, you're getting up whether you like it or not." She grabbed his hand and pulled him off his chair, not going to take 'no' for an answer.

Leading the way, October brought Frank onto the dance floor, where people were bouncing along to the beat of the music, their bodies twisting and turning. They stopped in a spot between couples entwined in each other.

She didn’t recognise the thumping techno that was bouncing off the walls, but October soon got into the beat. She felt Frank's hands on her hips as she danced. She smiled at him, who in turn smiled back, their eyes locked.

The fast music stopped and on came some slower material, causing couples to start slow dancing. Not sure whether Frank wanted to slow dance with her, October looked around uneasily, but she soon knew when he placed one hand on her hip and the other he took her own hand. She placed her free hand on his shoulder and they began to sway together, just as October realised which song was actually playing.

"Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're beautiful..."

It made her cringe.

"God, this song is so cheesy," she said lowly.

A quiet laugh slipped from Frank, "How did I know you were going to say something like that?"

"Well it is!"

"Naw, I think it's purdy," he replied.

She cocked an eyebrow at him, "You're not a hopeless romantic, are you?"

"I'm afraid I might just be."

"Oh no," she whined.

Frank smirked, he loved winding her up. "You must like a bit of romance," he said, "I bet that secretly you can't get enough of it."

"There's a point where it gets too much for my liking," retorted October.

"Oh, right, 'cause you're a total hard ass, aren't ya?"

She smiled timidly as he smirked back at her. "Shut up," she said and looked down.

Frank giggled, causing her smile to grow and look back up at him.

"It's just this song," she told him, "It's just so... cheap, and the whole screaming part is unnecessary."

He frowned, "Screaming part?"

"La la la la la la la... Do do do do..."

"Wait for it..." she whispered, and then winced as Minnie Riperton made her famous screeching noise.

"Oh, that part," Frank nodded.

"You see my point?" questionned October.

"Yeah, it is kinda annoying."

"Thank you," she said after his agreement. She looked away from him as the two of them continued to move to the soft music.

There were people around, swaying from side to side gently in the arms of the person they loved. Girls heads were on men's shoulders, girls eyes were locked on mens eyes. It was all very romantic.

October looked back to Frank to see him grinning at her widely, like a five year old.

"Why are you laughing at me?" she asked.

"I'm not, you're making me smile," he said.

Her heart was suddenly beating faster than normal and she bit her lip softly as she broke eye contact. Frank moved his head closer to hers and leaned the side of his face against hers so she could feel his deep breathing down her neck, sending shivers up and down her back. They stayed like this for the duration of the song, October shrieking inside in pure ecstasy.

As a more upbeat song started, they both broke away slowly and just looked at each other. There was so much suspense building up inside of October as Frank did nothing but gaze into her eyes, only making her want to scream right there and then.

Finally he looked away and down at his cell phone, discovering that the time was 10.44. "I better get you home," he disclosed to her.

Sitting in the back of the cab home, Frank was looking out one window and October the other as they turned down her road. She bit her lip at the awkward silence that had endulged them, but then Frank began making small noises.

"La la la la la, la la la la, la..." he sang quietly.

October slowly turned her head to him and slowly said, "Frank..."

"La la la la la... la la la la la..." he continued, his head still turned to the scenery outside but a smirk visible on his lips.

"Frank, don't even go there," October warned him.

"Or what?" he asked, suddenly turning his head to her as the cab slowed to a stop outside her house. "La la la la la, la la la la, la..."

"That's it, I'm gone," she retorted and opened the door.

Frank giggled and said to the driver, "Could you hold a minute, please? I'll be right back." After recieving a nod, Frank quickly got out of the vehicle and jogged round to the sidewalk, where October was heading towards her front gate. "Woah, woah, wait a second," he said, grabbing her hand and turning her round to face him. The smirk on her face made him giggle again, and he started to sing quietly, "Do do do do..."

"Stop it," October whined and tried to get away, but he had her pinned against the gate.

"Do do do do..." he sang in her face.

"Don't even attempt it," she said, knowing what was coming next.

Frank tried his best to let out an audioble screech, and it came out like a little boy's scream. Extremely high pitched. October burst into laughter and Frank instantly joined in.

"You ass," she said, punching him lightly in the shoulder.

"Ow," he pouted.

"Oh, sorry..."

He grinned, "Didn't hurt."

October giggled and watched as Frank moved a strand of hair from her eyes, tucking it behind her ear delicately. Every time he touched her, she was left weak and craving to be in his arms. To come in contact with him felt like a swirl of emotions. He gazed into her shining emeralds once again and it sent her butterflies into spasms, although on the other hand it was relaxing. It relaxed her that she could have someone staring into her eyes and she wouldn't feel uneasy, just like Frank was doing right at that second, just like Aidan used to.

This was it.

"You know earlier when I said there was someone else?" October asked quietly.

He nodded briefly.

"... It's you."

Frank was motionless, he didn't even flinch, he didn't look surprised or shocked or... anything.

And he whispered, "I know."

October gulped silently, searching his eyes for any idea of what would happen next. She realised that his head was gradually getting closer to hers, and their noses were soon millimeters apart. His lips were warm and sweet and tasted like JD, and that was the last thought as she melted against him, letting him know how she really felt.

Frank wrapped his arms around her upper body, pulling her so close to him that they could feel each other's hearts racing. October couldn’t believe this was happening, this feeling was better than any drug she had ever experienced in her life. Her knees felt as though they were going to give way any second and the long rush of butterflies made her feel ecstatic inside.

It felt so good as their lips collided with one another, but it soon came to an end. Everything has to end at some point.

Frank broke away, looking at the teenager as she did back at him. It felt like a whole lifetime had passed as they just stood there in the dark, staring at each other, not knowing what would happen now.

"I better go," Frank finally spoke up and started stepping backwards, "Gotta figure things out. I'll call you."

And with that, he was in the cab and October watched as it sped off down the road.
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I miss my commenters :( Thank you Sammy for being amazing!
The lovey dovey song in this chapter was Loving You by Minnie Riperton