A Thousand Oceans Wide

What's Heidi's Number?

"Bill," Tom said when he was just sitting down beside his brother. Bill was reading a magazine when he looked up. For a moment, Tom forgot that Bill was denied talking for a while. He missed his brother's voice, giving a short laugh before continuing. "What's Heidi's number?"

Bill raised both eyebrows in a most amused way. A small smile curled on his lips as he broke into a teasing grin. It was obvious seeing how much connection the twins had with each other because Bill hardly had to reach for the pen and paper to carry a small conversation.

Tom raised one brow in return, crossing his arms as he played with his phone, turning it round and round in a hand. "What," he narrowed his gaze, contemplating Bill's look to be making fun of him somehow.

Bill grinned, laughing soundlessly as he pointed at Tom. Tom immediately caught that.

"Hey, don't do that to me!" the older widened his eyes, grabbing Bill's wrist so they wouldn't hit him or something in the middle of the excitement. "If you don't want to give it to me, that's fine."

Smiling, Bill sighed and shook his head. He put his hands on his chest and then on Tom's and then he grinned. Pointing to the walls, signifying the other hospital rooms, he sort of tried telling Tom that Heidi had grown so much with all sorts of actions. It was an old joke, and Tom immediately broke into laughter.

"Yeah," Tom nodded, swallowing as he reminisced. "I couldn't believe it was her. I told myself it wasn't but her hair was undeniable. And no one else has got her eyes, whatever you call those kind. She's even got a brother now. And she's so tall--"

Bill interrupted as he shoved a paper into Tom's face, describing the eyes Heidi had.

"Almond-shaped? Right, almond-shaped. I like almonds... Anyway," Tom nodded, continuing. "And do you know, she knocked my cap off me just now."

The temporary mute clapped hard once, asking Tom to stop and let him do some charades. He was trying to speak to Tom again. He gave up after a while and ending up writing: You mean really knocked your cap off? Or not? And he had drawn a smirkish face beside, complementing his own.

Tom stared at Bill slightly, smirking just a bit. "I mean really knocked my cap off. She was tall, and if she was facing me I swear we would have kissed."

Bill's face scrunched up, shaking his head and disapproving.

"What," Tom laughed. And he read what Bill had just written. Tom rolled his eyes. "I'm just curious. Did you see how she reacted when I asked if she missed me?"

Bill was still shaking his head. He wrote: Sexually curious, more like. =P She was annoyed, can't you tell? Don't forget what you did to her. Bad Tomi. =(

Tom gave a soft snort under his breath. Leaning back and stretching, he spoke. "She was cool with it, Bill. And I don't think she even remembers it anymore. It was so random. I bet she has a boyfriend now, too. I mean, surely, right?"

Bill shrugged. And he did some actions and wrote a few stuff: She's pretty, too bad for you. =D If she has one, the more you shouldn't mess with her.

Tom read it and rubbed his eyes. "Hah," he gave a short laugh. "I think we're missing the whole point here. I just wanted her number."

The other Kaulitz rolled his eyes, smiling softly as he threw his phone for his brother to catch. Tom caught it, thanked his brother and scrolled through his contacts list.

Just then, the doctor came in. "Hello, Mr Kaulitz," he smiled. "How are you feeling?

Bill was surprised and he grinned, clapping and nodding before giving two huge thumbs up. Tom was finished with his phone and returned it to Bill.

"Thank you very much on behalf of everyone," Tom said to the doctor and shook his hand. "So when can Bill be discharged?" Tom asked, curious.

The doctor raised his eyebrows, grinning. "That was just what I wanted to tell you; Bill, if you are feeling well enough, you are officially discharged. All you cannot do is speak for at least ten days, remember that. And then you have to come back for vocal rehabilitation if you want to sing well again."

Tom was enveloped by Bill in a quick hug before being let go. Bill quickly scribbled on a paper and passed it to the doctor, which read: THANK YOU!!!! =D And will my voice be different?

The doctor smiled and shook his head. "Not noticeable, so it will probably sound the same. Maybe even better."

Bill jumped up and down on his feet beside Tom who hugged his brother again.

"This is amazing!" Tom grinned, thanking the doctor as he left the room. "So let's get packing!"

While dancing slightly, Bill wrote largely on the paper: PARTY!!! =D