A Thousand Oceans Wide


"What do you want to do today?" Tom asked as he was putting the dishes in the dishwasher. They had just had chocolate muffins and waffles and were pretty full. Not hearing Bill's voice was boring, and he needed something to do. "No video games, no movies, no more food because I am full now," he said, sighing as he looked at Bill.

Bill was quite bored as well, not being able to talk. Magdeburg didn't have anything much and they didn't want to drive so far out because a day was really short. It was like the twins didn't have to talk much and they knew what each other was saying. He looked at Tom who sat on the kitchen counter, shaking his leg. Doing a few gestures, he waited for an answer from Tom. Tom didn't get it so he took Bill's notebook, and Bill wrote: Let's get a puppy!

"No way," Tom laughed. "We can't have a dog on tour. It's a mess, so no."

Bill pouted. He knew it wasn't going to work. He was just trying to find things to do. What about shopping? He wrote.

"Where?" Tom asked. "Don't we have everything already?"

Bill frowned. They were bored and he was giving suggestions and Tom was rejecting every single one. He wish he could just speak, but he couldn't. He just simply crossed his arms.

"Okay," Tom sighed. "Let's see; we've been out with Georg and Gustav the past two days playing video games and cycling around town, and that's nice. They're not free today, and all our other friends are in school. We can't do anything about our new songs because you can't sing. Mom's out of town and so there's only you and me left. And you're supposed to be healing, staying at home and stuff," he said. Then let out a huge sigh. "I wish we were on tour at times like these," he admitted.

Then Bill brightened. Quickly, he wrote in his book: HEIDI

Tom almost forgot. That was brilliant of Bill to come up with that. Of course, it would be good to catch up with her, he thought. He would love to see her again. "Smart Bill," Tom smiled. "It's almost lunch and I think we should drop by and give her a surprise."

Bill clapped and smiled, jumping off the table and going to get changed. He had some makeup on and kept his hair flat down. Donned in black leather and pants, he came out and Tom was ready as well.

They got out to the car and they drove to the place. Bill remained quiet and popped in his iPod on the speaker of Tom's Cadillac stereo and started nodding along to Nena, lipsyching. Tom started thinking, and he drifted away as he drove on, and thought of why he felt uneasy so suddenly. It was nice to hang out with her, he told himself, and it was purely casual. It was like old friends hanging out again. And they weren't going to be here for long so the awkwardness wouldn't last. In less than a month, hopefully, they'll be touring again after Bill gets his voice back. He also figured that visiting Heidi like that was okay, so it shows that he wasn't only talking to her when he needed her. Like for the Get Well Soon party. And this inevitably reminds him of when he was younger. It reminded Tom of their past together and how he had apparently used her for his own benefits. Childish, he thought, shaking his head. But it was all thanks to her that he was what he is today. Thinking back, he realized it was a horrible memory to leave her with when he left her just like that, and they were more or less best childhood friends. Right there and then in the car, driving to see Heidi, he told himself he would make it up to her somehow.

Upon reaching, they got out of the car and Bill followed Tom to find out that Heidi wasn't there today.

"She works only on Tuesdays and Thursdays because she's schooling," the staff added. Tom nodded, noting her skeptical looks. "Are you her friends?"

Tom answered her. "Yes," he said. "We just thought she'd be here today. Thank you."

Bill looked at the woman and gave a smile and the woman nodded before going back in. He went back in the car and looked at Tom.

"I'll call her," Tom said, smiling. He picked up his phone and dialed for Heidi as he drove out of the school.

Heidi was on the bus on the way to the mall for her lunch break, and she was due to meet Brigette and Johanna when she felt her phone ring. Seeing it was Tom, her heart skipped a beat. What did he want at this time?, she wondered. And she picked up the phone.

"Hi," she said.

"Hey," Tom answered. "I'm with Bill, and we're bored."

Bored?, she thought. "Um, okay," she said. "Do you guys want to talk?"

"Not exactly. You're on speaker, so yeah," Tom laughed, and then he put Heidi on speaker. Bill was glad he could hear, though he couldn't answer. He nudged Tom to tell her he said hi. "Oh, and Bill says hi."

"Hi, Bill," Heidi grinned to herself. "Where are you?"

"We're at your school, but you're not there are you?" he asked.

"My school?" she was confused. "I'm out for lunch. And what would you be doing at my school?"

