The Immortal World's Saviors

Cover. Your. Eyes.

The boys left after they spoke with Bill and Tom. I sat on my bed hugging my knees as silent tears fell the entire night. Neither of them spoke to me at all, I wonder what they told them. But I was glad, I didn't want to hear them at all. Right now I wanted to be by Logan's side. The sun rose the next morning, the alarm screamed, and with grunts both boys got up.

"Oh, Kitzia." Bill gasped in shock and ran to my bed. He took a seat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. He rocked us back and forth as my endless tears ran. "Don't cry. Please don't cry. I hate to see you cry, it pains me deeply."

"Ja, Kitzia." Tom spoke grim and took a seat on my other side and too wrapped his arms around me. "He will be alright. He is taught, he will make it."

"No, he won't." I said grimmly as I trembled.

"Don't say that!" Bill scolded me. "Stay positive. He will make, you'll see."

I shook my head, "No, his heart can't take it. I know it, his heart wouldn't be able to withstand the healing."

"Was?" Tom asked as he and his twin were confused.

I sniffed and wipped away a few tears, "The blow, what made that hole in him. It was done with some sort of magic."

"What kind of magic?" Bill asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know. Just know he won't make it." And I dropped even lower into the abys of my grief.

I heard them both sigh as I cried harder. Both of them held me tight as I sobbed my broken heart out. The one person that I love, no matter how much they hurt me, is dying. Dying because of me. They would leave me all alone in this world, to rot all alone. Love less.

"Stop crying." Tom said a bit harsh.

"Tom!" Bill let me go to smack his brother roughly. "Shut the hell up if your not going to help!"

"Was?" I felt Tom shrug and let me go, "She needs to get up and take her mind off it. Why don't we go somewhere? We have the do off, nein?"

"Ja!" Bill shouted eagerly as he pulled me up and off the bed, "Go take a shower and get ready. We are going out."

I looked at them like 'what-the-fuck'.

"Ughhh." Tom said a bit irritated and pushed me from behind all the way into the bathroom. "Hurry up." He smiled and closed the door.

With a sigh, I took that shower. It took a bit longer than expected, I washed my hair and body quickly and sat on the floor as the hot water hit me. My tears ran with the water as memories of us flashed through my mind. Never would I believe that he is gone. After a long while, I got the strength to get up and get out. Wrapping a towel around me, I walked out side.

Tom said on sat on his bed leaning against the head board as his eyes were glued onto the t.v. His arm was over his head, legs sprawled out on top of the bed. Bill sat on mine with his knees up. His face was pointed to the t.v., giving off the impression that he was very intent with the t.v. But he wasn't, he was deep in thought.

I walked silently to the closet and opened it, making a sliding sound. Grabbing my bad that I packed, I took it to the bathroom. Not in the mood for anything, I put on simple clothes for the cold. My body was healing pretty good, so I took off all of my bandages to let my skin breathe. After slipping on a long sleve black sweater, black lounge pants, and slipped on some black shoes. My hair was quickly swipped up into a high pony tail and I was done. I left the bathroom with my bag and threw it back in the closet. I colapsed on the bed next to Bill and closed my eyes as I hugged the pillow.

"Come on sleepy head," Bill whispered gently as he shook me softly, "let's go."

With a tired sigh, I got up and off the bed. Tom quickly turned off the t.v. and got up aswell. After they grabbed their stuff, they headed out the door. Only to stop once they noticed I hadn't moved at all. "Come on." Tom called out from the hallway. "Don't make me have to carry you."

Slowly, I followed them out the room, down the hallway, into the elevator, out the lobby and outside. The cold breeze sent shivers up and down my back. We headed down the street towards the main stream of L.A. as we walked in silence.

"I didn't mean what I said back there." Tom apologized out of nowhere. "I am so sorry, I didn't know what I was saying."

I shrugged and replied an uncaring, "Whatever."

"What do you mean whatever?" Tom asked as he jumped infront of me. He held my shoulders as he peered into my eyes looking for something.

I shrugged once again, "Just what I said, 'Whatever'."

