You're My Nicotine

By The Mausoleum Door

The school bell rang and students started heading to first period.

"So you just sat there and watched them play?" Joshi asked.

"Yeah, well they asked me for some advice every now and then, I mean, I wasn't like bored or anything," October replied to him walking along side her.

"I bet," Hazel smirked, the other side of her, "Watching My Chemical Romance for four hours? Pwoar, they are some sexy motherfuckers."

Joshi laughed and October rolled her eyes. "It was an experience, you know, just watching them work," she said, "I couldn't keep my eyes off Frank, he was just so into it and I couldn't look away, you know? Oh and I challenged him to a game of 'Dead Or Alive' and totally kicked his ass." She grinned, "He got all upset 'cause he was no longer the champion of the game and it was so cute..."

"I sense that someone has a crush," Hazel sang.

"What?" October laughed nervously, "I do not have a crush on Frank."

"Oh come on," Joshi smirked to her, "It's so obvious, babe."

"I don't have a crush on Frank," she repeated, "I can't have a crush on him, he's like nine years older than me!"

"So what? Age is only a number," shrugged Hazel, "If you don't want him, can I jump his bones?"

Joshi snorted lightly and said to Hazel, "Out of ten million sperm I still can't believe you won."

October shook her head gently with a smirk just as they reached her English class.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with us," Joshi winked at October, "Try not to get into too much trouble with Bolton."

"Yeah, yeah," October waved to them both as they carried on down the corridor, and then went into the classroom.

Oh the joys of English.

Today the class were getting back their essays on Hamlet, and walking around the room slowly, giving back the papers, Miss Bolton dropped a big fat 'F' onto October's desk, leaving her wide-eyed.

Looking up at the middle aged woman in disgust, October watched as Bolton just looked back at her and then rolled her eyes to ceiling, whistling away whilst giving out the rest of the papers. October cursed under her breath and after the class, made sure Bolton knew she was not happy.

"Miss Bolton, I really don't understand this 'F'," she said, trying to catch up with her down the corridor.

"You completely missed the point of the book," Bolton said simply.

"How did I miss the point?" October demanded to know, "It says it all right here in writing." She pointed at the essay in her hand, "Maybe you could go through it again?"

Bolton stopped and turned to the teenager. She must have had the saggiest breasts October had ever seen, they were quite literally drooping over her stomach. Her glasses stood on the end of her nose and her blonde, going grey, hair was back in a messy bun. "My grade is final," she said and turned away again.

"Saggy boobs..." October mumbled to herself, but causing Bolton to spin back round to her. October gave out a nervous breath and started in the opposite direction.

Clenching her teeth and narrowing her eyes, Bolton yelled, "OCTOBER!"

The bell rang for the end of school and October found herself, yet again, in the detention room. Only this time there wasn't just sleeping kids and badass jocks, Walker was sitting at the back. Dropping her slip on the front desk where no teacher was sitting yet, October thought about what Hazel and Joshi would say if they knew who she would be spending detention with.

"So what are you here for?" she asked as she sat at the desk next to Scott.

"Would you keep your mouth shut if someone called you a fag?" he replied.

"Uh... no, I wouldn't." She put her bag under the desk. "So are you gay?" she asked.

He looked at her, "What?"

"I was just wondering why they would call you a fag..."

"No, I’m not," he said and sat up from his slouched position. "What about you?"

"Am I gay? No."

"No, I mean what are you here for?" he smirked.

"Oh Miss Saggy Boobs is the unfortunate reason," said October, putting her nose up.

"Saggy boobs?" he laughed.

October looked back at him, "Oh, Miss Bolton."

"Ah," Scott nodded as it clicked, "Got ya."

The door opened and October was surprised to see the principal walk in.

"I will be taking your detention today," he announced.

"Great," October whispered.

"Right, you know the drill," he said as he sat at the front desk. “No talking, no whispering, no quiet laughing, no passing notes, no eating, no drinking and no smoking."

"Are we allowed to breathe?" October mumbled.