"I mean the preschool," Tom smirked. He turned to the main road. "Where are you? Can we come by? We have nothing to do. Seriously. Zero plans."

Heidi didn't think it was appropriate to be hanging with Tom too much but she answered anyway. "I'm going to the mall to meet up with my friends for lunch, though I'm late," she said. "You remember Johanna and Brigette?"

"Oh," Tom laughed. "Those bug-eyed girls?" And he laughed along with Bill who did so soundlessly. They used to tease them for having huge eyes.

Heidi rolled hers, knowing hers were tiny and wondered why it was funny having nice big ones. "Yes, they're my friends," she said.

"Sorry," Tom bit his lip. "I think they'd know us still, so can we come along? We can go to the movies, too. Bill and I will pay for everything, promise."

It wasn't about the money for Heidi. She was just unsure of mixing her two groups of friends. One who knew everything and one who knew nothing at all. "I'll... I'll call them first?"

"Aw, they won't mind, right?" Tom chuckled. "So where exactly are you now?"

Heidi looked out of the window, looking at the place she was at. Glancing out at the car next to her, she realized it was Tom's Cadillac. "Wow," she mumbled. "I think you're right beside me."

Bill and Tom immediately looked out of their windows. "Where?" Tom asked, looking out at the streets. Bill was looking at the public bus and saw a blonde-haired girl looking down at him. He knocked excitedly on the window and grinned at her when she gave him a smile.

Tom immediately turned over and peered up at her. Into the phone, he continued. "Ha ha, I see you," he smirked. "Get down, and I'll drive you. It'll save you time."

Heidi agreed. She was ten minutes late and the fact that the bus was picking up every other student waiting for it at every other street, she was annoyed. A direct lift to the mall was acceptable. "Okay," she said, getting down at the next stop. They hung up and Tom drove on and picked the girl up.

"Hi," she said at the same time with the driver when she got into Tom's car. "Thanks for picking me up."

Tom nodded, and Bill was having his neck turned just to look at her. He gave her a huge grin. Finally, someone new to hang out with. Not a boy who would want to play video games for the whole day. He couldn't understand how Georg could just stay on the internet while Gustav listened to the iPod.

"How are they?" Tom asked. "Johanna and Brigette? And I can't believe you guys are still best friends."

Heidi didn't know how to put it well enough. "Well, we are and I'm glad. They're in the university now."

Poor Bill stayed quiet, unhappy he couldn't be blabbering away. Soon enough, they reached the mall and by then, Heidi had informed the girls that the boys were coming over.

They got out of the car and made their way to the mall, and it wasn't as quiet as the twins expected. It was lunch time and there were a lot of older kids at the fast food restaurants and the twins wondered if they would get recognized.

"Where are they?" Tom asked Heidi.

"At McDonald's," she answered, going towards it. It was pretty much full house, and the twins looked at each other, wondering if they should go ahead.

Heidi noticed their looks and stopped, beckoning them to a corner before they got noticed. "Are you sure you want to come with us?" she asked.

Tom shrugged and looked at Bill. Bill shook his head. Tom looked at Heidi and gave a smile. "We're fine," he said. "I haven't eaten in McDonald's restaurant for ages. Come on."

And the trio made their way in, and Tom and Bill received a lot of looks. McDonald's was filled with kids on a Friday afternoon and girls were giggling while boys were staring.

Heidi looked at them. "Are you sure?" she asked again.

"Yeah," Tom smiled, assuring her they'd be fine.

Brigette and Johanna waved Heidi over to a corner booth, in disbelief that Heidi really brought Tom here. And Bill.

"Hi," Tom said to the two. "Long time no see," the guitarist smirked. Bill looked at them and smiled as well. "Oh, Bill can't talk until Sunday. He's just gone through surgery."

Johanna nodded and half-smiled, a hand finding Heidi's and giving it a tiny squeeze. It was as if she was trying to tell her things were going to be okay. Heidi looked at her friend and gave an awkward smile back. Everything seemed pretty normal.

"I'm hungry," Johanna mumbled, pouting.

