The Downsiders

This Is Not Going To Be Good Pt. 1

We started to talk while we waited for the fix-it-man to finish up. I sat and sipped lightly at my water. Joey Joe lifted his coke to his lips, and as he took in a sip of it, Henry finished up one of his infamous blonde jokes. Before Joey Joe had a chance to swallow the mouth full, he laughed sending the coke all over the counter and spraying Henry with a light mist of coke.

I was laughing the hardest; usually it was me doing something stupid like that. Henry chuckled and was the first to speak.

“Geesh, Joey Joe. I didn’t know I was that funny. I have told you that joke before and never got that reaction before.” He said loud enough so we could here him over our laughter.

Colin was laughing next to me, but not too hard and not so soft either, if that makes any sense. I felt Rick laughing behind me. He rested his head between my shoulder blades, laughing. He didn’t like people seeing his smile, it was one thing he was self conscience about, and so he hid or covered his mouth whenever he laughed. I was laughing pretty hard. I was having trouble breathing. I felt a hand on my back rubbing softly, I knew it was Rick’s; he always made sure I was okay.

“Are you okay?” I heard Rick coo softly in my ear. “Take in deep breaths. How about a sip of your water?” He lifted the glass in his hand and I took it. The water was nice and cool as it slid down my throat.

“Better now?” His bright green eyes, half covered by his shaggy brown hair, showed some concern. I shook my head yes. “Good.” I turned my attention back to the rest of the boys. Henry was wiping up Joey Joe’s half spit, half coke mess with a damp cloth, while Joey Joe apologized profusely.

“JJ,” I was the only one allowed to call him that. One time someone else did and he grabbed them by their collar and told them to never call him that again. That I was the only one allowed calling him JJ. “I think Henry gets the point. Just no more spitting drinks at anyone for a while. Okay?”

“I promise. I am truly sorry Henry though.” He said as Henry wiped his arm off, getting rid of the sticky mess. He chuckled and said that it was alright, and he needed a laugh anyways. As Henry finished cleaning the mess up and the rest of us stopped laughing, the fix-it-man came walking up.

“Well Henry I fixed your ventilation. It should work for awhile now, but look into buying a new one soon. That is still the original one from when the club was first opened.”

“And it still works?” It was Colin who spoke; usually he doesn’t talk especially when a stranger is around.

“Well off and on, since I have had to fix it a lot lately.” The fit-it-guy waved goodbye and left.

“Anyways….what can we help you with today Henry?” Joey Joe started the conversation off again. This band, Mozart Season, was coming tomorrow and Henry was in his usual freak out mode, well he wasn’t all the way there yet, but he was close.

“I guess the usual. Colin, you help with all the tech stuff, Joey Joe with setting up the security and business stuff with me. And Rick help with all the amps and setting up the stage, all the manly work I guess. And my dear Jane, can you reorganize the bar since you know how to do it?”

“Of course Henry. The only one who knows how to do the bar is the 16 year old straight edge, and people wonder why others think the world is screwed up.” I was being my normal smart ass self. I was just playing around with the guys and they knew it. Henry reached his hands to my cheeks.

“For being such an ass most of the time, you still are beautiful. I can’t believe how grown up you have become. God I feel like a dad.” Now I knew Henry was going to go into his freak out mode because he was being nice. Henry got really nice then really pissed off and angry quickly.

“Sorry to interrupt your cute little sentimental moment but we need to get going. Henry, have you booked any shows for the up coming week?” Joey Joe went into his business savvy mode, he was cute when he did this because he was covered in tattoos but knew all the tricks of the trade. Henry came out from behind the bar and Joey Joe slipped his thin arm around Henry’s broad shoulders. The pair walked away throwing band names at each other.

“Well, I better get going too. It’s gonna be a long day!”

“What are you talking about? You get to play with wires and sound systems all day long, you love doing that kind of shit.” Rick said with his boisterous voice.

“True, at least I don’t have to carry in amps and build things.”

“What ever dude. You know you wish you could do stuff like that. But you have like no muscle mass so you can’t.” At the end of his sentence, Rick started to smile but then caught himself before it got too big.

“So!” Colin was starting to blush. He was kind of self conscience about being small and skinny. “I’m…I’m gonna go do what I need to do now….” With that he left me and Rick. We both began to laugh, but Rick didn’t hide his smile. So instead my laughter turned into a genuine smile. Rick had noticed I wasn’t laughing.

“What?” He gave me a look, his head tipped like a confused dog.

“Nothing, let’s just get to work. We have a lot to do and Henry is about to have his break down.” I went to get off of the stool but it was a little high up so I was having some difficulties. I felt big, strong hands around the bottom of my rib cage. Rick was helping me down like a gentleman that he was. He turned around and set me firmly on the ground. “Thank you.”

