

Just a small warning, this chapter may be a tad graphic for some readers.

Our joy was quickly deflated; the six o'clock news on the TV had just come on.

"Hush!" Hailey cried, snatching up the remote and jacking up the volume.

"The body of a 19 year-old woman was discovered by a passing hitchhiker today, on the side of the hallway, in Jacksonville. Obscurred by the long grass, the woman-"

"Oh Hailey please," pouted Annie, "do we have to listen to this now?"

But Hailey silenced her with a hand, staring at the screen intently.

"-has been identified as Beth Walters," continued the newscaster, "a local hairstylist in Jacksonville Florida." A picture of a young beautiful woman with blond hair flashed on the screen. Everyone gasped. Cold sweat trickled down my spine; I could tell what was coming next...

"The woman has appeared to have died as the cause of eight stab wounds; seven to the abdomen, and one to the chest. Police are currently investigating, but many believe this new murder to be the work of 'The Blond Exterminator', and as yet have not uncovered any clues. Officials are urging the public-" But Hailey turned off the television just then, and everyone cast their eyes on me.

"Oh, guys, c'mon," I moaned, correctly interpreting their stares. The Blond Exterminator, or, as we so affectionately called him, "Blondie", was a serial killer all knew about. He had first materialized in Jacksonville, Florida about two years ago, and had committed his first bout of murders, targeting young blond teens. At every scene, he left a small card that said 'The Blond Exterminator' and to this day the public stuck with the name. This was the only evidence ever found; the knife he always used was never discovered, nor a shred of evidence to lead to the killer. And the MO was always the same: seven stab wounds to the abdomen, and one to the heart to finish them off. Up until now, the murders had subsided three months ago. Everyone believed he had finally felt the heat and high-tailed it out.

But now he was back. If my parents somehow discovered this peice of news, they would be back home in an instant. This was one of the only reasons they allowed Maddison and I to be home alone for the two months they took on vacation. That, and the fact that I pointed out (many, many times) that these murders were happening in Jacksonville, and strictly there. He had not moved. My parents did not take kindly to the fact, however, that Jacksonville was so close to our city, Valdosta, Georgia.

"But Miranda..." began Stephanie, walking slowly towards me. I put up my hands and closed my eyes. The tension in the room was so thick, I didn't even have to look around to know it was there.

"I really don't want to hear this right now, ok? I know what you're going to say, so please, just drop it." Ever since the murders had started and it was discovered that the serial killer targeted young blond girls, my friends and family had become way over-protective of me, because, I did have blond hair. And it was starting to get on my nerves.

"Yeah, Steph, its been a hard day for her," said Maddison defensively, gripping my arm. Stephanie looked ready to argue, but dropped it when a loud rumble penentrated the room; my stomach.

"Oh! You've missed lunch! You've got to be starving!" exclaimed Hailey, and she dashed out of the room and into the kitchen. We heard her call from inside, "The shepherds pie's almost finished!"

I grinned, and my stomach emitted another growl of approval when the smell of dinner reached me. I couldn't wait for Hailey's cooking.
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Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! Now, the story is slowly pulling itself together! Comments, and constructive criticsm are welcome.