The Immortal World's Saviors

Ice Cream Fiasco. Tour or No Tour. Date or No Date

The ride was silent. Again with the quietness. What was that back there? Why did they act like that? Why was Tom so, un-Tom? Maybe it was the fight. Yeah, thats probably it. He got stressed out with the fight. Normal, the first fight always takes a toll on you.

"You okay Tom?" I ask him leaning on the dividing thing between him and Bill.

"Ya." was all he said.

"You know what?" Bill asks me in shock.

"What?" my eyes got all huge.

"We left our ice cream!" he whines and starts to 'cry'.

Hearing this brought fake tears to my eyes, "NO! My ice cream!" I start 'crying'.

"Here." Bill hands me a tissue that he used to wipe his eyes.

"Tank you." I say wiping the tears away.

"Oh, no. Don't cry. Please don't cry. I can't stand to see a girl cry." Tom freaks out shifting his eyes from me and the road, "We can get ice cream-"

Once that rung in my sensitive ears, I jump up wrapping my arms around Tom's neck, who nearly crashes.

"Hey, what about me." Bill says sadly.

"You too," I release Tom and hug Bill who hugs me back.

"Neh!" Bill sticks his tongue out at Tom, "She loves me more."

"No she doesn't! That was out of pity." Tom shoots back.

"Nope. She loves me more. Don't be jealous brother. Not every girl likes you the most." he tells Tom suddenly sparking anger at Bill.

This is going to get ugly, I tell myself. I unwrap one of arms off Bill and wrap it around Tom's arm, not wanting to cause an accident. "I love you both the same. Bill leave Tom alone about and Tom leave Bill alone about it too. Alright?" I scold them.


We arrive at an ice cream parlor. Bill and me are the first one's out of the car. He grabs my hand and pulls me inside careful not to hurt me. Tom follows us slowly behind.

"Come on Tom!" I shout stopping at the entrance smiling.

With a smile, he runs up to the door next to me. The place was fairly large with pink booths. Everything else was white. When me and Tom walked in he gestured to a table at the very back where Bill was sitting waving at us.

"Is he always that excited when it comes to here?" I ask Tom as we walk toward the booth.

"You have no idea." He grins.

"Guess I still got a lot to learn, huh?"

"That's what you get for always being locked up in your room."

"That Tomi-boy was uncalled for." I fake glare and sit down on the empty side.

With an eyebrow raised Bill asks us, "Was ist mit Ihnen zwei?"

"Nothing." Tom says smiling.

"Uhuh. Right." he says with his trademark eyebrow rise.

"Okay. When we get our ice cre-" I start before I was interupted.

The girl was dressed in a uniform, white with pink stripes knee long dress. Her blonde hair was held up in a messy bun. She wore a bit of make up, though it was hardly notice able to those with untrained eyes. Her bright blue eyes roamed up and down Bill and Tom like a vulture looking at its pray.

"Sind alle von Ihnen bereit zu bestellen?" she asks.

"Ja." Tom tells her while staring.

"Oi! Stop looking at her like your gonna eat her up. You're gonna make me sick." I tell him.

"Ja. I second that." Bill backs me up covering Tom's eyes.

"Hey." Tom protests against Bill's hands.

The girl, whose name is Nika (I read her name tag), just looked at us oddly. Guess we confuse her. Eh, whatever.

"Oh! Um," Bill says realizing she is waiting for our orders, "Wir möchten eine Vanille, Minze-Schokolade-Span, und ein Kaffee-Eis. Bitte." he tells her.

With a nod she leaves. Bill takes his hands off of Tom's eyes. A smirk appears on Tom's face as he slowly turns to face me, "You were jealous? Weren't you?" he accuses me.

I roll my eyes, "Right. I would be jealous that you were trying to eat her. And that the way she was looking at you was that on animal shows. When a big bird was about to kill its pray. Right."

"Just admit it." he says leaning forward in front of my face.

"Nope. Cause it's not true. Plus, no offence Tom, "I say looking into his eyes, "you aren't one of the hottest guys I have seen." I end it with a wink and lean back.

