The Immortal World's Saviors

To Stay? Or Not to Stay.

I turn around sharply, meeting a body causing me to stumble backwards. As my but was heading down, a hand wrapped around my waist stopping my fall. Looking up, I met dreads.

"Watch it clutz." he said joking.

"Ha.Ha. Tomi-boi," I glare standing up.

"No thanks?" he chuckles.

"Nope." I grin.

"What were you doing?" he asked.

Waving my phone in his face I tell him, "Forgot my phone."

He nods. He hadn't removed his hands from my waist.

"Um, Tom?" i tell him looking down.

"Hmm?" he says.

I just point at his hand. A blush forms on his face as he quickly unwraps his hand. Taking his hand to the back of his head, he tries to mutter apologies.

"KITZIA! He's here!" Simone yells.

"Coming!" I shout back, "Later Tomi." I quickly finish it with a hug and run out.

As I make it down the stairs, I find Logan in the living room with EVERYONE. Guess he was being quized or something. He was dressed like normal: regular guy jeans, black band t-shirt, leather jacket, and hair down. They had him cornered on a couch while the others were just staring at him. Guess this freaked him out because his hands were clenching and unclenching. Tom stopped behind me and watched the scene before him. With a slight push, Tom lead the way into the living room. All eyes on me and Tom.

"Ready?" he says popping up out of his seat.

"Yeah." I say looking at him with a smile.

"Alright. Lets go." he says taking my hand and leading us out the door.

"Bye." we both say.

"Nice seeing you again." Logan finishes.

"You too." Simone says waving at the door as we walked down the pathway.

"Have her home before 11" Gordon shouts.

"You hurt her-" Tom starts.

"We hurt you. Badly," Bill says in his most, um, 'threatening' voice.

That made me crack up as we stopped in front of his car, a orangy-gold Eclipse. I like the car, not the color. But, hey, its not mine. Like a gentleman, he opens the door for me. Once in he shuts my door, running over to his side.

"Nice hair." he says planting a kiss on my cheek and speeds off.

"Where we off?" I ask him.

"A secret." he says.

His hand reaches over and grabs mine,making me smile. Just like old times.

"What did they quiz you on?"

"Eh," he looks at me, "Same old, same old. Kind of like how your folks did. Except, I wasn't stared down by 4 guys." he finishes with a chuckle.

20 minutes later we arrive at a restaurant over looking a river. Logan holds my door open for me to get out of the car. The restaurant wasn't really fancy, so you don't have to be dressed up to go in.

"Come on." he says grabbing my hand.

We walk in and are seated almost immediately. The waiter lead us all the way in the back into a private area with a front row seat view of the lake.

"Oh, Logan. You didn't have to." I tell him looking at the beautiful view of the lake that illuminated by lights.

"Only the best for you, love." he whispers in my ear.

"You really-" I started turning to him.

"Ah! Sit down, and calm down." he cuts me holding my seat out for me.

Sitting down, he sits in his seat across from me. A waiter quick on his feet hands us our menus. Taking a glance, I notice it was in English. Thank GOD! I am seriously hating this whole Germany, German thing.

A few minutes later,he comes back and take our orders. Mine in English and Logan's in German. Why? I don't know.

"How are you liking your surprise?" he says taking a sip of his drink.

"Very. Though I don't see why all this mystery?" i say taking a sip of my drink (aka. alcoholic beverage, take your pick of what you want it to be.)

The dinner was great. We talked and talked about basically everything. Though, I held much in secret, afraid of his 'exploding'. He tends to get too protective over me.

Getting back into the car Logan hands me a blind fold, "Here. No peeking, alright?"

"Will this lead to my doom?" I ask childishly putting it on.

"Nope. Not yet." he jokes starting the car.


"Ah! No talking." he scold me.

I reply to his scolding with sticking out my tongue. I can hear his laughter as though he was laughing right next to me.

Not much longer,the car stopped. Logan's door opened and shut. Then mine was opened, he helped me up and shut mine.

