

I awoke to the sounds of a TV, and quite a number of voices murmering from downstairs. Frowning, I turned in my bed to the alarm clock; it was 5:54. I groaned and shoved my face into the pillow. I couldn't believe I'd slept that long! The minute I got home, which was close to 12, Dakota had ordered me to sleep, and I had not uttered an argument. I was bushed. She had promised to stay over (this was for my own comfort) but it seemed that now there were multiple people down there.

Re-energized except for the pain in my right hand - the morphine had worn off - I quickly brushed out the tangles in my hair and ventured down the stairs.

The voices grew louder, but still stayed somewhat hushed, and I guessed this was for my benefit. I followed the sounds, and the group of people seemed to be gathered in the family room. Hailey's voice rang loud and clear, and then Stephanie's tinkling laugh echoeing across the walls. There was Maddison's high voice, and I heard some unfamiliar ones as well. Curious, I stepped around the corner.

The first thing I noticed was that the unfamiliar voices were coming from the TV. That was a major relief. In the few seconds I got to myself that evening, I cast my eyes over the gathering.

All my best friends were there. Hailey, Stephanie, Dakota, and even Annie. There were bowls of chips - mainly within Hailey's reach - and a few magazines scattered across the couches.

I was just about to take a step in and announce my presence, when Maddison stepped out from the kitchen, carrying a glass of water. Her face looked stricken, and her eyes were hollowed out with worry. Our eyes met, and a jubilant grin filled her face.

"Miranda!" She cried. The glass fell to the floor, forgotten. She dashed at me, and we envelloped in a hug. For all that she was my pesky little sister, I loved her. She could be fun, and I usually shared my deepest secrets with her. In truth, she wasn't that much younger. Only a year and a half.

Her cry had a woken the others in the room and they dashed to greet me. I was surrounded by all my best friends, and my heart soared. The next three minutes was spent discussing the pain that came with my cut, and how I got my cut (which I stuck with the story that it was indeed a paper cut). As I regailed my friends with the events, I caught Dakota's eye. We both were thinking the same thing, and though I didn't want to admit it, we both knew that this was not just some ordinary paper cut.
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Hey guys! This is the first part of my update today. I had the whole chapter at first, but it looked a little long, so I split it in two. Questions? Comments?