You'll Rebel to Misery Business


I heard her gasp and drop the phone...

Silly little girl.
It's not that I WANT her to kill Hannah, or...Miley, or..whatever she chooses to be called these days.
She just, has to.
This has gone on much too far.

"Hayley! Pick up the phone! HAYLEY!"

"S-sorry. I..d-dropped it."
She was nervous.

"So, could you...t-tell me w-what you wanted m-me to do again?"

"Hmm? Oh! I need you to kill Hannah Montana." I said pleasantly.

"Are you....are you fucking serious?"

"Language Miss Willaims! Language."

"I...I can't kill her. I can't kill anyone! Why? How? Why are you asking me?"

Gosh, this kid talks too much.

"Hayley....Shut. Up. Now please, just, listen."


I sighed, "Look, I know you don't want to do this. No one does...but I need you to. I promise you, that you wont get caught, no one will know it was you, and you wont get in any trouble."

"I don't care! I don't care about any of that! I can't kill Miley! She's my friend!"

I rolled my eyes. Of course they were friends.

"Hayylleeyyy, you aren't listening to me. Everything's already planned....honestly...if you don't kill her? You'll die. I just need you to be my little...Mark Chapman, alright?"

"Mark Chapman assassinated John Lennon."

"Who SUCKED. I'm happy to see you know your stuff kid."

I could tell she just didn't know what to do with herself...
but I was telling the truth.

James Euringer is not a liar. I said if she didn't kill her, she would die.
And she will, unless she listens to me.

"Ok, listen Williams. Miley is on her way to your tour bus as we speak. So I suggest you put some clothes on and dry your hair."

Yes, I can see her. I can always see her.
The song Mastermind, shouldn't be taken so lightly with me.

Of course as she changes, I look away.
She's only 19 years old for Christs sake.

Once I hear her voice again, I looked back at the screen.

"How did you know I wasn't dressed?"

"Not important. Now, go to the night stand to your left... inside, there should be an earpiece. Put it on."

I saw her reach in the drawer and take out the earpiece.

While putting it on, she asked, "How did you get this in here?"

"You ask too many hang up the phone."

Without talking for once, she closed her cell phone.

"Can you hear me?" I asked

"Yeah...I can hear you. But wont people think it's odd I have an earpiece in my ear with some 50 year old man feeding me words?"

"First of all, I'm not 50, I'm only 39 years old...not 50. Secondly, no one else can see the earpiece, if you cover it up with your hair. And no one can hear me talking, except you."


"Ok, Hannah's a mile away...she was planning on stopping by while on her tour to say hello to you. She's alone right now. So are you ready to do this?"

I watched as Hayley shook her head...and I could faintly hear her whisper, "This is insane..."

"Yeah, I'm ready Jimmy. Let's just...get it over with."

"Good." I smiled, "Very good."
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Thanks very much to comedically tragic;; and hopeless heart for being my first two comments.

I need 3 comments for the next chapter. :)