"Hold on." he told me grabbing my hand.

I took shaky steps wondering what was he trying to show me. I guess he got frustrated with my slow steps that he swooped me up in his arms and walked for me.

"Okay," he said putting me down, "You can take it off."

My hands fumbled with the blind fold.When I took it off, we were in the middle of a park next to large water fountain. The darkness was illuminated by a full moon and hundreds of stars. Fire flys were buzzing around, providing some more romance.

"Logan?" I ask turning around.

"Yeah?" he whispers to me.

"This is beautiful." i whisper back.

"Not as beautiful as you." he says embracing me into a hug.

Once in his hug, he bends down over to me. His face radiating in the moon light. Our lips meet, but un like other times, he breaks it after a mere few seconds.

"I want to ask you something." he says parting from me entirely.

My head just tilts to the side in wonder. What is he gonna ask me?

Taking something from his pocket and into his closed palm, he looks at me deeply. His hands guide us to sit on a nearby bench.

Looking me into the eyes, he takes a big deep breath. I could see his sweat glistening in the moon light and his hands and lips tremble.

"I know from deep down inside of me that I love you," he says softly, "I want us to be more. More than just your boyfriend."

I pick up my hand and cup it gently on his face "Logan. What are you trying to say?"

"I want us to be married." he finally says after a long pause.

"Logan." I tell him placing my other hand on his other side, "I don't want to get married yet. I love you too, but I just think that I am not ready just yet . And, I would like my mother and father to be there too."

"I know," he places his hands over mine, "that is why it is a promise ring." He opens up my hand placing it in my open palm, "My promise to you. To be there for you till I die. And when you are ready,I will make you mine, forever." he ends it with a deep kiss.

My arms wrap around him. Our lips lock together, sharing our eternal love for each other. A bit later we break, gasping for air, Logan slips the silver band with a emerald in the center with tiny diamonds around it on my ring finger.

"Logan. I have something to tell you." I tell him sadly,

"Its okay. I know, already. I will follow you. It is my duty." he says as me wraps his arm around me, embracing me.

"You-" I was cut short with someone shooting.

Logan jumps up holding me close, his eyes scoping all around. A few twigs snap and a second later, we are circled by many creatures. There were lycans, vampires, demons, and other creatures that I couldn't make out.

"Hand her over," a lycan spoke to us in half man-wolf form. The final transformation for a lycan, there is fully human, fully wolf, and the half man-wolf form.

"Never." Logan hissed through his teeth.

The lycan laughs, "You are out numbered. Though, it was quiet a sentimental moment you had there. You wouldn't want her to be forced to see you die. Would you?" He points his long blood soaked claws at me.

I was so scared that I was trembling and holding onto Logan tightly. Logan just looks at me and holds me tighter.

"Oh, shut the hell up, will you?" a feminine voice shouts from above.

We all look up and dozens of our men fall in. Jazz landing in front of us. And from behind the enemy, more came in fully equiped with weapons and the others in their immoral forms.

"Give up! You are surrounded Kane!" Lucifer's voice boomed through.

Seeing that he was clearly to a disadvantage Kane lifts his hand in the air. A large cloud of smoke spreads through. It dissappeared as quickly as it came, only taking them with them.

"They left?" Lucifer said bewildered.

They all turn to my trembling form, sympathy in their eyes. Jazz comes over and tries to help confort me along with Logan. Lucifer ordered his men to scout the premises and what not.

"Its alright baby, they are gone," Jazz whispered softly tring to calm me down.

"Logan." Lucifer called, "Come here for a moment, if you will."

With a short nod, Logan left me in the hands of Jazz. My trembling had finally stopped, but I was still scared. What if they attacked again and no one was there to protect me or the others?

"Don't worry because that will never happen.We are watching you 24/7. And now the survailance will most likely be doubled." Jazz responded to my thoughts.

I just nodded,taking a seat on the bench with Jazz at my side. Not before long, Lucifer and Logan came over.

