You're My Nicotine

In A Solitary Style

Adrienne got out of the black BMW and stepped up to the front gate. She looked up at the house standing proudly in front of her. It was big and painted a cream colour with an ordinary roof, just like the few houses down the rest of the street.

She felt two arms snake their way round her stomach from behind. "This it?" she asked, eyes fixed to the new home.

"Yeah, this is where we'll be living in a few weeks, you like it?"

"Billie, it's beautiful."

As much as he hated to say it, Billie Joe knew he was in the wrong and decided he, Adrienne and the kids would make a new start. He suggested moving to Los Angeles. October was over the moon; she wouldn't be in the same place that held so many painful memories and she had always liked LA. Joey liked the idea too, he wasn't one to have many friends he would have to leave behind. Adrienne thought it would be good for them all, to recover their relationships, to save their family.

Frank Iero parked the rented SUV and got out with his best friend.

"You sure this is the right place?" Gerard asked, looking up at the big house in front of them.

"Well it looks like Armstrong property," Frank smirked back.

Knowing that Ray and Bob were on their way, together Frank and Gerard made their way up the front path and to the door, where a beaming Billie Joe answered.

When Billie found out My Chemical Romance were staying in LA for a while, he decided he had to invite them all to celebrate his birthday.

"Guys, come on in," he grinned.

"Happy birthday, dude," said Frank as he walked inside.

"Thanks, man," replied Billie, and as Gerard walked in asked, "Where's your brother?"

"Oh, Mikey's not so good, he has food poisioning," Gerard frowned, "But he sent us to give you birthday beats later."

"Oh joy," Billie said with sarcasm. "I'll send you back to give him 'get well soon' beats."

They laughed and made their way to the backyard where everyone was. However to Frank's surprise, instead of the normal barbeque that Gerard described, it turned out to be more like a party. The place was filled with people. He only recognised a few of them and the rest were total strangers.

They went over to a small group of people who were busy cooking food, and both gave Adrienne a hug.

"Well there's a face we haven't seen for a while," Gerard smiled down to the little boy stood boldly in front of him.

"How you doing, little guy?" Frank asked.

"Good!" Joey nodded hyperactively, making them laugh.

As soon as the two My Chem boys finished their hellos, Billie Joe took them around to everybody and introduced them. Frank met so many different people, all happy to see them both, but Frank having no idea who they were.

"Adie, where's October?" Billie asked his wife.

"Upstairs," she replied. "She only just got up an hour ago," Adrienne told Gerard and Frank, "She came home from a night out at the early hours of this morning, you know what teenagers are like with their sleep." She rolled her eyes and said, "She'll be down soon, she'll be happy to see you after so long."

Soon enough, October came out into the breezy sunshine. Her curious green eyes looked over at all the people in her back yard, all chattering away and drinking. She had no clue who half of them were.

"Wow, you look so grown up, October," Gerard smiled to the seventeen year old. "The last time I saw you, you were playing hairdresser on me."

"Don't worry, I'm not in the mood for that today," October smirked, making Gerard chuckle.

Frank's eyes rested on the young girl in front of him. She still had that long chocolate coloured hair but now with black streaks here and there, it was tied back in a ponytail with a few bangs in her beautiful face. Her black tank top clung to her slim body as did her denium jeans, Doctor Martens boots on her feet. She had a small silver ring in her nose and other jewellery scattered around her body.

Frank couldn't believe she was seventeen; her appearence made her look so much older. She had curves that looked like they belonged to a twenty year old, and that mature, beautiful face... She met his gaze with her piercing green eyes and smiled, he smiled back genuinly.

Adrienne asked her to go around and greet everyone. After a sigh, October went and did as she was told. She would have to go and talk to random people she hardly knew... how fun.

After a while, October started to get tired from bullshitting her way through conversations, so she went and sat on the swing set in the corner of the yard the previous family had left behind.

“You finding it a bit much, too?” she heard a slightly familiar voice ask. As she turned around, she saw Frank standing behind her in his skinny black pants, white shirt and Etnies.

“Oh, yeah... I’m not really into small talk,” she told him.