Bill starts cracking up at us. "Wow, you two."

"Ah, you admit I am hot." he smirks leaning back crossing his arms.

My eyes open up wide, "What? I did not!"

"Yes you did." Tom corrects me.

"Oh yeah? When?"

"You said,I wasn't hottest guy you have seen. You think I am hot." he finishes.

"Ohhh." Bill adds for sound affects.

"Oh, shut up Tom." I end it knowing he had one that one.

"Wait. You just admit it?" Bill says shocked, "What about me?" he whines.

"What about you Bill?" I tell him in a tired tone.

"You don't think I am hot?" he pouts.

I sigh, "Yes, Bill. I think your hot, too." I tell him.

"No you don't. You don't even mean it." he stands up mad, "Move Tom."

Once Tom moves out of the way, he storms off. With a grunt Tom sits back down, head in his hands.

"Whats with Bill?" I ask Tom.

"I have no idea." he tells me.

"Maybe I should go after him." I say getting up.

"No!" Tom tells me. Seeing my face he clears his throat, "I mean no. Just give him to space to cool off."

This was really freaking me out. Why did he get like that? I am going to talk to him. I stand up, fully aware of Tom protesting, and head outside. Looking around the busy streets, I find Bill next to the car. He was running his hands through his hair and paicing(SP) back and forth.

"Bill?" I shout for him.

Looking up at me he stops. A cold breeze blows, making me shiver and my bruise stop throbbing. I walk over to him to see what is going on in that huge head of his. Standing right in front of him, I look up at him, our eyes meeting.

"Bill, you okay? Why did you storm off?"

"Um. I just needed some air." he tells me looking at the side.

Seeing through his lie I get mad, "Bill, that is bullshit. You know it. I know it. Now tell me what is it." I pressure.

"Nothing, okay. Nothing. Just leave it." he tells me sternly.

For the first time he ever talks to me in that tone. It was just not the Bill I know. With a sigh, I just turn around leaving him there and walk back inside. I make my way at the back of the place and sit back on my seat, surprising Tom.

"How-" he stopped once he saw my face.

"Its okay. Don't worry." He reassures me.

Before I could say anything Nika pops in with our ice cream. She passes them out and basically shoves mine at me. This girl does not want to push me right now. But, I will let this one go. Cool down girl, I tell myself mentally. Tom and me dig into our ice cream. Half way through mine I notice that Bill wasn't back yet.

"Don't worry about him." Tom notices and tries to calm me, "He is just PMSing." he says laughing.

Ignoring him I finish my ice cream before his. "Oi, where's the bathroom?" I ask Tom.

He points with his spoon the center of the place.. With a nod, I inch out of the booth and head back even more. I swear I heard clicking noises as I walked.

I found the bathroom's easily. Inside it was completely quiet, I was the only one there. Walking into the stall, I did my business and walked out to wash my face. Only this time, I was not alone. Nika, was checking her make up in the big mirror. This was weird. Something here was fishy. Acting like I didn't suspect anything, I rolled up my sleeves and washed my hands keeping an eye on her.

"I can speak English, you know." she says turning to look at me.

"And that matters to me why?" I say rubbing off the last of the soap off.

"I know who you are with." she circles me bringing me into combat alert mode.

"Yet, I don't know why they would be with a piece of shit like you." she says looking me up and down.

I turn to face her, now seeing that she was a few inches taller than me but it was nothing. I was built up for situations like this, "And a slut like you would know why?" I smirk.

A frown pops on her face and she takes a step closer, "I am warning you to get away from them. Especially Bill. Am I clear." she says wrapping her fake long nails around my curls.

"And I am warning you to get the fuck away from me before you regret it." I spit out slapping her hands away.

I turn around and walk out leaving her fuming. Reaching the table I find Tom and Bill talking in German, quickly quieting up as I approuch. "I'll be outside." I tell them walking outside.

Once I am outside, I slip out a smoke out of my pocket and light it up.Taking some puffs, I look around me. The street was getting empty, couples leaving. Couples?! OH SHIT! What time is it? I frantically take out my phone and check the clock.Lucky for me it was only 2 p.m. I still had 4 hours to get ready.Lets see, what am I gonna wear? Hmm.

