Take My Hand Before I Sink

All The Honor And Glory Goes To die4mcr Because She Worked To Put This Together. I Just Sorta Sat And Watched From The Sidelines.

Anberlin Cook. Twenty-two year old girl from australia and one of the best known underground street racers of her time. She had the perfect life up until three years ago when she let her little sister drive her car and the result-- a crash that nearly took her life and killed her sister. Her parents blamed her for her sister's death so she moved to the united states to be closer to her step-brother, Fall Out Boy bassist, Pete Wentz and her sixteen-year-old brother Trinden. What happens one night when My Chemical Romance comes into the bar she works at and they all get too drunk to drive themselves home? Will her act of kindness letting them stay at her house turn into something more between her and Gerard? And what will happen to Gerard when his life is turned up side down by something that all people fear?

I do not own Gerard or any other guys from MCR or any guys from Fall Out Boy or any other band member. Die4mcr and I do however own Anberlin, Trinden, Kifer, and any other non band member that should appear in this story.

I would like to thank die4mcr for letting me work with her in this story. She's an awsome writer! I hope you can find time to go read some of her stuff.
  1. Chapter one
    The Cathedral
  2. Chapter two
    Early Mornings and Coffee Cravings
  3. Chapter three
  4. Chapter four