"Don’t get smart, Miss Armstrong," said the principal, who had obviously heard her remark. He opened a book and began to read.

The room fell silent and October sighed. She was sat looking at the clock and stared as the ticking hand went all the way around, before leaning back in her seat. Just another nineteen times to go.

Scott quietly took out a blank piece of paper from his messenger bag, along with a pencil. He turned his body round on the chair so he was looking at October's side.

She glanced at him with a questioning expression. Scott just smiled and whispered, "Don’t move."

October watched as he started to draw on the paper. After glancing at her a few times and then sketching a little more, she realised he was drawing her. She kept still and watched as he continued, watching him move the pencil across the paper smoothly, biting his lip in concentration for the next eighteen minutes.

Scott picked up the piece of paper and looked at his finished drawing, before signing his name at the bottom and passing it onto October's desk. She picked it up.

"Holy...!" she stopped once she realised the principal was looking, "... Cow," she finished, breaking the silence of the room.

"Something you’d like to share with us there, Miss Armstrong?"

"Uh, no, Sir," she replied to the principal.

He went back to reading and October looked back at the drawing in front of her. It was quite simply amazing. It looked just like her. There was the slight curliness of her hair, the sparkle in her eyes. She looked at Scott, grinning at him a little too much.

"Glad you like it," he whispered with a hint of laughter.

Just then the principal spoke up. "Okay, you can go," he said whilst closing his book.

Scott stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, as did October.

"You want this back?" she asked, still holding onto the drawing, hoping he’d say no.

"Nah, you keep it," he replied.

She folded it up neatly, slid it in her bag and followed him out the door.

"So, do you take art or something?" asked October as the two started down towards the front doors of the school.

"I used to, but I dropped it," he replied.

"Why?" October questionned, "Your work must be amazing..."

"Mmm, I dunno," Scott said, "I guess I've just gotten into other things, you know?"

She nodded, "Fair enough."

"You really think it's that good?" Scott asked, looking at her.

"Totally," October replied with another nod.

He smiled at her, that knockout smile that didn't really do anything for her, although he seemed a nice guy. She returned the smile and they walked out of the school gates, before stopping, facing each other.

"Well, thanks for keeping me entertained during detention, October," said Scott, his brilliant blue eyes shining at her.

"No problem," she answered.

"Hey, uh, there's this party Friday night," Scott said suddenly, scratching the back of his brunette head, "It's a friend of mine's... You should come."

"Who's your friend?" October asked.

"Marcus, he's a friend outside school."

October looked unsure, she didn't really feel like attending a party filled with people she didn't know.

Scott must have read her mind because he said, "Don't worry, you stick with me and you'll be fine."

"Won't your friend mind that a stranger's turned up?"

"Oh he'll be fine, I can asure you," he replied, and added with a smile, "I'll look after ya."

October returned the smile and said, "I'll, um, I'll think about it."

Scott nodded, "Okay, I'll come find you tomorrow and you can let me know..."

"Sure," October answered, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Tomorrow," he grinned and started walking down the road.

October turned and went the opposite way, and when she got home she was straight on the phone to Hazel.

"So you're going, right?" she said.

"I told him I'd think about it," replied October, kicking off her DCs and jumping backwards onto her bed.

"What is there to think about? It's a party, with drinking, and Walker..."

"I won't know anyone, I don't want to be stood in the corner like a... like an emo kid!"

"He said he was going to look after you, didn't he?"

"Well, yeah..."

"And you can always leave if you're haveing a shit time," Hazel pointed out.


"Come on, October, we need him to join our group," Hazel pleaded.

"We're in a group?"

"Well you know what I mean, our... trio..." October smirked. "Listen, Joshi and I will come later on and see how you're doing, how's that sound? Everyone will be too drunk to notice we're there."

"Okay," laughed October, "Just make sure you do."

"We will because we love you very much," Hazel replied.

Adrienne called up the stairs, "October, I need to use the phone!"

"That's my mom, I gotta go," October sighed.

"Alright, we'll get you ready for this party tomorrow, and you tell Walker you're going, yes?"

"Yes," she smiled.