Tom looked at them. They looked the same, except they were taller. Bill also noticed their hands. Very nice hands. It seemed that these girls knew a lot about taking care of themselves. Too bad he couldn't speak, or he would have talked a lot

"What do you want to eat?" Brigette asked, looking at Heidi, not really noticing Tom. She didn't want to be so nice to him, but Heidi gave her a certain look. Johanna followed Brigette, simply giving smiles and not really talking. Tom gave Heidi a hard time, and they were going to do the same to him even though Heidi wouldn't like it.

Tom was oblivious to everything, and he answered her question anyway. "We'll buy," he offered with a smile, taking out his wallet and checking his cash.

Brigette rolled her eyes. "Yes, you're rich," she scoffed. "Of course."

Bill noticed the tension and he shot Heidi a confused look. Tom was surprised by Brigette's attitude, frowning in confusion and not replying. He also realized the two girls hadn't said a word since they arrived. Deciding to keep quiet about it, he gave the girls a short smile.

"Um, okay," he said. Maybe they had PMS, he thought. "I'll get us all cheeseburgers then."

And Bill followed Tom to the counter where they were approached by a few fans.

Bill looked at Tom with an expression that his twin entirely contemplated. Bill was as irked as Tom was about the girls. They were, after all, once schoolmates. Bill hoped it wasn't about Tom before. Tom hoped the same, as well, knowing how girls secretly bore grudges. Or so he thought.

Heidi sat down opposite her best friends. "I thought you guys were fine with them coming along," she said, confused herself. "Why are you so... You know, so rude?"

Brigette laughed. "Heidi, we're on your side." Heidi was surprised the sudden change in their attitude.

"Yeah," Johanna backed her up. "We said they could come, just so we can give them a piece of our mind."

"Why?" Heidi frowned. "They didn't do anything to you." Before her friends could continue, she added. "And if this is about Markus, please drop it. I beg you. Don't make things harder for me."

"Of course it's about Markus," Brigette said before remembering to lower her voice. She leaned in to her best friend that used to be Tom's girlfriend. "He freaking used you, Heidi. And... And... Left you with a kid, hello! We're just showing him our disapproval of treating girls like that. That's the least we could do as your best friends."

"We have done our research and it seems that Tom is one hell of a Casanova."

"Self-confessed," Brigette added. "Very egoistic guy."

"Has had a few girlfriends before. And they look bad."

"Very bad."

Johanna crossed her arms. "So much for telling you it was difficult to have a relationship while touring. Bullshit."

"Hey, stop it-" Poor Heidi was cut off.

"And he apparently sleeps with at least one girl in every city. Whore!" Brigette fumed slightly.

"Manwhore!" the other added. Heidi merely shook her head, letting her friends blabber on, trying to not let the truth hurt her even more.

"It's probably exaggerated," Heidi said, glancing at Tom and Bill for a while. They were already paying for the food. She saw that a group of girls surrounded them, and briefly wondered if Tom really was a guy who sleeps with groupies.

Johanna laughed and added. "The band even has a song about one night stands, can you believe it?" the girl's eyes widened. "It's actually pretty nice but anyway..."

Heidi rolled her eyes. "Girls, come on-"

"We're not going to say anything, don't worry," Johanna said. "He won't know why we're like that."

"But it's not nice," Heidi said, pleading. "They'll get confused and start asking questions. They're your friends, too. And besides, Bill is innocent."

"We love you, Heidi," Brigette told her friend. "Take it as we're being snobby, okay? Like, anti-famous people."

"But you're not snobby!" the girl protested. "And you guys don't really hate them, so why now?"

"Oh, believe me. We do. He ruined our dreams of graduating university together. That asshole," Brigette narrowed her gaze on Tom. Heidi felt her heart ache. Being a year behind without her friends sure sucked.

"We didn't realize we'd have a chance to hate Tom when he's right in front of us," Johanna smiled. "It just so happened fate brought him here so we can torture him for a bit."

"Yeah," Brigette said. "We promise you, when he's gone, we're going to be normal. Promise."

"We just want to annoy him, that's all," and they grinned together.

Heidi sighed, palm to her face. "This is so unnecessary-"

"Back!" Tom piped, smiling and carrying trays. Bill smiled at them. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Girl talk," Johanna said, taking a burger.

Brigette kept quiet and started eating. Heidi gave an awkward look to the boys.

"Okay," Tom said, eyebrows raised and trying to shrug the awkwardness off. Bill sat with his brother and started eating quietly.

