Amber Quay

Chapter Three: The Top of the Cliff

A thick cloak of damp mist settled around me and I knew I had to be careful. The mists at Amber Quay were ruthless. Many fishermen had plunged to their deaths on the rocks below the cliff because there was no way of seeing what was ahead in the blinding fog.

I got down on my hands and knees. I was near the top of the cliff now and I had to admit I was scared. The fog was so thick, I could almost feel its clammy hands touching my face. I couldn’t see a thing!

I pulled a torch out of my coat and shone it clumsily on the ground. No burn marks, no body either. That was a good sign, was it not?

And, then out of the murky fog, I felt something cold, wet and alive. I screamed but then I heard an insistant bark. Sooty.

“Oh, Sooty, I told you to stay home,” I said hugging her. Sooty’s bright eyes beamed as if she was smiling at me, her wet tail was wagging non-stop. I could not scold her. I was secretly glad to see her.

“ You scared me,” I laughed as she licked my face. Nothing ever seemed scary when Sooty was around.

The rain eased and the mist thinned. I could hear faint bangings coming from the old, abandoned lighthouse. Surely Rory couldn’t be in there, he was terrified of the place. But I’d have to check anyway, he may have gotten himself stuck in there by mistake or something. I carefully made my way up the sodden, dirt path, Sooty following close at my heels.

Sooty whined as we approached. I imagined Rory lying in there, injured. Something told me that Rory wasn’t just playing around this time. He was in trouble. Deep trouble. I was sure of it.