The Immortal World's Saviors

Tom You Stink

A smirk come to my face as I thought of scaring him. Standing up, I shifted into the dark corner of the room as Tom came into the living room insearch of his brother. I saw him, not changed whatsoever, as he searched for his brother in the dimly lit room.

"Bill?" He called out again as his hand reached for the light switch.

By the time the light went on, I was on the celling right above him. Shaking his confused head, he went to the couch were he found all the remains of the food I ate. "Damn it Bill, can't you ever be clean?" He mumbled as he took the food off he couch.

Just as he turned around towards the kitchen, I switched the light off. Tom jumped up and dropped the food on the floor. "Wer ist dort?" he panicked as he looked everywhere for the reason behind it.

Holding back a chuckle, I flipped the lights back on again. This time, Tom was shaking from the fear that smelled delicious to me. Part of me wanted to sink my six fangs into him and take a gift, with or without his liking...........

"Bill?!" He shouted with fear.

Seeing that I needed to end this before I lost control of myself, I soundlessly fell from the celling to the floor right behind him. Gently, I breathed on the side of his neck, sending shivers through him and raised the hairs on it. "Tom." I whispered right behind him.

"K-k-k-k," he wasn't able to finish my name as he stuttered trying to say my name.

"Yes Tom?" I whispered seductively in his ear.

He just turned around to look for me but by then I was right infront of him. I could feel his disappointment as he saw no one behind him and turned forward with a sad sigh. Once his eyes landed on me, he jumped back a few steps back. "Kitzia?" He asked as he eyed me suspiciously. "Is that you?"

"Yes," I rolled my eyes. "Who else would it be, Tomi?"

"It is you!" He shouted with glee as he gave me a tight hug.

"Gross!" I shoved him away as his stench was too unbearable for me.

"Was?" He asked totally hurt.

"You smell like booze, sex and other crap." I told him crossing my arms.

Totally ignoring me, he shouted for Bill. "Bill! Kitzia is here! Come quick!"

"To-" I tired to speak but he cut me off running up the stairs to Bill's room.

"Damn humans never listen." I sighed shaking my head as I followed him slowly.

Tom ran into Bill's room shouting this and that in German. Bill still laid were I left him a few hours ago, his body almost "fully charged" once again. Leaning against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest and one foot against the wall, I watched the scene.

"Bill!" Tom shouted in his ear. "Wake the fuck up!"

"Huh??!!!" Bill shot up in alarm from his sleep, his blanket falling to only cover his lower body. "Was??"

"Bill she-" Tom stopped short as he realized his brother laid naked on the bed. "Why are you naked?"

"Was?" Bill asked looking down at his body, memories flushing back into his mind, and then turned to look at me questioningly. I just raised an eyebrow at him.

"And you got mad at me," Tom mumbled under his breath turning to me.

"What?" I asked as both had their eyes on me.

"Do the rest know?" Tom asked.

"Yeah." I nodded as I played with my braid. "Your mom gave me directions to this place. Sad though," I said looking around, "said that you guys couldn't bare to live with memories of me."

"A-" Both tried to speak but I cut them off.

"And then," I continued on, "I see how much you two have fought all throughout my absence. Most of them about me." I eyed both. "Almost came to a fist fight. Explain."

"It-" Both tried again but I cut them off with a wave of my clawed hand.

"Don't want to hear about it." I told them. "Just let it die."

"What are you going to do next?" Bill asked after a long pause.

"I'm," I sighed, "am going to plan my revenge for Logan." Sadness came into me as I clutched my hands tightly.


"Bill," I said leaving out of the room, "change. Tom shower because I don't wan to smell that disgusting stench of yours. Same goes for your room."

"My room?" Tom called out.

"Yes," I shouted as I walked down the stairs. "By the way, thanks for the clothes...........
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Wer ist dort?-Who's there?