There was a most awkward silence and since Bill wasn't able to spark a conversation, Tom decided to talk. "What's up?" And no one answered. Heidi looked up a bit and glanced at her friends. The girls were just eating, eyes on their burgers. Tom looked at Heidi with a raised eyebrow. Then, he continued. "So, what are you girls studying?"

"How to stay away from guys who use girls," Brigette mumbled. Unfortunately, Tom and Bill heard it. Actually, everyone did. Bill frowned, knowing this was about Tom and Heidi before.

Heidi felt her cheeks burn and she turned to face her friend. "Brigette," she said firmly.

Tom wasn't very happy. He was actually annoyed. "Did I offend you?" he said to the one who said that remarked, indirectly directing at him.

Brigette felt slightly intimidated but she didn't flinch. "Tom Kaulitz," she said. "Look behind you."

And Tom did. He turned and saw girls staring at him. Cell phones were up and trying to get the best shots of him and Bill, and some were even approaching the table. He turned back again, sighing. "Yes, why?"

"Pretty girls with raging hormones," Brigette said. Tom merely raised an eyebrow. Bill was trying to figure out what was happening.

Johanna tried not to smile. "They're all virgins, I think," she muttered under her breath. Tom, as well as Bill, caught that. And Tom was embarrassed. This was a common topic in between old friends when they found out about his supposed lifestyle.

"One should use protection," Brigette said, nodding. She had a straight face. Tom widened his eyes. "Or one would... get a disease, you know?" She almost blurted out pregnancy, but she knew her limits. She had Heidi and Markus to consider.

Heidi was scared stiff, her lips paled and her eyes dilated. She swore she could have just dropped on the spot if the girls spoke any more. Too bad for her, she was the submissive one in the group. She was the one who couldn't stand up for herself. The one who would give in too easily. Johanna and Brigette were the ones who would help her.

"Is this about me?" Tom asked after thinking things out, frowning. "This is about me, right?"

The older twin looked at Bill and Bill looked back at Tom. There were exaggerations, but Bill couldn't speak to defend Tom and explain things. And he didn't have his notebook with him. And it was too much explaining to write, anyway. He simply stared at Tom and then stared at the girls. The lead singer shook his head and gave a sigh. He'd told Tom a thousand times to stop elaborating and making up stories. Tom's sexual ego was annoying sometimes, but he couldn't stop it and embarrass Tom by telling the interviewers that Tom was pretty much lying. Saying stuff like 'Oh, my brother is lying. He's just trying to get some attention.' wasn't nice at all.

"I didn't say anything," Brigette shrugged, feigning innocence. Johanna found it funny and really bit back a smile. Heidi, on the other hand, was really hoping her friends would stop it soon.

"Brigette, Johanna, please," Heidi spoke up. Bill stared sideways at his brother Tom, who was in a slight frown, his burger turning cold like his fingers were. Heidi's throat was as dry as a desert on any given day and she hoped that her friends wouldn't go any further for something worse might happen.

"We're done," Johanna said, finishing her burger. And Brigette tucked her last bit deep in her mouth and shot Tom and Bill a huge grin. The twins were bewildered by the sudden change of attitude.

"Play nice," Brigette said to the boys, sliding out of the booth followed by Johanna. Then she leaned in to Heidi. "You take care. We'll catch you later."

"Sorry," Johanna said to all three of those who remained seated, smiling. Two were pretty damn confused while one felt very much like as if her heart been thrown down a hundred-storey building. "We just hope you know what you've done."

With that, the two girls left Heidi. Poor Heidi. She hardly breathed during the whole conversation. Like an anti-climax, Bill and Tom were approached by girls who asked for autographs and pictures. It was a city mall at lunchtime and the twins wished they were somewhere else.

Quickly, they entertained the fans and finished their food in silence. Tom was an extremely deep-thinker, and he remained deep in thought as he ate his burger. Bill looked at Heidi and gave a smile. If only he could speak, he'd tell her that Tom was fine. That he was exaggerating, and all that jazz. Too bad he couldn't. So he nudged Tom, giving him the 'talk to her' look. It wasn't like he was trying to get them back together or anything. He was trying to make Tom understand that it was a girl's way of standing up for each other. Bill got a brilliant idea and took out his phone and started typing a message to Tom. Too bad that they weren't twin psychics. They still had to have alphabets sometimes. Bill typed a long message: They probably know that you had sex with her. And didn't you say that Heidi was a virgin? I think it's because you left her just like that. After you and her did it. Girls don't like that.