With that I hopped behind the bar and begun to do what I do best. Whatever had happened last night it must have been a busy night. I wasn’t here last night I had to work at my actual job. Don’t get me wrong I love the club but I actually need a job that pays money. I don’t mind it; I get to be around coffee for hours and also books, walls and walls of books and a huge magazine rack. How can that not be a great job? Back to my current work.

I had to but back all the alcohol in their correct spots. Like the tequila was always by the blender, but some how it had ended up on the shelf to the way back against the mirrored wall. Fast forward a little and I had managed to get the all the alcohol back to where it belongs. Now for my second task, I had to cut up limes and other various fruits for tomorrow. I had the cutting board on the counter behind the bar. I set my first victim, a lime, on the board to cut into wedges. Rick then plopped onto a stool. His face was covered in a slight sweat. His cheeks a little bit red.

“Thirsty?” I asked knowing the answer already. He shook his head yes. “Water or something else, babe?” I called my boys, including Henry, babe or hun. I used the names all the time, even with strangers. He waved his hand signaling he really didn’t care as long as I got him something real soon. I dug the cup into the ice bucket filling it with ice then took the fountain spout, pushing the water button down. I set it down in front of him; he greedily grabbed it and drank the cool water.

“Thanks, my head is pounding.” As soon as he said that the knife went through the lime and made a loud cracking noise when it hit the glass cutting board. I made a face and quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry…I….I didn’t know it was going to do that!” He smiled and put his head down on the counter rubbing his temples. I heard him groan. I bent down and reached into one of the cabinets grabbing some Advil. I set it on the counter next to him, making sure I did it lightly so not to disturb him once again.

Eventually I finished cutting up the various fruit and other things and put them back in the fridge. I looked up to see the aspirin bottle sitting towards the edge of the bar closest to me, Rick’s head was still down so I picked the bottle up and bent down to put it away. As I came back up I saw Colin was now sitting next to Rick.

Colin motioned toward him and mouthed if he was alright. I mouthed back he was tired and had a headache. I shrugged my shoulders at the end of my sentence. I turned around to see if there was anything else I needed to do. But I couldn’t find anything, I guess I got the bar back to the order that it should be. Just than Joey Joe and Henry came walking up.

“What’s with you big ol’ buddy?” Joey Joe yelled while hitting Rick on the back with quite a bit of force. He knew damn well that Rick was probably tired. I gave him one of my what-the-fuck-you-know-what-the-hell-is-wrong looks. Joey Joe just shrugged his shoulders and smiled his little devious smile. I heard Rick groan as he lifted his head. He turned his head to look at Joey Joe.

“What the fuck was that for?” His eyes were narrowed and stuck on Joey Joe. He just continued to smile. Rick shook his head and sighed. He soon went back to his prior position of resting his head with his arms used as pillows.

“Soooo…anyways, we have Mozart Season coming tomorrow night. The Underoath on Tuesday and on Wednesday we have…..ummm what band was that again Joey Joe?” Usually Henry never forgot which bands were coming that or he was actually showing signs of aging.

“Actually….I don’t remember either.” Joey Joe looked up at the ceiling with a confused look on his face.

“With that said, we all need to go home and get some rest.” Colin spoke with his dad voice. Yes, his dad voice. Colin will talk with this deep mature voice occasionally which I refer to as his dad voice. It is amazingly awesome. I agreed and Rick lifted his head.

“Who is driving who home?” Rick questioned sleepily.

“Well….” I started to announce but Joey Joe so rudely interrupted me.

“He we go. Now Jane is going to have some great thought out plan and we all are going to agree with it because we now she is right like every other time she says something.” He finished with a large intake of air.

“Why thank you JJ.” I replied back to him with my best English accent with out laughing too hard. “Anyways, like I was saying before,” I shot Joey Joe a death glare. “Colin and JJ drove. So I can ride with Colin and he can hopefully drop me off at home. And since Rick lives with Mr. Pissy Mouth they can ride together and both end up at home.” Colin nodded in agreement.

“Sounds good, let’s go now.” Rick was in a rush because he didn’t feel good. He had seemed fine earlier to day, maybe it was just from working. Wait, why was I so worried about Rick? Henry interrupted my thoughts.

“Are you guys gonna be in tomorrow?” He seemed desperate.

“I gotta work tomorrow morning until early afternoon, so does Jane. But I think we will be in after that.” I shook my head yes and smiled at Henry.

“Fair enough. You guys?” He now directed his question at Rick and Joey Joe.

“I will be here when you need me, like 10? Is that good? Him,” Over his shoulder, Joey Joe pointed at Rick with his thumb. “I don’t know about. He doesn’t seem too well.”

