The Immortal World's Saviors

And They Say Bill is the Emotional One

Logan ran off with his clothes and changed behind a tree. While the others sat in thought, I laid on the cool grass looking up at the stars. My mind racing at the speed of light. Why would they want us? We bring chaos, danger and threat to this family. Though, I would miss this family a great deal. Bill and Tom the most, I thought with smiles. We had some good times. And some bad ones, but the most were good. Man, I wish I didn't have to leave. Tears threatened to reveal themselves, but I shall no cry. Stay strong girl. Well, for now.


An hour later, we are still outside. The November breeze almost ice cold. Lucifer sat unfazed on his chair, just thinking into the wide open air. Jazz was bored and talking telopathically with others. Logan and me sat on the floor across from them, me leaning on him with his arm around me for warmth.

"I am so freaken bored," I sighed boredly.

"Be patient, daughter." Lucifer said blankly.

"Will you stop the whole daughter thing?" I whined, "Seriously, it is getting really irritating."

"Ah," Logan joked gently shoving me, "Tired of it already? Wonder what you will about once they all find out."

My eyes pop open, I hadn't thought about what they would say.

"None of us have thought about it," Jazz butted in.

"Well, now is the time," Lucifer said grimmly as he stood up.

Not a second later the glass sliding door from the dinning room opens. The family steps out slowly as we stand up too. Logan swiftly had me on my feet not a second later, carefully placing his hand over my left hand covering the ring.

The family stared at us all, their eyes on mine for a few seconds. Simone and Gordon's retreating, turning to look at Lucifer. Tom and Bill's not leaving me. A smile forming on their faces brought mine too.

With a sigh, Gordon spoke first, "We have decided-"

Simone cut him off jumping on me, "You can stay!" she shouted jumping up and down on my frozen body.

It took my mind a bit for it to register in my head before I let Logan go. My arms wrapped around Simone and both of jumped up and down screaming with glee.

"But" Gordon cut our shananogans(SP?-Don't you love that word?)"We would like to speak with you privately, Lucifer."

With a curt nod, Lucifer agreed. Both men walked inside. Leaving us outside.

"Everything will be alright." she whispered wiping an unknown tear from my face and walked off inside after giving me a hug.

"Wow." Jazz said breaking the silence.

"See, I told you everything would be alright, love." Logan told me rubbing my arms to heat me up.

"EH! No PDA!" Bill and Tom shouted.

"PDA?" we all said at the same time.

"Do you even know what that means?" i asked them with an eyebrow raised.

"Ja." Tom said arrogantly.

"We weren't born today." a 'smart' Bill said crossing his arms, leaning at an angle.

"It's yesterday, smart one." Jazz and me said at the same time.

"So..." Tom started.

"What powers can you do?" Bill asked anciously (SP??).

With a sigh Logan responded, "I am a hybrid. I am half lycan and demon."

"Ah." they both said.

"Okay! This is boring." Jazz huffed.

Tom eyed her a bit perverted. We ALL noticed and shook our heads. As he headed over to her, she stuck her hand out, "Uh, uh. I only date girls."

Tom's face went wide with shock. We just laughed our asses off at him. Making him mad. Walking over to him, I wrapped an arm around his hug shoulders, "Don't worry Tomi, she is just one girl."

"Humph." was his only responce.

"Yeah, Tomi!" Bill joked wrapping his arm around Tom's other side, "Tomi. Tomi" he said over and over again pondering, "I like that!" he finally said in a sassy voice.

"Will you two cut it out." an angered Tomi ripped out of our embraces.

Jazz and Logan laughing at us.

"Get used to it," Logan coughed out.

"Yeah!" Jazz choked, "She is yours now."

"Fine!"I pouted hugging Bill, "I don't want you guys any how!"

He wrapped his arms around me and stuck out his tongue. Tom two hugged me, except he also had to hug Bill. His hands on mine, oh shit............

"Whats this?" Tom said bringing my hand up.

"Oh crap." Logan, Jazz, and me whispered silently.

"What?" Bill asked taking a closer look at it.

Realization hit them fast and hard. Think realization like a train and Bill and Tom the idiots on the train tracks.

"KITZIA!" they both roared.

"Hehe?" I tried my only way out of this.

Their arms let me go quickly and turned me around to face them. My hand up close.

"Its just a promise ring!" I shouted ripping my hand away.

"Promise??" Bill asked curiously.

"Promise what, huh?? That your getting married at what?? 16! Your not old enough-" Tom shouted rambling on and on.

Thank god for Logan and Jazz being there. Jazz pulled me back and Logan stepped infront of me bearing his fangs.

"Leave her alone." he shouted.

