A Thousand Oceans Wide

American Shows and Moscow Circuses

"America in a week?" Gustav raised his eyebrows.

Heidi looked at Bill for an answer.

Bill nodded. "We have a show on the 3rd of May at a certain Bamboozle in New York," he grinned, clapping his hands.

"Can you sing yet?" Georg asked. It's been only about a week since you've been talking. Are you sure it's okay?"

"I go for rehab almost everyday," Bill smiled and he drank some water. "Wanna hear me sing?"

"Nope," Gustav joked.

"Yes!" Markus piped up. "I want to hear Bill sing!"

Tom laughed. "Then Bill shall sing," he took Markus' guitar away and pulled the child on his lap, pulling his shirt a bit. "Right, Bill?"

Heidi smiled as she leaned her chin on her palm that was rested on her thigh. Her eyes landed on Bill and Markus consecutively.

Georg nodded. "We haven't heard you sing for a while."

"Aww," Bill put his hands over his heart and gave a sheepish smile. He cleared his throat and started singing the Gummibär song. Markus laughed when Bill finished it, short and sweet. Heidi and the boys smiled along until Bill's phone rang again. They were all told to meet David at the hotel he was staying at in town because they had plans to talk about.

"So I'll see you later," Heidi said, getting up and carrying Markus up.

"You can come with us," Tom said. And Bill nodded enthusiastically.

"There'll be so many things we can do after that. While we're in the meeting, you can just hang around," the younger twin said.

"Do you think David should know about this?" Georg asked.

Tom looked at Heidi and Heidi shrugged, half-smiling. "Um, you can if you want to but it really wouldn't be necessary."

"Maybe when we're going to leave," Gustav suggested. "Especially if you want to bring Heidi and Markus along with you. Are you?

"You are?" Bill asked Tom.

Tom looked at his girlfriend and son. "I wish I didn't have to go anywhere," he mumbled. And he sighed and looked at his friends. "I don't know, if they'd like."

Heidi shook her head, laughing softly. "We both have school, Tom," she said. "You'll come home once in a while, won't you?"

Heidi didn't know exactly how Tom's tour schedule was like.

"Yeah," Tom smiled and he got up, holding Heidi's hand.

Georg and Gustav stood up as soon as Bill did. "Come on, before we're late!" Bill smiled and patted the small of Heidi's back, and everyone left the house.

All of them got into Tom's car and it wasn't long when they reached the hotel. It was around dinnertime. They went up to David's hotel room and he was surprised when more than just the band was there.

"David, you will never guess what happened today!" Georg said in a hearty tone. "Never, ever guess!"

Gustav snorted and bounced on the bed. Bill was carrying Markus in, and David immediately grinned. "What, Bill got a son?"

"Close!" Georg laughed.

"Well, I'm related to him and his name is Markus!" Bill smiled and showed him to David. David said hello before Heidi and him exchanged handshakes.

"This is Heidi," Tom said proudly, and David nodded, seeing that the both were holding hands.

"Hey, when did this happen?" David smirked, closing the door. There were papers in his other hand and a pen on his ear.

"Like I said, you wouldn't believe it," Georg said, laughing and shaking his head as he took cans of Coke out from the minibar as everyone sat around the bed.

"Tell me about it," David rolled his eyes and sat beside Bill and Markus. He offered the little child a grin. "Babysitting your little cousin, eh?"

"My nephew," Bill grinned. Gustav and Georg held their breaths as Tom and Heidi sat across David and Bill.

David raised an eyebrow. "What?" he said as he looked at Bill. "You have another brother?" Bill shook his head at David's answer. "That means..." And he looked at Tom. "He's your son?" He gave a soft snort of disbelief. Tom looked at him and gave a slight smile, pressing his lips together tightly.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I guess you've heard of such things before haven't you?" Tom said, bringing a leg to cross over his other as he interlaced fingers with a nervous Heidi.

"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd be- Wait, what?" David looked at Tom like he was talking in a foreign language. He was half-laughing and looking at the others, but the rest shrugged and suppressed a smile.

Markus grinned big at David before crawling away from Bill and landing on the floor. He went over to Tom and took his can of Coke. "Can I have some?" he asked. Tom smiled and nodded, carrying his son between him and Heidi.

"It's a long story," Tom said, sighing. "You said you had things to tell us?"

"No- I mean yes," David fumbled with his words. "One of my sons... has a son?" He stared at Tom and then pointed to Markus.

Markus held the can of Coke with two hands. "You should write the whole story on a piece of paper, Tom," Bill smirked. "It's going to be the-" And Bill counted. "-fifth time he's going to explain himself." Georg and Gustav laughed and Heidi gave a little smile. "She's the mom," Bill pointed to Heidi.

David's jaw literally dropped. "But you're so young," he said, eyes twitching. "Are you boys kidding me?" He gave an awkward laugh.