I finish my smoke and stomp it off. Walking back in, I find that bitch in my seat. She was flirting like a mad cow. Tom and Bill just watched her.Pay back boys.

"Hey, squeeze over." I tell her.

Reluctanly, she moves over a bit. Their eyes pleading mine for help, but I just smirk.

"So." I ask,"What are you all talking about?"

"Gross." she waves a hand frantically to clean the air, "Your breath smells like cigarette."

This got both of their attention. "Sorry." I puff out in her face.

"You know what? We have to get going." Tom tells me pleadingly, "Am I right?"

"Why? I still want another ice cream! Nika, hook me up with another, so we can stay longer." I tell her.

Catching me, she shouts in German to another girl working who nods back. My ice cream came to me in what seemed like forever. She bored the shit out of me rambling on about the band and her so-called musical skills.

"ICE CREAM!" I shout happily as my ice cream arrives.

I zone her out as I slowly eat my ice cream, fully aware of the glares I was recieving. I just plugged in my Ipod and ate away ever so slowly. About an hour later,I finished my ice cream. Tom quickly left a bill, not bothering to get change. Bill shot up and pulled me with them, excusing us from leaving so quickly.

We made it to the car and jumped in. Again like the dumbass Tom was, he sped. First we sharply went backward, sending me AGAIN into his heavy seat hurting me. then sped off forward, thrashing me backwards into the seat.

"Fuck! Tom! You Scheiße-Kopf!" I yell grabbing onto mytorso. That was followed by other profanities that I just don't feel like typing up. It was highly offensive.

"I'm sorry." Tom told me over and over again through my profanities.

"I hate you both so much right now." I hissed.

"Like what you did back there was so great?" Tom said sarcastically.

Once we got home, I got out and slammed the door.The drive-way was empty, they weren't here yet. Great. Turning back, I helped them with the bags. Once inside, I grabbed my stuff and headed into my room taking some aluminum foil with me.

I dumped the bags on my bed. I grabbed my dyes and foil and walked into the bathroom. Mixing up my dyes and getting the foil ready, I stood by my mirror with my Ipod plugged in.

I put on my gloves. I want to put the colors just randomly in my hair. First was white. I put my entire bangs on the foil and slobbered it with the dye, then folded the foil around my hair to keep it from spreading around.Putting on the colors all around randomly, I began to sing.

One more kiss could be the best thing
But one more lie could be the worst
And all these thoughts are never resting
And you're not something I deserve

In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
And this seems real to me
You love me but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you don't know who I am
So let me go
Let me go
I dream ahead to what I hope for
And I turn my back on loving you
How can this love be a good thing
When I know what I'm goin through
In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
And this seems real to me
You love me but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
You love me but you don't know who I am
So let me go
Just Let me go...
Let me go
And no matter how hard I try
I can't escape these things inside I know
I knowww..
When all the pieces fall apart
You will be the only one who knows
Who knows
You love me but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you don't know Who I am
So let me go
Just let me go
And you love me but you don't
You love me but you don't
You love me but you don't know who I am
And you love me but you don't
You love me but you don't
You love me but you don't know me

I finish with the song and the dyes.My eyes lift up and into the mirror. Making sure that the foils were on securely, my eyes see something that shouldn't be there. Turning around at the door frame of my bathroom was Bill who was leaning against it arms crossed and a smile.

"Pretty song." he says getting up and sitting on the couter top swinging his legs.

"Thanks, it is one of my favorites." I tell him cleaning up.

"Who was it sung for?" he asks looking down at me.

"You and your brother." I tell him straightly.

"Wha-What are you talking about." he tires to pretend.

"Nothing." I murmer throwing away what is left.

"Bill! Kitzia!" Tom shouts from somewhere.

I turn to walk out but Bill grabs my arm holding me back. I thrash my arm back to me and exit out the bathroom, my room and head downstairs to Tom.

"What is it?"I ask him.

"Ja, brother." Bill says from behind me.