"Logan, calm down." I calmly told him reaching out for his arm, "It is a normal reaction." my hand clasped his arm bringing him off my scared shitless 'brothers', "Stop. It is fine."

"Fine." was all he said stepping down and walking off, my eyes never leaving him.

"I'll go get him," Jazz whispered and ran after him.

My eyes turned back to them, "Don't worry. I don't want to get married, not yet. He gave it to me as a promise."

"What promise?" Bill asked because his brother was to freaked out to respond.

With a sigh I sat down. The two sat on the opposite lawn chair (the ones that you are supposed to lay on and are usually next to a pool).

"I have known him since I was 10, making it 7 years that I know him next month. He has been though the tough parts in my life. He knows what I went through and I know and have been there for him like he was for me. You can say that he is one of the last things that I have now."

I looked up and saw them staring at me in understanding.

"And so has Lucifer. I guess that he has been there for me more than my own father has. Today he gave me the ring." i stopped a moment to twirl it around, "His way of promising to be there for me. And in his hopes, of marring me someday. But, I am not ready and won't be for a long time. So, you can calm down on the whole proposal thing." I finished, taking a deep breath and looking at them in the eyes.

Like always, Bill was the most effectionet and this time so was Tom. They sufficated me in hugs. Our 'moment' was killed with people opening the sliding door open.

"Kitzia." he called me forward.

"Yeah?" I responded wearily infront of him.

"You will remain living here. They have agreed to the terms and have asked for some in return. Everything will be taken care off, so do not worry about anything. You know were and how to find me or any of us." then he looks back at the boys, "And you two. So don't be afraid. And you must not tell any of your band mates. Understood?"

They just nod. With a big smile revealing his demon fangs and a big hug he runs in the same direction Logan and Jazz headed. Only whispering a "Later, kid." and vanished half a second later.

"Freak!" I shouted back at him, earning stares from my family. I just shrug.

"Alright kids, time to go to sleep." Simone sang/rang.

"Lets go. Come on to bed." Gordon escorted us military style to our rooms.

When I got to mine, I was tired. Today was way to stressful. Bearly walking, I stumbled onto my bed. Untying my shoes was difficult and I felt like I could bearly move. Laying on my stomach ontop of the covers, I closed my eyes and feel asleep harder than the Great Wall of China.


Waking up is hard to do.My warm bed was too... warm. Comfy. And mine. I open one eye first and then the other.I was under my covers on my stomach.

"Who tucked me in?"I asked the unresponsive walls.

With a hateful glare, I threatened the damn walls, "Damn you walls.You will respect me and will learn to talk."


"Bastard walls." I finished and got up.

I walked into my closet and changed, not wanting to take a shower, too lazy. I put on some black addidas guy sweats that had two red lines that ran down my sides, placing them way down to my hips. And lastly a plain red t-shirt. My hair was a mess, nothing a pony tail and brush couldn't fix.

I noticed that everything was really quiet.What light that was leaking in from my blinds was orange-ish. What time is it? My eyes wondered to my ring. How am I gonna hide it?

OH! I know. I open my little jewelry thing that Bill got me to store and organise my jewelry.My hands skim through it, looking for a silver chain. After some searching I find it. I unclisp the chain, slip on the ring, and struggle to put it back on. My nails were too long making it hard. Taking a better look, they came out a cm out of my finger.

I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen insearch of food. There I found Team T and my siblings drinking some hot chocolate. When I walk in, everyone just stares at me.

"Do you know what time it is, young lady?" Bill mocked his mother's voice.

"Um." I look around for a clue, not finding one I turn back to him, "Nope."

Georg checks his watch, "Its 6."

I just shrug, "So?"

"What do you mean so?" Tom asked.

"Just what it means, Tomi." I finished, getting some to drink aswell.

"What did we do?" Bill 'wailed' girly.

"Ja." Georg continued it," Where did we go wrong?"

"Oh, god." Gustav murmered.

"What we do wrong?" Tom asked, sounding just like his mother.

"Tomi. You sound just like your mom!" I laughed in his face and the others joined in.

"Ugh!" he 'roared' and held me in a head lock, "Take it back!" he repeated over and over again.

"Not a nice move, brother."

"Ja, remember the mall?" a smart Gustav commented.

Before he could respond, my index fingure and middle fingers were held close together like points. Those 'points' were jabbed on his sides causing him to let go. Once he let go, I swung around comming up behind him. There I grab his hands and held them behind him like a cop. With one hand I held his hands and with the other, I quickly used my 'points' and poked him sharply on the back of his thighs. Then my hand went back up to hold his hands correctly. His legs gave out with the hit on his pressure points, sending him to his knees, and then on his stomach on the floor with me seated on him.

"Tom!" they all shouted and started to laugh at our positions.