Tom rubbed Markus' back. "It was very long ago. I just found out last week. So, you were saying?" He cocked his head at his manager and producer with a little smile.

"Okay," David nodded, giving Heidi a sort of 'I'll get back to you later' look. "So, America. We're going to-"

"YAY!" Bill grinned and clapped his hands. "Are you serious?"

"I'm not done," David narrowed his gaze. "Relax." He smirked, and Tom and the others gave a little laugh.

"America - the land of opportunities!" Georg clasped his hands together.

Gustav sighed with a creeping smile. "Please say it's TRL or something like that."

"One and a half weeks in New York doing TRL, Virgin Megastore and Conan O'Brien. Heard of them?"

"Oh my God!" Bill squealed.

"Jesus!" Georg snorted. "Wow."

"This is crazy," Tom grinned and he looked at Heidi who shared his joy.

David continued. "You guys have to be on your best. I need you, Bill, to start flexing your vocals now. Do not sing at all until we reach America, do you hear? I don't want you to stress your voice right now."

"Umm, okay," Bill giggled and looked at Markus and gave a little wink. Markus put his fingers on his lips and did a subtle 'shh' which David noticed but did not really bother.

"Nice, new clothing," David added. "Georg and Gustav, keep fit. Tom, maintain your locks. I need you guys to look good. The Americans will fall for you if you look good. Trust me."

Gustav snorted. "Boybands."

David stared at Gustav. "Shut up," he frowned, slightly embarrassed. And Tom suddenly burst out laughing.

"David knows best, okay!" he chuckled, shaking his head and stamping his foot on the ground. Everyone there knew that David Jost was in a German boyband many years back before he went to managing bands himself.

"What's so funny?" Heidi asked.

"David used to be in a boyband-"

David immediately cut Bill off. "Anyways..." he cleared his throat. "Yes, so that's all. You leave Magdeburg on the 1st. One week to settle things here-" And David looked at Markus then at Tom and Heidi. "-and your little family business. I still want to hear about that. But I wish we don't go telling everyone about this, you know what I mean?"

"Yes, sir," Tom nodded for a while as he leaned forward, hands held together forming a diamond shape like he always did unconsciously in photo shoots.

"Have you guys been writing? Songs?" David asked. Georg and Gustav looked at Tom and Bill.

Bill smiled. "Just a few songs," he said.

"Good, because we've bought some new traveling studio equipment and we'll do whatever we can on the road."

"Awesome," Gustav said as he drank his Coke.

Heidi felt terribly out of place, and so she kept her eyes on her son a lot. "I think we'll go outside," she said, half-smiling as she got up and pulled Markus along.

"No!" Markus said, and he held on to Tom's arm, hugging it tight. "I want to stay here!"

"It's fine," David laughed. "We're done, anyways. I just wanted to see all of them in a hotel room. I missed being on tour, that's all."

"Aww," Georg laughed.

And David looked at Tom. "You're extremely quiet these days, you know? And that day at the party, you left without a word. And..!"

David stopped talking, and everyone looked at him. Heidi sat back down when Tom held her hands. "What?" Tom laughed.

"You were going after her," David grinned sheepishly. "Care to share with me now?"

"Wait, wait, wait," Bill raised his hands. "Either we call room service, pizza, or we go out. I am starving here!"

"True," Gustav agreed with a rare grin. Heidi smiled when she saw that.

Georg sighed. "Finally, someone spoke up!" he rubbed his face and gave a soft groan. "And I really want to hear the detailed version of the story so please get some food."

"That will be Tom's treat, right?" David said. "Okay, let's head out!"

"What, my treat?" Tom stared at the guys. He didn't mind, though. His hands took the Coke can back from Markus when his son passed it to him.

"Duh!" Georg said. "And it better be a good place."

Heidi laughed. "Well, if I can suggest something..."

"Go ahead," David smiled. Tom looked at Heidi intently with a patient smile. He just liked seeing her talk seeing how much he missed talking to her. The band business was starting up again so he wanted as much time with her and Markus as possible.

Bill, Georg and Gustav eyes Heidi anticipatingly.

"Well, I know a good seafood restaurant," Heidi said, smiling.

* * *

While waiting for their food to be served, the group of seven started talking about the kid. Heidi was brought into the conversation a lot.

"So. What are you doing?" David asked.

"I'm studying, doing my apprenticeship," she smiled. "And I'm working at a kindergarten."

"You must really like kids," Gustav said.

"I do," she smiled before blushing, biting her lip. She glanced briefly at Tom who gave a sheepish sort of smile back.

"God, you guys are so mushy!" Bill laughed. "Don't forget your son is here!"

Markus was eating the fish fritters quietly, too oblivious to care about anything the adults were talking about.

