

Marie's P.O.V.

I spent the entire night not sleeping in Tom's bed just as I was sure he was not sleeping on the sofa in the next room. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, wondering what on earth would happen now. The night dragged on and on and I could barely take anymore before the sun began to filter in through the curtains. I sighed as I realised that this was it, I would be saying goodbye to Tom today. He appeared in the door, looking tired and disheveled, yet still completely gorgeous.
"Come on," he yawned. "Let's get you home." I nodded and moved into the bathroom to change. It was like I was in a daze, I didn't want to accept that this was happening. Before I knew it the pair of us were sat on a train to Manchester and I had no idea of how we had got there. We sat in awkward silence and I attempted to get surreptitious glances of Tom from the corner of my eye, apparently not surreptitious enough.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" he asked turning to face me. I could feel my face heat up.
"I was trying to work out how much you hated me," I answered, half-honestly.
"I don't hate you," he sighed. "I just don't know you. Or trust you. Or understand how exactly you ended up in my girlfriends body."
"Ah, so just a little bit then?" I retorted. "And I don't get it either, it's not like I made this happen."
"I never said you did!" he snapped, then sighed wearily again. "Look, I don't hate you and I'm not mad. I just want this sorted. Where would you be right now?"
"Well," I trailed, thinking. "It's Saturday so, urbis most likely." He looked at me curiously, I knew he was wondering what exactly urbis was, and how to get there.
"I can't describe it to you," I grinned as I realised I'd read him perfectly. "You'll understand when you get there. And it's only across the road from Victoria train station." He nodded, clearly shocked from how well I knew him after such a short time. I sighed and before I knew it we pulled into the station. I must've fallen asleep because it felt like no time at all.
"You talk in your sleep," Tom said randomly and I turned to look at him. Ah so I had been asleep. "You begged me not to be mad at you." I blushed, talking in my sleep - definitely a bad thing. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the train. We ran across the road, Tom clearly wanted to get to Chrissie but I certainly was not ready for what I saw...

"Oh my God, what am I doing?" I thought aloud.
♠ ♠ ♠

I am so sorry this has taken so long! I had a virus that destroyed all my files and the computers only just been fixed :/ this chapter was longer but this is all I could salvage. I'll try and get another one up soon to make up for it :D