His eyes kept shifting from one of my eyes to another. What the hell was he looking for? "What is wrong with you?"

"Tom, lassen Sie sie sein. Sie ist noch im Schmerz." Bill said as he put his hand on Tom's shoulder.

Shaking his head regretfully, he let me go and walked ahead of us. Bill walked at my pace as I kept glancing up to sky in prayer for my dying love. Sensing something, Bill wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him.

"Where are we going?" I asked after 10 minutes of walking.

Bill turned to me with a smile and shrugged, "Wherever you want to go."

"Oh." I replied as I looked down to the floor.

"Where do you want to go?" Tom asked infront of us. My responce was a shrug.

"How about we sit on the bench over there, "Bill pointed his finger somewhere, "and think about it. We have a whole day ahead of us."

They dragged me there and sat me down inbetween them. I minded the dragging, but not the warmth their bodys' radiated towards mine. We sat there for a few minutes as they thought of ways to prep me up, but I was too dead inside. Then Tom's phone rang, it made us jump up from the sudden blast of noise. He spoke in German and handed the phone to Bill and back. My eyes stayed up looking to the sky that was a grayish blue.

"Kitzia?" Bill shook me gently and brought me back, "Gussi and Georg are meeting us here. Alright?"

I just shrugged and turned back to looked up at the sky. That was Bill sighed loudly and spoke to Tom in German.

"Kitzia!" I heard two people shout after a long time of speaking with the gods.

My head shot back down to see Georg and Gussi waving as they ran to us. Both panting and sweating as they stopped before me.

"Are you okay?" Gussi asked as he pulled me up to hug me.

"Ja. What's wrong, love?" Georg asked a bit wearily as he too hugged me.

Tears slid down my face, "Logan is dying." I said griefly.

They both gasped loudly as they hugged me even tighter. "Oh mein gott. We are sorry." They both said at the same time.

They let me go and turned to a frozen sad Tom and Bill. After they exchanged a few words in German, they turned to me with sympathetic looks. Bill pulled me into hug as Tom looked at him with jealousy.

"Where too?" Bill asked with an angelic voice that almost made me smile.

I shrugged and turned to Tom, "Where?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Wherever you want to go. We need to get your mind off things."

"Okay." Gussi said weirdly.

"Ja," Georg nodded, "But that doesn't say exactly where we are going."

We stayed quiet for a few minutes until Tom suddenly smiled big. Really big. "Kitzia?" He said as he pulled me out of Bill's embrace and into his, earning weird stares from us all. "Remember that promise I made you a long time?"

"No." I shook my head against his chest.

He chuckled, "I do. But we have to hurry and get there. We have much to see and do there."

"Was??" The three asked confused as Tom pulled us back to the hotel.

"Nein. You will find out." Then he turned to me and smiled, "Cover your eyes."

"WAS?" I panicked at his doings.

He glared at me and placed his hands on his hips, "Cover. Your. Eyes. Now."

I shook my head, "Nein." And hid behind Bill.

"Was is going on? What are we doing?" Georg asked as we were all confused.

Tom pulled Bill away from me and whispered something in his ear as I hid in Gussi's arms behind a "tough" Georg. A smile slowly formed on Bill's face as he nodded every once and a while. When they were done, "Cover you eyes, missy. No buts-"

"Or boobs." Tom pervetedly added with a smirk.

"Gussi? Georg?" I asked timidly. But they were ripped out of grasp and into the twins where they whispered again. I turned to the gods for help.

"Cover your eyes." The G's both said robotically with big smiles.

Out of somewhere, Tom pulled out a hankerchief and handed it to me, "Put it on. Trust me. I promise nothing will happen to you."

Those last words cracked my heart even more, but I had no choice. With a trembling hand, I grabbed it and put it around my eyes. I felt myself being lifted and picked up. My hearing told me it was by a strong Gussi and into a car or some sorts. I was placed inbetween Georg and Gussi as Tom and Bill sat in the front. Tom was driving like usual and Bill in the passenger seat. Where the fuck were they taking me???????
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Tom, lassen Sie sie sein. Sie ist noch im Schmerz.-Tom, let her be. She is still in pain.