“Okay guys. Go get some rest cuz I am gonna have you working even more tomorrow.” Rick slowly stood up and lightly hugged Henry. “And you especially get some rest.” I stepped out from behind the bar. Henry grabbed me in his arms and gave me a great big bear hug. Colin was next, but Henry grabbed Joey Joe too. “Group hug!” Henry yelled. I laughed at him and next to me I could hear Rick laughing lightly. Henry released the two guys and we walked out into the parking lot.

Rick slipped into Joey Joe’s passenger seat. Colin scurried to his car, getting into the driver’s seat and quickly starting the car up. Joey Joe and I walked at a normal pace. Soon we came upon his car; he walked around to the other side and got in. I lean over and stuck my head into the open window.

“See you guys tomorrow sometime.” I smiled at my two good friends. “Rick get some rest, you look like you’re nodding off right now. And JJ…” I said in my serious voice. “Don’t give Rick anymore shit, let him be.”

“Yeah, yeah….I won’t.” While saying this, Joey Joe turned his key in the ignition. I turned away and started towards Colin’s car. I had just slipped into the seat, closing the door behind me with a thud, when Joey Joe drove past honking and waving. We waved back. Soon enough we were on our way to my house. It was quiet except for the music that Colin had playing. Normally it was as loud as he could get it. But tonight it was quiet.

“Do you need a ride to work tomorrow?” Colin asked turning his face from the rode to look at me.

“No. I can borrow one of my parent’s cars tomorrow, they both should be home, well at least on is usually home.” My parents were the people that should have never had a child. They both are business people. Never really home, very orderly, and because of those two qualities, I was never a normal child. I was always at a babysitter’s house or a relative’s. So I adopted Colin, JJ Rick and Henry as my makeshift family and I couldn’t be happier.

“Are you sure? It isn’t too far out of my way to come get you.”

“Yeah I am. If they don’t let me, I can always walk. Get some fresh air, it isn’t too far.” We had arrived at my lovely home. It was a large brick house that looked like all the other houses in the development, which bugged the hell out of me. Each one had a different lawn and color, nothing else really. “Thanks though.”

I slipped out the door before Colin could protest more. I was at my front door when I heard him yelling after me. His body was leaning across the car. The passenger window was rolled down. He was straining, making sure I could hear him.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind giving you a ride.”

“Yes Colin. Just go home. I’ll be fine.” I slide my key into the lock, letting my self in. The light was on in the kitchen. I saw my mother at the table, papers strewn all over the table. Her eyes were red and puffy. She and my father got into a fight again. It happens like every week. I got used to it after a while. I walked into the kitchen were my mother was at work. When she was upset or angry she worked. She whispered to herself lightly. I opened one of the cabinets to get a glass. I grabbed one and made my way over to the fridge. I was trying not to disturb her.

“You got home late tonight.” She said just barely above a whisper. He voice was raspy I am guessing it was this way from fighting with my father.

“It isn’t even ten yet. By normal standards I am home early.” I lifted the milk jug from the shelf in the fridge. I set my glass on the table. I unscrewed the cap and poured milk into my glass. I turned around and out the milk right back where I found it.

“Oh…never mind I guess. Are you gonna be in here long? I wanna finish this as soon as possible and I don’t need any distractions.”

“No. Where’s dad?” When I said “dad” she stopped doing what she was doing. She kept her eyes low and tried no to cry. I could see it in her mannerisms.

“Den.” I knew that’s where he was but I asked her because I knew it was going to get on her nerves. No I am not a horrible child; she called her own kid a distraction. You get the idea right?

“Thanks for calling your own child a distraction.” I spat at her with the worst attitude I could conjure up. I stomped away from the kitchen with my glass of milk. I headed upstairs to my room. I walked past my parents’ room on the right and stopped. I listened to hear if my dad was in their or not. He wasn’t so I kept on. The next door on my right was his den. I saw that the light was on in there, it was visible from under the door. I quietly walked past the door to my room at the end of the hall on the left.

I got into my room and set my milk down on my dresser. Then I threw my purse on my bed. I took off my faded and well worn hoodie and threw it on the bed too. I paced around the room for a little bit. I finished up my milk. Then I opened my bedroom door and walked towards my father’s den.

I had reached the door and softly knocked. I heard a faint come in. I slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open. As I did this the door squeaked. As soon as I had opened the door far enough the smell of whiskey hit my nose strong. My father had been drinking. The door was all the way open now and I saw him sitting behind his grand desk. This is not going to be good.

* ~ Author Speaking ~*
I had a whole plot planned out, but it was kind of getting long. So I decided to split it uo into two parts. Enjoy! Please coment.....I need feedback. I also gave up on indenting.