Tom looks at us suspiciously and then tells us, "Tour starts next week. They want us all then in a week!" he says jumping up and down.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

"You are not excited to go?" Bill asks me furrowing his eyebrows.

"She's going?" Tom asks surprised and stops jumping.

"Ja. I am asking mom. She can go as long as she keeps up her studies." he says confidently.

"Bill.This tour is going to last a while. Almost 1 year." he turns to look at me. " Are you sure you want to go?"

I just shrug,"If I can, yeah. Could be fun."

"I'm home!" a voice shouts from the entrance followed by a door slamming shut.

"Mama!" Bill and Tom shout.

"Boys!" she shouts coming into the living room then smiles when she sees me, "And baby girl."

"Hey Simone." I say waving at her. Neither of us call her mom. How could we bring ourselves to call her that when ours is alive and breathing somewhere far away. She doesn't mind it though.

"Hello." she says, "I see your hair is being colored."

"Mom, can we talk to you?" Bill asks pulling her into the kitchen.

Looking at her sons weirdly she nods. Bill motions me to leave so I leave. I go to my room and lay on my bed, placing my Ipod on the speakers. I had to wait for 45 minutes before I get ready. 30 Seconds to Mars blasted on my stereo as I waited. My eyes closing slowly.


"Crap" I say opening my eyes searching for my phone to turn it off.

Shutting it off, i walk into the bathroom. After prying off the foil I step into the shower. The water goes from clear to rainbow to brown-ish black. I take a 25 minute shower to make sure all the dye is out.

Wrap a dark towel around my hair then a red towel-like bathroom robe around me. I walk out into my room and into my closet to pick out my stuff. I glance at the clock on the speakers it read 4 p.m. Have to hurry. I pick out some black knee long capris. A black Halloween shirt that had a white ghost in the center and in orange letters said ," Be afraid. Be very afraid." Yes, I know that Halloween was last month, but I don't care. It is my favorite shirt. For shoes I had some tan/brown/black tiger styled coverse-like Micheal Kors shoes. And lastly a big black zip up jacket that had tan/gold symbols over my heart.

Stepping out of the closet,I head into the bathroom to work my hair. Unwrapping the towel, my hair was starting to curl up.My hair looked great. Awesome if you will.Plugging the blow dryer, I blow dried it all, leaving me like a big bush tree.

It took me about 45 minutes to straighten out my hair, I have a lot of long, thick hair. My white side bangs standing out the most. I ran a brush through it leaving it down. Then some gel to keep it from standing up. I had red, pink, purple, green, blue and white everywhere.Like usual, I didn't put on make up.

I grabbed my wallet and left my room. I went into the kitchen, where everyone was. As I walked in, everyone went quiet and stared at me.

"Kitzia! I love your hair." Simone and my sister shouted.

"Where do you think that you are going, hmm?" my little brother said tapping his feet like a mother.

"Date." I say sitting down in the empty chair next to my brother.

Everyone was here. Gustav and Georg were behind the island thing. Simone was at the stove with my sister. Gordon was reading the news paper at the table. Bill and Tom were sitting on the chairs infront of me. I could feel their stares boring into me.

"Where is he taking you?" Camila asked.

I shrugged,"Dunno. Just told me to get ready by six and wear normal clothes." I say pointing to myself.

"Thats normal?" Bill said lifting an eyebrow.

"Back home it was." my brother murmered.

"You dressed like that?" Tom asked me.

"Yeah. I dressed like this, not so much like I do now because my mom didn't like it and neither did my uncle."

"Your shoes?" Georg asked.

"These?" I say lifting a foot in the air, "I bought these before I went to high school.I love them." I say with a big smile.

"Whats wrong with what she is wearing," Gordon said looking up from his paper. "She looks alright to me."

"Have your phone with you." Tom told me.

"Yeah, just call us if you need anything." Bill continued.

"MY PHONE!" I shout jumping out of my seat running to my room to get my phone.

Looking around desperatly for it, i found in under my bed. Don't ask me why, it just was. Standing up off the floor, I hear something behind me.

"Kitzia?" it speaks