He kept on struggling and struggling but it was to no use. I leaned down really close to his face breathing on his neck, face and ear. I felt him tense up, shiver, and get goosebumps.

"Thought you liked things rough?" I asked him

"Kitzia, get off of him." Bill told me.

I follow his command with one thing left to say, so I whisper it so that only he could hear me, "I know what you did, Tom. I was awake." and get off of him.

He got up shocked and left the room.When I turned around the others just looked at me and then went back to their cups. Georg quick to light a smoke, got one for him and Bill. After Georg took a puff, he handed me his. I took a few quick puffs and handed it back.

"Danke." I told him and drank the last sip of my chocolate.

"Kitzia?" my sister asked me.


"Wanna go to the park?" she asked me in a baby voice.

"Okay. Brother, you want to go?" I asked my little brother.

"Sure." he shrugged.

"Go get ready." I told them following them up the stairs into my room for my shoes.

Putting on some black converse, I checked for my phone. I had one txt message from Logan.

Love, I have some bad news.
I have to go on a mission today.
Don't worry, Jazz will be here to keep a better eye on you.
I will be back tomorrow night.
Miss you.

Miss you too, I thought putting it into my pocket. I grabbed my wallet and put it in my other pocket.From my closet, I grab a jacket that Logan gave me. A black Ecko jacket that had a red rhino on the center.

Downstairs, everyone was ready. Georg and Gustav were gone, maybe somewhere with Tom. Just my siblings and Bill were downstairs. They were dressed like normal kids with jackets for the cold, but Bill?

He had an oversized jacket that probably belonged to Tom or Georg. Tighter than humanely possible jeans. Big sunglasses. And lastly Tom's FAVORITE cap. He never goes on tour without his FAVORITE, LUCKY cap. Obssessed much? I think so too.

"Ready?" he asked.


We walked out of the house and down the pathway. There was a park a few blocks away.

"Oi! Lets make a deal. Last one to the park buys ice cream!" I asked and they nodded,"READY! SET! GO!"

We all took off. Me in the front then my brother, Bill and lastly my sister. I make it to the park 30 seconds later. I was panting a bit and waited for the others. My brother came in swiftly and stopped by my feet.

"Where." Pant. "Are." Pant. "They?" my brother asked me.

"I don't know." I said waiting for them impatiently.

Not much longer, Bill and my sister came into view. He was carring her down the street to the park. Can you imagine a stick like Bill carring a 7 year old girl that weighed around 70 lbs? Miracle I tell you.

"CAMY! BILLY!" I shouted waving at them.

They waved back. He put her down and held her hand, together they ran over to us.Once they got to us, she hugged me.

"Can I go to the swings?" she asked.

"Sure. Brother go with her."

With a nod, they both left to play with the others, leaving us alone. I turn to look at Bill, who I found was starring at me weirdly.

Waving a hand infront of his face I shout,"Latino to Bill. Lunatic to Bill."

Shaking his head, he snaps out of it red with embarresment, "Sorry."

"S'okay." I tell him.

He just nods.

"Lets walk to the bench over there. I want to keep on eye on them." I tell him.

With a nod, he leads the way at my side close. We walk to the bench and sit down in plain veiw of my siblings. For a few minutes he stays quiet.

"What is it Bill?" I ask in an impatient tone.

"Huh?" he tells me once I broke his train of thought.

"Ask me." I tell him facing him.

"Okay." he repositions himself right infront of me. "How long do you live?"

"Oh, I thought it was really serious"I smile, "I am not sure. As long as I can, I guess. And the best part is: that I will stay forever young, probably the way I look to you right now will be what I will look like in decades and centuries to come."

"Wow. How lucky.What I would give to stay forever young and beautiful." he says weirdly, patting his face and hair.

"But there isn't only a good side to everything." I tell him. I feel like Spiderman's uncle before he dies in the movie.

"Like what?" he asks tilting his head.

"I have to be in constant movement. Never staying too long so people don't get suspisious."

"Ah, I see."

Tom came to mind. "Where is Tom?"

He just shrugs, "Dunno.-"

"He is locked in his room thinking about what you just told him." an irritating familiar voice spoke behind me, causing Bill to jump up.

"Its only me," it spoke again. "You know, Jazz."

He relaxed a bit and sat back down next to me.

"So, whats up?" I ask her.

"I know that you got his text.I am having a little party today at the house. Just me and some of our immoral friends. Wanna come?"she asked us both.

"Hell yeah!" I shout earning some glares from nearby mothers, earning a few gestures of my own. (wink wink)

"Bill?"she turned to ask him.

He thought about it for a minute, "Sure. I guess. Nothing better to do, Tom has a date tonight and the guys are busy."

"Alright. Be at your place at 9. Later" with that she disappeared................................