I Will See You In Eternity

Nick Jonas One Shot

Dear June,
It's been 5 years, 3 months and 2 days since I last layed eyes on you. That tragic day which I will never forget. I wish it had never happened. I'm so sorry for the things I said that day. I know i've said this numerous times before, but I didn't mean any of it. I love you.
I was a total wreck when you left but after a few months I realised that I needed to move on, for Sophia's sake. You should see Sophia. She's just started school and is a grade A student, just like you used to be when we were in school. She definitely didn't get it from me.
Today is the day that I step into my new life. The day of my wedding. I know that noone could ever replace you, but I know that I also need to move on. For all of our sakes. Don't ever forget, I still love you. Melina is definitely the one for me. She reminds me of you so much but is so different at the same time. She's beautiful, understanding, smart and funny. Just like you. She can understand everything i've been through and I know that she's going to bring up Sophia just the way you would have. I woke up this morning knowing that it was going to change my life forever, just like when we got married. The day you were killed, I never had imagined me being with anyone else. I know that you sent Melina to me for a reason. To help me through it all. To bring me back to christ. After you left, I thought God hated me. I know that you used Melina to bring me back to christ and I know that our family is going to be as strong as ever.
Baby, I know it's not goodbye cause I will remember you and I will see you again when I rise, Cause I know if I believe, I will see you in eternity.
I love you baby.
Yours Forever,


Dear Mummy,
It's me, Sophia. I miss you alot. I miss your cuddles and kisses. Everytime I think i'm going to forget you, I tell daddy and he puts a movie of when I was 3. I'm 8 now mummy. I'm a big girl. I go to school and have lots of friends. I'm smart at school. Daddy says that I get it from you because you were always smart in school. He told me all about you and him. He says that you met in primary school and were friends for a long time before you got married and had me. Mummy I miss you so much. I cry alot because I miss you but then daddy gives me a hug and says that you don't want me to cry. Is it true mummy? That you only want to see me happy. If you come back I will be happy. Daddy says that you live in a beautiful pink mansion in heaven with everything you always loved. I wish I was with you mummy. Melina is very nice though but she will never be my real mummy. She told me that she never wants to replace you. Why did you have to leave mummy? Why did that man have to shoot you.
Do you remember that big white teddy bear you gave me when I was 2. I still have it.
Do you remember that glass doll that you told me not to touch but I always did. I never did again.
Do you remember all those good times we used to have together? I have pictures of them on my wall.
I wish you were still here mummy. Daddy says that you're in my heart forever. Sometimes I can feel you hugging me when I cry at night.
Mummy, I will always love you forever.
Lots of love,
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully it's not to hard to understand the story.
This story made me cry when I was writing sophias part because it's jsut sad that she forgets her mummy.
What do you think of it?