You'll Rebel to Misery Business


I don't know why I chose to go through with it. I had absolutely nothing against Miley. I wasn't really good friends with her, but I was close with her sister.
Still, I knew it wasn't right.
I guess I was just so bored, and the heat was possibly making me delirious.
Besides, Jimmy had said if i didn't, I would die, and I don't wanna die!

The earpiece felt odd in my ear.
But it was nothing compared to the fact that some old dude was going to tell me how to Kill one of my good friends.

I heard him shuffle some stuff around and then clear his throat, "Ok, Hayley, this part is important, so listen carefully."

I nodded, knowing he could see me.

"Good girl. Ok, can I put this in a way that won't freak you out? Well, basically the bus you're currently on is rigged to explode, killing anyone on it."

"Jesus Christ!" I stumbled backwards, almost tripping over a stray guitar.

"Calm down kiddo! Ok, Miley's here...greet her like you normally would. And invite her on the bus. Do not let her leave, got it?"

"Yes sir."

I opened the door of the bus and saw Miley getting out of her Limo. Of course she was in a Limo.

"Hayles! Oh em gee girl I haven't seen you in forever!"

I was entrapped in her hug and gave my greeting, trying to sound normal.

"Yeah, it's been a while! Hey, want me to get you something to drink? You look beat."

"Yeah, that would be rad girlie!"

Ugh...I hated it when she called me "girlie".

I led her to the bus, looking around to make sure no one was on their way over.

Jimmy's voice rang in my ears, "So far so good. You're doing a wonderful job, really..."

"Thanks, I guess." I said out loud, without even thinking Miley might hear me.

"What?" she said, giving me a look.


"Did you say something?"

"Oh, uhm...yeah, I was just...thinking of something...a song."


I heard Jimmy laughing. Stupid man.

"Yeah, I think that would be a good title...Thaaaanks I guuueeess!" I sang the last part, hoping I was convincing enough.

Miley gave me a strange look as I handed her the iced tea she wanted.

Jimmy's voice piped up again, and I made sure not to respond out loud.

"Ok Hayley, the bus is going to completley blow up in about 30 seconds. You need to tell Miley you'll be right back, make something up, and then get away from the bus quickly."

My heart rate increased exponentially.
I quite possibly had 30 seconds to live if this doesn't work out.

"H-hey Miles, I gotta go tell Josh something ok? I'll be back in a second."

"Oh, I can come with you Hayles!"

"No no no!"

Miley gave me another look.

"It's just...kind of private, so...I'll just be back ok? Stay here, and...don't go anywhere, ok?"

"'re acting really weird today. Are you sure everything's ok?"

"Yeah yeah, be right back."

I ran out the door and ran over to the coolers.

I grabbed a soda, and took a really long time opening it.

"Hayley, congratulations. I believe you deserve a little something."

"I get something?" I whispered into my hair.

"Sure! This was a big job you did, so obviously you deserve something."

Just then, I heard this odd hissing sound, like a really high pitched air sound.

And then no sooner had I blinked, the bus exploded.

I watched as everyone ducked and covered their heads, screaming and shouting.

I ducked too, to dodge the flying pieces of bus that flew our way.

And then it was total chaos.

Everyone was talking on a cell phone, holding other people, looking very worried, looking around the bus.

An Ambulance came and hauled Miley's body off somewhere and cops came to "investigate".

The crime scene investigators told our managers that the explosion was cause by a couple of crossing wires and some propane leakage...a complete accident.

"Riiight. An "accident", right James?" I whispered when I was alone on the replacement tour bus.

"Correct, and it's Jimmy. So, what do you want?"


"I promised a reward, didn't I? Name anything..."

I blinked a few times...
Anything I wanted?

That was a tough one...

But, suddenly it seemed pretty easy to figure out.

"OK, I got something."

"Name it."

"I want to meet you in person." I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"Well...turn around."

No way.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys suck at commenting...well...most of you anyways.
Those of you that actually DID comment, I am forever in your debt.

Hopefully this wasn't too hard to follow.
It was hard because Miley and Jimmy and Hayley were all blah blah blah.

I need four more comments to update! :)