"Shut up," Tom gave a wry look. "Anyway, I'll start shooting so you guys can't say I don't talk much. We've got one week left; do you guys have plans?"

"Family and friend, what else?" Georg said.

"Hey," Gustav nudged his best friend. "Don't forget Tom's got another family now." And they both smirked.

David grinned. "So I'm thinking you will be busy a lot, right, Tom?"

"Tom's always busy. He's hardly ever home these days," Bill shot his twin a look and smiled.

Heidi noted it and blushed. "A lot of catching up," she spoke.

And Tom agreed. "What can I say, I missed out too much. One week's not enough."

"So I guess you won't be coming to my party?" Georg asked, reminding Tom that his birthday was a week away.

"Oh!" Tom laughed. "Of course, I am!"

"Spending your 21st just before we leave for New York," Bill grinned. "That's going to be a party to remember."

"It's going to be at my apartment. Nothing special," Georg said humbly, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"Who's coming?" David asked.

"The usual," Georg smiled. He looked at Heidi and Markus. "You guys are definitely invited. Needless to say."

Everyone smiled and looked at the mother and son. "I can't wait," Heidi beamed.

Soon, the food arrived and everyone had their dinner. Soon, they were all dropped off at their homes and Tom, Bill, Markus and Heidi were left in the car.

"Let me drive!" Bill asked, opening the front door to ask Tom to get out. And he whispered to his twin. "Sit with her behind!"

Tom smiled. "Okay," he said. "And be careful!"

Heidi watched as Tom sat with her at the back instead of sitting beside Bill. Markus lay in between them.

Bill started driving. "I feel so out of place," he giggled.

"No, you aren't," Heidi smiled. She was stroking Markus' hair as the boy lay tiredly on her lap.

"He's finally sleeping," Tom said, patting his son's arm lightly.

"He's very tired," Heidi said. "He's been up since nine in the morning."

"You're doing very well as mother, Heidi," Tom whispered into the girl's ear.

Heidi looked at Tom and smirked. "You're not too shabby yourself. As father."

Tom took Heidi's hand, the one that was stroking Markus' light-colored hair. "If you're not tired, we can go somewhere tomorrow."

"Does this mean I have to babysit your son?" Bill asked suddenly, glancing at the couple through the rearview mirror.

Tom gave a short sigh and laughed as he shook his head. "Don't eavesdrop, Bill."

Heidi gave a soft giggle. "You don't have to do that, but it would be nice... unless Tom wants to bring Markus along." And she looked at Tom.

"You won't be tired seeing me three days in a row?" Tom asked.

"I won't be seeing you for one and a half weeks, remember?" Heidi reminded him.

"We might even be staying in America longer," Bill added. "If we're supposed to. Somehow. Last minute." Bill grinned at Tom apologetically for butting in again. "Sorry."

Tom rolled his eyes and smiled to himself before looking at Heidi. "Magdeburg is so much better with you and our little boy around," he admitted. "I don't know any nice places our son can go. Got ideas?"

Heidi pursed her lips smilingly in thought. "That Moscow Circus show?" she suggested. "I remember it's started in Leipzig, but maybe it's far so I don't think we will be going there-"

"That would be great," Tom grinned. "I haven't been to a circus in years."

"Really?" Heidi asked. And she gave a little laugh. "So you want to go to Leipzig?"

"We can stay over if you can," Tom smiled.

"My mom would kill me if I skipped school," Heidi shook her head. And Tom remembered how serious her father was about Heidi and Tom's relationship.

"Oh, yeah," Tom blushed lightly. And the couple heard a slight constipated sound coming from Bill. "What are you doing?" Tom asked. Heidi looked on confusingly.

"I..." Bill trailed off. He was keeping shut for a while, trying not to interrupt their conversation. And then it came to a traffic light and he turned around, giving a goofy smile. "I really want to go to the circus, too!"

"You're a kid, Bill," Tom laughed.

"Aww," Heidi said. "Then you should come with us!"

"But I don't want to interrupt your little family trip! I really don't want to!" Bill pouted. And he eyed Tom especially with a sad, lost look.

"If Heidi doesn't mind, why would I?" Tom smirked.

"And you are family, Bill," Heidi reminded him.

"You can help babysit Markus, too," Tom said. "He loves you."

"Of course he does!" Bill grinned. "So it's a yes?"

"Yes, it's a yes," Heidi smiled.

"I can't wait! Oh my God," Bill exclaimed. And he quickly covered his mouth when he heard a little groan coming from Markus. Heidi patted her son as Tom stroked his back soothingly. "Tom, you're making me so proud. Can I hug you now?" Bill asked, biting his lip. Watching Tom fathering his own son made Bill so happy for some reason.

"No!" Tom laughed. "Keep your eyes on the road!"

"Okay," Bill grinned. And soon, they all reached home.