Tom read it and frowned. "What?" he said, looking at Bill like he was staring at a difficult Math question. "That was so long ago and we both agreed on it!"

Heidi observed the twins for a long while in silence until that sentence when she understood that they were talking about their past. "Please don't talk about it," she begged, a frown creased on her forehead. "I'm sorry they're like that. Just... Just forget it, please?"

Bill looked at Heidi and sympathized. He gave a nod and held out a hand to tell her to wait. Quickly with nimble fingers, he typed some more on his phone: Girls remember such things and you know how decent Heidi is. Too bad all the girls you chat up these days are opposites of her. I don't think you'd understand.

Tom was surprised by Bill's response. Even his own brother was acting like a girl now, telling him how he should act and whatnot.

"Bill," Tom started, staring at his brother. He wasn't picking a fight but he was just trying to let Bill understand. "I understand, okay? I understand. It's how I am right now and I'm sorry. And I know that only Heidi here makes the most sense right now because she wants to not talk about it like I do. I know I was pretty selfish then, but yeah. And I'm sorry." His tone got noticeably softer now as he turned to face Heidi. "I'm sorry, Heidi," he repeated, the sincerity in his eyes. He didn't expect it to come out this way. He had only seen her for a little more than a week when he came back and he knew that he was going to make it up to her for making use of her but he never expected the apology to be so quick and direct. Thinking back, dating a fourteen-year-old girl just to have sex with her in the end to kickstart his Casanova lifestyle was indeed pretty selfish and cruel. He had probably cheated her feelings, though he did like her then.

Bill was quite calm. He knew when things were going to be verbal and physical with his brother, so he didn't really panic.

Heidi, on the other hand, had tears in her eyes. She thought the twins were going to start a quarrel because of this, and because of Brigette and Johanna's nonsensical play. Taking a paper napkin, she wiped away the tears before they fell and sniffled, trying not to raise suspicion among those who were observing the twins at the fast food outlet. Another reason why she cried was because Tom apologized. His words never sounded so sincere, and she gave a small nod, taking a deep breath and wiping her face again.

"It's okay," she said. "Things happen." She didn't really know what made her say that, but it slipped out of her anyway. Bill nudged Tom who remained with his eyes locked on Heidi tearing.

"I know Brigette and Johanna were trying to stand up for you," he said. And then, he mumbled. "Feminists working hand-in-hand."

And Heidi frowned slightly before giving a small unexpected laugh. She looked at Tom and bit her lips together before glancing at Bill. Tom saw her smile and smiled as well. It was how it was. Bill glanced at the both of them being happy again and a tiny shriek of uncontrollable excitement left his throat, immediately receiving glares from the two others.

"Bill!" Tom exclaimed, not amused. He was going to continue and say bout how he should not make a single sound, but he found his brother endearing. It was difficult not to speak at all but Bill was trying his best and Tom admired him for that.

Bill grinned, covering his face and then petting his throat, showing he was sorry. It was entirely accidental, and he couldn't control it. Heidi laughed, unable to control it either. Bill was too adorable for words. Tom's suppressed look gave in, breaking into a huge grin and laughing along to Heidi's own.

"I've not heard your voice in years," Heidi said, a bit sad when she thought of it. At least, not face to face. The last time she heard him was when he hadn't broken his voice yet and when they were leaving Magdeburg.

Tom looked at Heidi and sighed. His glance turned to Bill.

"I miss your annoying voice," he told his twin before Bill hugged Tom.

Bill was definitely more affectionate physically. He let go quickly, just in case annoying fans took pictures of them and proclaim 'twincest' as real. Bill shivered at the thought of that. It made his hair stand, and he wouldn't even need hairspray anymore.

"Just two more days and you can talk," Heidi smiled. And her gaze turned to Tom.

The two shared a mutual look, slowly grinning. Bill was entirely oblivious. The only thing that was obvious now was that the friendship between Heidi and Tom was finally rediscovered. Heidi admitted to herself she did feel a little less hostile towards Tom, and Tom felt more comfortable with her not being so cold like when they first met at the hospital and she didn't want to acknowledge him. Funny, but he found himself looking forward to the next day when they were supposed to go grocery shopping together to get food for Bill's Get Well Soon party.