"Kitzia" Lucifer called me.

Looking up at him I notice a weird look on his face.

"This attack was planned out in public. We believe that they might go after you, your brothers, or your new family. I think that it would be best, though I don't like it, that we inform you family about your 'situation'. If they don't want you, we will have no other choice to relocate you ASAP." he tells me.

"But! Don't worry, I am sure they will still want you. But if they don't, you will come with us anyway." Logan tries to soothe everything.


Lucifer, Jazz, Logan and me were all at the house. Fear was making me tremble. None of their words of so-called comfort could help calm me. There was no way in hell they would believe us and keep us. Just no way. I didn't care if they didn't want me. I cared that they keep my sibblings. As long as they had a normal family to grow up in, it didn't matter to me what happened to me.

Knocking on the door, Gordon answered the door with a smile that turned into confussion. Lucifer stepped up in front, "We would like to speak to your family. If you will."

"Oh. Of course." Gordon said making room for all of us to come in, "Wait in the kitchen while I get them."

I lead them into the kitchen.I sat on Logan's lap trembling, Lucifer stood leaning against the wall and Jazz stood next to Lucifer with her arms crossed. Not long after my brother, sister, Tom, Bill, Simone and Gordon walked in. My siblings faces turned to fear when they saw us all here.

"Usted dos,.,"Jazz motioned to my siblings, "vayan arriba. Nosotros tenemos que hablar de assuntos de adultos."

With a nod, they walk out running up the stairs. A wave of confusion hit everyone. My trembling had stopped a bit but was still there.

"What's the reason behind this?" Simone spoke up first looking at all of us.

"I am Lucifer Wulff. Father of Logan." Lucifer announced.

"Nice to meet you." Simone and Gordon said shaking his hand.

"We have something to discuss. So, please sit down." they all sat down at his command. Tom and Bill looking at me confused.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked.

I didn't reply.

"What I am about to tell you is of importance." this caught everyone's attention, "I need you to all keep an ope-"

"WILL YOU JUST TELL THEM!!" I shout out impatient cutting Lucifer off.

"Will you shut up?" he says looking at me, clearing his throat he continues, "As I was saying, you must understand this. Kitzia, Helio, and Camila are not normal. Their are the saviors to the Immoral world. Without them, our world would die."

"Immortal? Whose world? What?" All these questions exploded out from their mouths at the same time.

"Please let me finish." he got up and stood before them, "They are immortal. We," he motions to him, Jazz, me and Logan, " are immortal. As in live forever."

"Immortal, like vampires? Werewolves? Demons?" Simone asks.

"Yeah, right." Bill laughs," Good one guys."

"This isn't a joke!" Logan roars.

"Show them. Seeing is believing." Jazz says flat.

"Logan, demonstrate." Lucifer commands.

Logan gets up with me and sits me down. He walks behind the island and takes of his clothes setting them on the granite counter top of the island. The island keeping his private, well private, only exposing his well sculpted/chizzled (whatever way you want to say it) chest.

"What are you doing?" Simone shrieks.

"Watch." was all Jazz said.

Logan's body starts to tremble. Bone cracking noises fill the room. Then, in a blink of an eye, Logan was gone, a large black wolf in his place. The family, totally shocked, jumps up and uncomprehendable German words slip out.

"Do you believe us now?" Lucifer pushed.

They all nod their O.O heads.

"Good." he says, "But like everyone, there are some who good, like Logan, Jazz and myself and some bad. Anyway, like I was saying without them, our world dies."

Logan walks over and lays his head on my lap. My trembling hands pat his velvety, silky soft furr. Earning pleasureful low whines. Tom and Bill looking at me in shock.

"So, he too is immortal?" Simone comprehends.

"Yes. The Saviors, as we call them, are very cruciol (SP?) to our survival. At age 18 they all recieve powers."

"Powers?" Gordon asks.

