

I thrashed around, energy suddenly coming back to my limbs. I let out a genuine cry as my hand came into contact with a hard object. The pain brough me to reality as my eyes snapped open to focus on my surroundings.

Gone the fog and cold, and in it's place I saw very familiar surroundings. I was in my bed, in my room, and my sore hand could be blamed on my bedside table.

I pressed my sweaty palm to my equally sweaty forehead, trying to get control and calm myself down. I took in the mauve coloured walls that I knew were there, but couldn't see in the dark, the chair and desk filled with my clutter, and my dresser stuffed to the max with clothes, cosmetics and accessories. All my additions were wood, and I thought they gave a nice, cheery touch to the room. Right now they especially reassured me that I was in the right place.

Breathing slightly slower, heart beat on its way back to normal, I looked to my right as my alarm clock flashed off in blue numbers: 6:24 am. I groaned but got up, knowing I could sleep no longer with the scream still ringing in my ears.

I padded across the room, my feet feeling foreign on the carpet after my fretful sleep. I made it to the bathroom, where I grabbed my towel and doused it in cold water, in turn scrubbing my face as if I were trying to scrub away the memory too.

I looked up into the mirror, where bags under my eyes were tell-tale signs of lack of sleep. It was all because of those dreams. They had kept recurring about every night and every night I woke up in a panic. Two weeks ago is when it started. I don't know why, and I haven't even gotten used to it. But there was no way I could get used to it. A poor girl being murdered is never music to my ears.

I slapped the towel back on the hanger and thought for a moment. What had triggered these absurd dreams? I hadn't even seen a scary movie in a long time, and definitely nothing like that.

With each distressing thought triggering nothing, I grew more and more confused.

A sudden booming noise startled me out of my stupor. I spun towards the door, tripping as I did so, and hitting my had against the counter.

Sharp pain penentrated my forehead and my eyes watered. I grunted a "What?" clenching my teeth together to keep from letting anything else loose.

"Miranda! Hurry up! How long does it take?" The irritation and impatience of my sister was accentuated by her consistent banging.

I wrenched the door open and glared at her. "My god, Maddison. Aquire some patience, why don't you?" I rubbed my temple, where I could feel a bruise starting to form.

My scowl deepened as she pushed past me into the bathroom, shutting the door with a bang behind her. "Hell-loo!" She voiced through the wooden door. "Have you even taken a look at the time? I gave you quite enough space in there." The sound of rushing water met me as Maddison starter her shower.

I got back to my room and checked the clock. Damn, it was already 7:00. How long had I been pondering my dream? Violently I shook my head and began pulling clothes out for the day. My day had definitely started out wrong. Everytime my dream came back my day was thrown into an utterly helpless loop. I lost myself, people gossiped as I would wander the halls aimlessly, friends got peeved when I missed what they said, and worst of all, the girl's screams haunted me until it sounded like every girl I passed was dying.

I let out a pathetic moan and dropped my head onto the cool glass of my window. I let out my breath, watching as fog raced across to trace it. My heart beat was loud in those few moments. I had to keep myself together today. I couldn't lose it.
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Hope this is still holding your interest. Comments are appreciated!