"Me neither," he said, sitting on the swing next to hers. "I spotted you sitting down here and so thought I'd come and save you from loneliness."

"Oh, um, thanks," she laughed back at him. "So how long are you staying in LA for?"

"As long as it takes to finish this album," he replied. "We were thinking around half a year maybe."

"Are you still with, um, Emily I think her name was? Did she come with you?"

"Oh no, Emily and I split last year."

"Ah, I'm sorry," October said.

"It's okay," Frank shrugged, "I got over it."

October nodded.

"So what about you, boyfriend?" Frank asked.

She hesitated before answering, this always got to her, "Nope, no boyfriend."

"That's, uh... surprising for a pretty girl such as yourself."

October looked at him with that gorgeous smile of hers.

On the other side of the yard, Adrienne was stood with a drink in her hand, looking over at Frank sitting with her daughter. She smiled at the fact that he was kind enough to keep her daughter company. She needed it at a time like this.

"So hey, I've never asked this but your name must mean your birthday's in October, right?" Frank questionned.

"Right," she nodded.

"What day?"

October smiled and said, "Halloween."

"No way!" grinned Frank. "Me too."

"Really?" October asked. "Oh wait, so THAT'S why you got it tattooed on your fingers."

"Yup," said Frank, looking down at the 'HALLOWEEN' inked across his skin.

"I thought you were just some spooky weirdo," she smirked.

Frank made an imaginary clasp at his chest and placed the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically, "Oh! You wound my poor heart with your cruel words."

October had to grip the swing to stop her falling back with laughter, causing Frank to giggle, just as the doorbell could be heard.

"October, sweetie, could you get that for me, please," Adrienne called over, busy setting the garden table.

October rolled her darkly lined eyes and stood from the swing. "Catch you later," she smiled to Frank and made her way inside the house.

“Okay everyone, come and get some food!” Billie Joe yelled from the barbeque.

For the next few hours, Frank ate, drank, conversed with people, laughed with his bandmates and joked with the birthday rock star who he idolised as a teenager. He even caught up with October on some things, learning more about the young girl and how much she had changed in the past four years.

Deciding he needed to use the bathroom, Frank excused himself from the small group he was involved in and made his way inside the house. When he reached the stairs, he spotted October walking up the last few before turning down the upstairs hall. As Frank began to follow suit, something white caught his eye, and he stopped. Bending down to pick it up, he realised it was a pill, a small rounded pill. Frank looked back to the top of the stairs where October had been moments before and wondered to himself whether it was hers or not.

What could she be taking pills for?

Footsteps soon interupted Frank's thoughts and when Billie Joe appeared in the hallway, he quickly stuffed the pill in his back pocket. Did Billie know?

"You alright there, buddy?" Billie Joe asked the younger man stood half way up his stairs.

"Yeah, man, I'm cool," Frank smiled, "Just going to the bathroom."

"Okay, man," Billie replied and walked into the kitchen.

Frank finished the rest of the stairs and turned left. He emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later and began back down towards the stairs, but slowed to a stop as he passed a door slightly ajar. Through the small gap, he could see October with her back to him. He asumed it was her bedroom and watched as she opened the mirror of a cabinate on the opposite blue painted wall. Frank's eyes grew wide at what was behind the mirror.

Pills. Many bottles and packets of different coloured pills.

Frank raised his hand to knock on the door. He knew that this was none of his business and he didn't want to be nosey, but Frank had seen this before and he knew that it was deffinately not good.

He heard hurried movement before October opened her bedroom door fully.

"Oh, Frank, hey," she smiled, a little flushed.

"Hey, um, can I come in for a sec?" he asked and instantly realised how that had sounded due to her creased brow. "I need to talk to you," he explained.

"Uh... sure," she replied and went over to her double bed, perching herself on the edge. She followed Frank's every move, shutting the door quietly, turning to face her, a nervous expression plastered across his face. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not too sure," he said and fished something out from his back pocket, "I found this." He stepped over to her, holding out his hand where a white pill sat still in his palm.

October's stomach dropped.
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Please comment so I know how I'm doing and whether I should carry on...