"Yes." Lucifer nod, "Depending on their souls, depends on what powers they develop. Those powers are intended to keep our world safe from dangers. In order to keep this cycle going, they all must all bear children who will bear their children. Three generations later, the same process the Saviors went through will be put to them. Those in that generation the next Saviors. Saviors exist every 3 generations. Am I clear so far?"

They all nodd. Logan goes around to everyone, having them each stroke him. Simone was the one that enjoyed stroking his soft fur the most.

"Scratch behind his ears. He likes that the most." Lucifer spilled to an obedient Simone, earning glares from the wolf Logan.

"But they are endanger. That is why I, the head of this operation, have them guarded 24/7. Because they are with you now, we have you all guarded as well. But it seems that now our enemies-"

"Enemies?" Tom cuts in.

"Yes." he sighs,"If you control the Saviors, you control us all. There some greedy immortals who wish total control. There even some of your kind who are greedy as well who know about us. But today, it turns out we were attacked-"

"Attacked!?" they all shout at the same time.

"Yes. Would you please let me finish?" an angered Lucifer questioned.

They all nod.

"Alright. These two were attacked. But they escaped once we arrived. Lucky for us, we stepped in before either of them were hurt. I fear that they may attack you all and use you like bait in exchange for them. I think that it was best that I told you know so you would be prepared. But, I completly understand if you no longer wish to have them in your home." he ended saddly.

All turned to face me.

"By that, what do you mean?" Simone asked.

"Ja. What do you mean?" Tom and Bill asked at the same time.

"Explain." Gordon lastly commented folding his arms.

With a sigh Lucifer rubbed his temples and turned to them, "Ihre Todesfälle, wie ihre Eltern, werden gefälscht. Sie werden so bald wie möglich umgesiedelt, und sie werden von keinem von Ihnen jemals gesehen. Wie verschwanden sie vom Gesicht des Planeten. "he ended.

"Wait, their parent's death's were faked? Where are they now?" Simone asked.

"That I am afraid is classified. Even I don't know. They will all be reunited once they all reach 18 and all have their powers."

"18?" Tom asked.

"Thats 10 years." Bill finished sadly.

"Yes. I am afraid so. But it is the way it was ment to be. They have to wait 10 years before they can see them. Though you will still see the Saviors, they parents will be allowed back into their lives as immortals too. Now comes the cruciol part." he says leaning on the table looking straight into their eyes, "Bleiben sie hier bei Ihnen in Deutschland? Oder umgesiedelt irgendwo weit weg"

They all stayed silent.

"How much security is there?" Gordon asked.

"Around the clock, 24/7. Even you 4 are watched to make sure that you are not used against us."

"We. We. We need talk this over." a shaky Simone said looking down to Logan's fur.

"That is understandable. We will be outside. Logan, get your things and change." Lucifer states leaving the room heading to the backyard.

Logan grabs his clothes with his muzzle and hands them to me. Jazz follows behind me and Logan as we head out. I turn once more and stop at the door frame, "Ich verstehe, ob Sie mögen uns nicht mehr nicht haben und meine Brüder auch."

With that said, I leave them all to talk. Logan rubbing at my side with whines and head outside. Lucifer sat on a chair and Jazz took the last one. Logan laid across the grass with me against his warm thick fur keeping myself warm in the cold fall air.

"Don't worry about it, babe." Jazz told me.

"Everything will be fine, daughter." Lucifer told me.

"What?" I turned around in shock, he never called me that before.

With a smile, he points to my hand. My face turning red with embarrasement.

"Guess I forgot." I told them earning a low growl from Logan.

"Don't worry, we all know about the ring." Lucifer started.

"Yeah. Who do you think helped him pick it out?" Jazz laughed.

"Prep him?" Lucifer added.

I threw them a ball, "You guys are butt munchers." I told them laughing.

"Watch it." Jazz warned.

"Yeah, because you will be related to us pretty soon."

"Yeah, I guess," I said staring at the silver ring, "But that will be in a while."
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