

The anger that was brewing inside me was suddenly blasted away. Fear took it's place as I recalled the vision I had seen. "I didn't see anything," I lied straightaway.

Dakota spared me a look of mirth. "Please. You can't fool me, Miranda. I know you saw something." When I didn't look at her, she continued, "You're dreams are not dreams, they're visions. And now they're escalating to day visions. You have to tell me!"

Finally, my wandering eyes fixed on her, whether of my own accord or not, I wasn't sure. I caught Dakota's hard, but loving gaze. I knew she was only trying to look out for me.

So I let out a deep breath and told her what I had seen, and what I had felt.

“It was weird. And so spooky,” I confessed to her afterwards.

She was nodding in understanding. “You were in his mind.” She frowned. “But you were also in his body. That’s how you got the cut,” she exclaimed, pointing at my hand. “He’s injured, and if I’m right, he has the exact same injury.”

I violently shook my hand, as if that could rid me of the dreams and visions. All it did was send a slice of pain through my hand. “He?” I asked, curiously.

“Theoretically. Why, you think it’s a girl?”
I shook my head no. “No, I’m pretty sure it’s a guy.” I sighed.

Just then the screen door opened and Maddison popped her head out. “You all right, Miranda?” she asked.

I peeked a glance at Dakota. She had sunk back inside herself in deep thought, listening to everything. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I called back.

She nodded and smiled. “Hailey brought some ice cream cake. We’re cutting it right now. Want some?”

Grinning, I said, “Oh yeah!” and Maddison quickly disappeared back inside. Once she was out of sight, I turned back to Dakota. “Does Stephanie know?” I guess I had finally accepted this strange fact, that I had a connection into another’s mind. There was just no other logical explanation. Of course, other than the fact that perhaps I was completely insane and delusional. Sure. Then how do you explain my hand?

“No,” Dakota said softly. “I wouldn’t tell her.” I nodded. Dakota also has an amazing gut instinct. That was another reason why I obeyed her and believed her theory. She’d never been wrong.

I nodded solemnly. I didn’t want anyone else besides Dakota to know. Who knows what people would think if it got out that I had a connection into a murderers mind? I was no psychic, but I predicted the results would be extremely bad. I was going to have to find a good way to deal with these insights, or I might go mad.

If I wasn’t already.

With that lovely, comforting thought, Dakota and I headed inside for that delicious ice cream cake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright. I begrudingly continued this in the hopes that maybe people will start reading this. To those of you who do, my ultimate thanks.