The Immortal World's Saviors

Ich Bin Hinter...

I saw Bill in what would seem to be his room, the surprising thing was that it was clean. He sat on the bed with his legs up as his eyes were glued on the t.v. His face, his hair, his eyes, he didn't change at all the year I was gone. Yes his face was a bit sadder, his hair longer but still its mane, but he was still himself. I pray the gods didn't let him suffer with my year long absence.

"Bill." I called out from outside.

He didn't look or even blink, the t.v. wasn't on loud. He fooled me! That t.v. stare down wasn't from watching it, it was that he was in deep thought. But of what?.... Me, he remembered my birthday was today. That and he was mad that Tom was out........Again. Looking deeper into his mind, I saw all his tears and fights he has had with Tom. Most of them all involving me and my absence. One time, it almost came to a fist fight, how stupid are they?

"Bill!" I called out louder and used one of my claws to tap on the window glass.

No answer.

"BILL! OPEN THE DAMN WINDOW!" I shouted as I banged on the window with an open palm with human strength.

This time the idiot responded to my calling. Mane shot to the side, he turned to face me. Once his pretty dark eyes landed on me he gasped. His mind didn't let him fully comprehend I was fully there, so I smiled and waved. "Kitzia..." He whispered as he slowly got off the bed and walked to the window. "Is it really her? Is my mind playing tricks on me?" He asked himself.

"Bill, I'm freezing my ass off. Open he damn window." I chuckled with a smile as he stood right infront of it.

"Is it really you?" He asked as he slid the window open.

Crawling in on my fours, he stood back from me to stand up. "Ah, much better." I said as I stood up and cracked my back.

"Its really YOU!" He shouted with glee and he ran to me with his arms open to give me what would have been a bone crushing hug if I were still human.

"Yes its me." I coo-ed as I patted his back as he sobbed on my shirt. "Oh, Bill! Not my shirt!" I whined as the boy trembled with sobs.

"It can't believe that you are alive! Its been a full year since I last saw you. My hope was starting to die........" He went on with his sobs.

"Bill." I shook my head. "I'm here, okay?" I pushed him off of me, "Can you see?" I twirled around for him to see.

"Ja," He nodded, "I see you." He blushed as wiped his tears that were starting to smudge his eyeliner. "Sorry."

"Don'-" I didn't say much because he pressed against me and our lips met.

It went from lips meeting, clothes slipped off, thrown around the room, all the way to me leaving a worn out dead sleeping Bill on the bed. Standing up, I let him sleep and headed towards the bathroom to wash the sweat away. Before I went inside, I gave him the decency of throwing a blanket over his bare body. In the shower, I turned on hot water and let it run with me under. After I quickly washed my hair and body after a year of neither, I sat on the floor of the shower as the hot water beat me on from above.

"What do I do next?" I asked myself. "It is time that I take revenge for what those whores did to him. They will die a slow and painful death for the pain they have cost me. Wait and see what I have in plan for you." I snickered to myself as images of possible doings of their fate.

"But." I stopped. "First things first. I need to plan out what I'm gonna do to them."

With one last sigh, I stood up and turned the water off. Lucky for me, there was a towel on the rack that I used to wrap around me. I need clothes, I thought to myself as I cupped my chin in thought. Tom! Like a cat, I made my way out of Bill's room and into Tom's without making a single sound. Following my nose, I made it successfully inside and to his clothes.

His closet was huge as always and as neat like the rest of his room. Tops like shirts and jackets hung on one entire wall, another was for pants and other bottoms, and one entire DAMN WALL for HATS??!!!. "What the fuck?" I whispered as an entire wall of his closet was dedicated to hats.

My eyes scanned all around as I found a black shirt, pair of jeans, and socks. Closing everything back and putting everything back in its place exactly like I found, I walked out of his room. Just as I was going to close the door, something caught my eye. On his cherry wood bed stand next to his enormous cherry wood bed was a picture frame.

Retracing my steps back inside, I made my way over to it on the wooden floor. A horrible stench came through my nostrils, so horrible I had to cover my nose with my hand. "Nasty son of a bitch." I hissed as it reaked of sweat, spit, sex, and tons of sperm. "That fucking pig!... Anyways." I turned my head and in the metallic frame stood a picture. The very picture that was on the notebook my sister gave me that day I left to L.A. with the boys. Sighing and shaking my head, I placed it back were it was.

Coming back into the room, Bill still slumbered peacefully under the covers. His body snuggled up to the black and white comforter, his hair blending in perfectly with it. But unlike his brother, his bed didn't reak of anything other than him.... And me now...And of what we did, hell I reak of what we did. Across him, a different picture of me sat on his black wooden dresser that had a large mirror on it.

My body was reflected on it as I made my way to it. I hadn't changed one bit since that last time I saw myself, just a little bit paler but nothing a few minutes in the sun wouldn't cure... Okay, my hair was now all the way to my knees now. Never mind, my focus went to the picture. It was one we took with big smiles right after we had Tom pranked. We wrote on his face with sharpie all over. Simone took it with both of us smiling wide and Tom pouting in the center. Another was just me and Bill hugging. One just with my brother and sister. And lastly, the biggest one was a whole 'family' portrait.

Smiling and holding back my tears, I turned my back to my past. A few minutes later, I was dressed in Tom's stolen clothing. My hair was too long, I French braided it all the way so it now hit the end of my butt. My look reminded me now of the old Tomb Raider movies I used to watch when I was younger with Angelina Jolie.

Not having much of anything else to do for now, I made my way downstairs. Hitting the fridge and pantry, I grabbed some foods and sat infront of the large flat screen t.v. my rich 'brothers' had. After hours, I could hear a car pulling up. Too lazy to move right then, I waited. A familiar stench and voice hit my nose and ears.

"Bill?" They called out as they opened and closed the door. "Ich bin hinter......